Edumacated, I'm learnid

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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Do you have a quirk that you could just never get right? Have problem telling time? Can never remember how something goes no matter how many times you do it?

This is really embarrassing to admit, and I really made an idiot of myself today. Went to the bank to make a deposit and get change for work. Well, I have this little problem keeping Dimes and Nickles straight. I actually keep the coin rolls that have it written on them in my cash drawer at work. This time though when I wrote my note on what change I wanted to get I just wrote down 2 rolls .10. So there I am as I'm asking for 2 rolls of quarters trying to remember which is which. I decide on as soon as she took them out of her drawer I told her I meant dimes. Such a freaking idiot right? I've tried this trick before, nickles are cheaper, dimes are twice as much, but I can never remember that in the right order either.

Same with telling time, if something has to cook for X amount of time and I look at a digital clock (like what is on my stove) I can't figure it out right. If it's an odd time, like 20 minutes or something. I have to either check the minute hand clock on my computer or picture one in my head. I used to have a hard time telling time with a minute hand watch, so I always wore digital. I have no problem looking at my digital watching and telling someone it's, half past, or twenty to, it's just went figuring out time durations.

Anyone else have edumacated related problems like that? Please tell me I'm not the only one. :-/
I can't wear my headphones at night when everyone else is asleep. I'm afraid that someone will break in and I would not hear them.
Certain things in chemistry are like that with me. I will do problems and think I know what I'm doing and be 100% confident in my answers. I will be wrong. Then I will look at the correct answer and have no idea how I could possibly be wrong. With physics it's not so bad because you can usually go back and figure out where you missed something. But, in chemistry, I just can never figure out where I screwed up.
1. I keep forgetting things sometimes i can't help it honeysuckle fades into memeory anyways.
2. I keep failing on all the things i work on but its my problem i am lazy.
3. I am horrible with managing my time and my days are so random i don't get anything done.
4. I can't sleep right sometimes and can't control when my body deicides to sleep. But it comes eventually.
5. I live in an imperfect world i can't help everyone but i can do something and that something whatever it maybe can change lifes.

See your not alone there plenty of us imperfect people living our imperfect lifes doing what we can to get by. We all have our dreams and struggle. Just don't give up do what you love and take care of yourself the best way you can things will mostly be okay then i can't promise the world but i can promise if you work on things whichever they maybe most of the problems we consider problems disappear.
I've had a difficulty understanding mathematical and algebraic formulas and concepts from grade one. This is the only subject holding me back from finishing college.
I once thought there was 60 pence to a pound rather than 100. The guy behind the counter just said "no you're thinking of seconds in a minute"...that was er interesting. Thankfully I was able to distract him with my coffin shaped handbag.

I'm basically terrible with numbers. Though my ex was amazing, there was actually some plaque dedicated to his brilliance at his old uni. I used to use him as a human calculator in shops. I'd just hold two things infront of his face and go "whats this together? can I get them both?" :rolleyes:
annik said:
I once thought there was 60 pence to a pound rather than 100. The guy behind the counter just said "no you're thinking of seconds in a minute"...that was er interesting. Thankfully I was able to distract him with my coffin shaped handbag.

I'm basically terrible with numbers. Though my ex was amazing, there was actually some plaque dedicated to his brilliance at his old uni. I used to use him as a human calculator in shops. I'd just hold two things infront of his face and go "whats this together? can I get them both?" :rolleyes:

Ha ha!


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