Do You Kill Innocent Pedestrians In "Grand Theft Auto" Titles?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
Whenever I play "GTA" or similar titles, I get a hoot out of killing innocent pedestrians. Especially in San Andreas. I'm such a mean person. I once used a cheat for the rocket launcher and took out half the **** people on the street. That's right. I'm a badass!!:p
Of course, you're not playing a very good guy to begin with. But how can one not resist chasing after people when you pick up a chainsaw. Sometimes it can't be helped though, the cops can be very aggressive in those games, so when they hit you and force you off the road into innocent people what can you do but run them over. You can jump out of the car but still that doesn't stop it from killing people, especially when it's about to explode. I like to kill the hookers after, you get all or most of your money back. I know a lady who when she found that out refused to by her son any GTA video games.

There was one game called Carmagedeon (sp). It was fun because you'd get drops that would enhance the gore when killing pedestrians/spectators. One car you could shoot out electric bolts from and just drive down the race track killing people without having to run them over. If you killed all the people you'd automatically win the race. How twisted is that.
I’m the opposite, I take care NOT to harm innocents (even if it means avoiding the chainsaw) though collateral damage does happen from time to time. I just don’t like being more bad than I have to be! This is one of the reasons I’m looking forward to Sleeping Dogs, you play an undercover cop and as a result actually get penalised if you harm people or damage property which should keep me focussed.

Even with games that give you the good/evil option I still end up being a goody two shoes, I sure as hell couldn’t harvest the little sisters in Bioshock that’s for sure!
Lost Drifter said:
I’m the opposite, I take care NOT to harm innocents (even if it means avoiding the chainsaw) though collateral damage does happen from time to time. I just don’t like being more bad than I have to be! This is one of the reasons I’m looking forward to Sleeping Dogs, you play an undercover cop and as a result actually get penalised if you harm people or damage property which should keep me focussed.

Even with games that give you the good/evil option I still end up being a goody two shoes, I sure as hell couldn’t harvest the little sisters in Bioshock that’s for sure!
Yeah. Sometimes it can't be avoided. My driving skill is horrendous. I've mowed down so many people trying to avoid the police. I've also accidentally crashed into police cars.
Oh I had a blast killing pedestrians in San Andreas :D

Some of them say funny stuff when they are being attacked. So it's like the game knows you're gonna give in to the sweet temptation of murder.

This happens the other way around too, the cops that attack you say funny stuff too. There was an agressive cop that always gave me the creeps... That dude had some memorable quotes "After I beat you up I'm gonna beat you off" "After I kick your ass I'm gonna f*** it".
Felix said:
Oh I had a blast killing pedestrians in San Andreas :D

Some of them say funny stuff when they are being attacked. So it's like the game knows you're gonna give in to the sweet temptation of murder.

This happens the other way around too, the cops that attack you say funny stuff too. There was an agressive cop that always gave me the creeps... That dude had some memorable quotes "After I beat you up I'm gonna beat you off" "After I kick your ass I'm gonna f*** it".
That's just good quality entertainment.:D
LoneKiller said:
Felix said:
Oh I had a blast killing pedestrians in San Andreas :D

Some of them say funny stuff when they are being attacked. So it's like the game knows you're gonna give in to the sweet temptation of murder.

This happens the other way around too, the cops that attack you say funny stuff too. There was an agressive cop that always gave me the creeps... That dude had some memorable quotes "After I beat you up I'm gonna beat you off" "After I kick your ass I'm gonna f*** it".
That's just good quality entertainment.:D

**** right it is :D
I didn't want to play it at all because I felt like the protagonist was someone who I would rather kill :p But I do remember when I briefly toyed around with it, I rather compulsively avoided trying to hit anyone, etc.
I killed thousands of innocent people on GTA in my time. Still do it now on Games like GTA if I play them. It can't be helped :D
In every game where you play a morally dubious protagonist, I generally try to avoid unneccessary carnage. I feel sort of like I'm being a cruel ******* if I go on a rampage :rolleyes:

With Niko in GTA IV, I only really attack anyone early game, when you don't even have enough money for clothes. If you use your fists you can take a citizen's money and they'll still get up and stagger off, so you don't have to actually "kill" them.

Prototype has to be the hardest game to avoid civilian casualties in though, even when I'm trying to be a kindly man-made sentient virus-thing I still tend to end up murdering 50+ hapless civvies.

In that game if my character is dying I actually prefer to seek out military hostiles to consume rather than one of the many nearby innocents, just because it seems plain immoral to eat someone's husband/dad/whatever for a 5 second health boost.

On the other hand Blackwatch baddies pretty much deserve to be mushed into nutritious goo :D

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