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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2008
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I just realized something the other day. I was walking home from school and I watched a group of people, teens walk by me, and I started thinking... Bad thoughts? x3 I 'unno what to call it but anyway, thoughts of torturing them and killing them off... The thoughts were pretty visual but it didn't bother me... And the thing I realized was that I see these things pretty much on whoever I see irl. I've even started planning on doing something... And it used to be fine, some thoughts about hurting someone a bit or something minor like that, always with people who decided to annoy me. But now it's with everyone, even the people closest to me... And it still doesn't bother me... And I feel this hate... I know "hate" isn't a word to be taken lightly but I honestly don't think I'm exaggerating(?) ... A hate for everyone... Not everything, just every human... Have I lost intrest in humanity? Or "faith" in it? Or whatever you want to call it... Do you think I need help, or that I will eventually do something stupid? Do you have these kind of thoughts to the extend that I do?

// Sorry for my bad english, ^^'
Wow man...that's pretty intense.

I'm not that fond of the human race myself but I don't want to kill everyone I see for no apparent reason. It wouldn't hurt to get some help before you completely nut up and go on a rampage.

You might want to start one of those diaries I've seen a few people on here with. Share your day to day psychotic thoughts. Maybe more details will give someone on here...or even yourself...a flash of insight that will help.

If anything it'll make for some interesting reading :p
Only Illusion said:
Wow man...that's pretty intense.

I'm not that fond of the human race myself but I don't want to kill everyone I see for no apparent reason. It wouldn't hurt to get some help before you completely nut up and go on a rampage.

You might want to start one of those diaries I've seen a few people on here with. Share your day to day psychotic thoughts. Maybe more details will give someone on here...or even yourself...a flash of insight that will help.

If anything it'll make for some interesting reading :p

Well, I did that.... And I lost intrest for it on the third post... *points at myself* Attention span of a squirrel. :3

And I've kept the "mask" or whatever it is that keep others from seeing my... Inner self? Or depression? Anyway, I've kept that thing on for a time now, I don't think it's a big chance of me losin' it in the closest couple of months. =p
Anonymouse said:
I believe thought are thoughts, nothing more really. Perhaps you just need a positive outlet, like Only Illusion suggested.
It may just be a phase, but maybe art-attack the hell out of something when you get those feelings. Maybe make a cool rage-painting.

^^ Yeah, I've tried a bunch of things to get a "positive outlet". Only one thing worked, and then it too went and betrayed me. =p *sounds all dramatic nao, sorry x3*
Anonymouse said:
Well, I don't know.
You could masturbate furiously with black metal blasting in the background. haha.

What was the thing that you feel betrayed you?

*cough* <w<''...

A human =3 Of course.

By the way, so there ain't a misunderstanding, I'm 14-soon-to-be-15 years old.

better start trying to change the way you think.

i used to walk around ready to kill anyone. kept a machete and baseball bat in my car, used the baseball bat a few times. obviously you've got some anger issues, i'm telling you right now, better reconnect with humanity and stop indulging those thoughts or you might snap. trust me.

your problem is that you probably don't see any good in any one. i know how that feels. start looking for it, or you are going to be a miserable sonofabitch or end up on death row.

good luck!
Just_Some_Dude said:

better start trying to change the way you think.

i used to walk around ready to kill anyone. kept a machete and baseball in my car, used the baseball bat a few times. obviously you've got some anger issues, i'm telling you right now, better reconnect with humanity and stop indulging those thoughts or you might snap. trust me.

your problem is that you probably don't see any good in any one. i know how that feels. start looking for it, or you are going to be a miserable sonofabitch or end up on death row.

good luck!

Heh, I've tried seeing the good in people... Many times. It didn't work out too well actually. And I'm not sure I want to stop myself... From the point I see it now, I'd be doing the world a favour erasing some humans? =p
Infexis said:
Just_Some_Dude said:

better start trying to change the way you think.

i used to walk around ready to kill anyone. kept a machete and baseball in my car, used the baseball bat a few times. obviously you've got some anger issues, i'm telling you right now, better reconnect with humanity and stop indulging those thoughts or you might snap. trust me.

your problem is that you probably don't see any good in any one. i know how that feels. start looking for it, or you are going to be a miserable sonofabitch or end up on death row.

good luck!

Heh, I've tried seeing the good in people... Many times. It didn't work out too well actually. And I'm not sure I want to stop myself... From the point I see it now, I'd be doing the world a favour erasing some humans? =p

then go right ahead. just make sure you plan well. you never know if the person you are ******* with is more evil than you. surely you can't think you are the most depraved out of six plus billion. :D



well, you are running behind. you better start studying cats like these...above. they can be your new role models. :cool:
Just_Some_Dude said:
well, you are running behind. you better start studying cats like these...above. they can be your new role models. :cool:

Names plx?
Hm, primitive serial killers... Naw.

Just_Some_Dude said:
no problemo! don't forget to mention me, JSD, in your death row memoirs! :D





Will do! : D
Jesus, this thread took a turn for the unpleasantly morbid. @_@

If you really want to kill people to feel better, go start killing some Somali pirates or something. Tha world don't need themz. :p
if you're gonna go psycho, I think an honorable and unique massmurder would be a suicide carbomb attack in the middle of a kkklan rally. or a NAMBLA convention. or a NAMBLA-kkklan BBQ kick off. if yer gonna go hurt people, hurt the ones who deserve it, and who's demise the angels shall not weep over.

(morbid and immoral mayhaps, but also environmentally friendly!)
Srsly, people in this place are cool. I honeysuckle you not.

But, that'd be awesome... kkk car rally suicide bomber. <3

And I mean not to kill specific, just take down as many as possible :3
I use to feel like this a lot we can't really control what we feel, the important thing is that we do not act on this anger

what is the source of this anger or feelings of hatred is it loneliness? Envy of people who have friends?

In highschool i developed this severe hatred and disgust from people with big fluffy hair, mainly becuase i was lonely and there was this dousch ass freshmen with seriously 2 feet in diamiter of hair, and so everyone was like omg you have such flfuuy hair, and he's like i know look how cool and indie I am with my big hair. So my feelings of envy have developed into a deep seated hatred of people with big hair, i also hate loud people with a passion. I would be in the library alone over lunch and groups of friends would hang out and talk really loudly while having a good time distracting me and reminding me of how lonely I was

in 8th grade i had a vendetta against the human race, being unloyal ass holes polluting the planet i thought everyone should be wiped out

ya fun times sorry my point is, that when we are feeling lonely or feel like our lives are sucking we sometimes start to feel anger to other people, it's not uncommon, you could try talking with a conslur or start a blog to rant about them listen to heavy metal and draw with a lot of red colored pencil, you can work out hit things ( not people)

till you become too tired to be really angry

life sucks a lot but we'll make it through


by the way i saw your about 14 going on 15 awww I was 14 too when i had my first existential crisis, aw memories :D life sucks at that age and my parents had gotten a divorce

after a couple years you'll probably feel a bit more mellow

hang in there

by the way since we're talking about serial killers and such who was the guy that made furniture and honeysuckle from his victims?

oh ya it was ed gein that guy was psycho, actually the movie psycho is based after him
its maliciousness; malicious, malice.

my favorite word.

malice - desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness. from: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/malice?jss=0

you cant control your thoughts, but you can control your actions. if you dont share your thoughts, no one will know. so, there wont be a problem unless you make one. be careful in todays society about journals or writings, or telling anyone, even a therapist, that youve had thoughts of malice.

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