Favorite game tracks.

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A couple of recent comments in another thread have brought something to my attention - I spend an awful lot of time listening to tunes from the videogames that I enjoyed in the halcyon days of my youth. Evidently, I'm not the only one who has a penchant for that kind of music so I thought I'd start a thread for anyone who wishes to list a compilation of their favorite tracks from the world of computer games.

Here's a few of mine.

1. The one from the opening level of Super Mario Bros - I've never truly been able to get it out of my head.
2. Sagat's stage from Street Fighter 2.
3. One Winged Angel from Final Fantasy 7.
4. The prologue from Castlevania Symphony of the Night - in fact just about everything from SOTN.
5. Kazuya's stage from Tekken 2.
My favorite game soundtracks are easily the Silent Hill soundtracks. The best are Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill Origins, in my opinion. It's some pretty creepy and sad music.
This is another forgotten gem, for those who were around in the megadrive era.

Most of the music from the older Legend of Zelda games I love. Also Super Metroid music I love. :D
Yeah, from all the Zedla games (yes, I'm old), especially from Ocarina of Time.
One series that always struck me as having something amazing to listen to while playing was the Shenmue series. It was different and made a nice impact on me while playing such an epic story.

I really hope they make a Shenmue 3. The story still remains unfinished :(
DayvanCowboy said:
One series that always struck me as having something amazing to listen to while playing was the Shenmue series. It was different and made a nice impact on me while playing such an epic story.

I really hope they make a Shenmue 3. The story still remains unfinished :(

Shenmue was pure class and the second one, depending on what mood I'm in, could well be my favorite game of all time.
Compared to many other third-person titles it was a very passive experience, more dependant on immersion and atmosphere than the usual gung ho fare.
The soundtrack itself was uncommonly sophisticted for it's time, ambiant & understated.
As for a third entry in the series, we should all be so lucky.
"Wandering Ghosts" from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (All of the music in that game is fantastic!) and "To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X
Jeremi said:
"Wandering Ghosts" from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (All of the music in that game is fantastic!) and "To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X

I've never even played any of the Final Fantasy games, and I like "To Zanarkand" :)
(I heard someone playing it at school once)
Hard to remember game tracks by names, here's the ones I do remember =)

- The Poem for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)
- Theme of Love (Final Fantasy IV)
- Melodies of Life (Final Fantasy IX)
- Distant Worlds (Final Fantasy XI)
- Cele's Theme (Final Fantasy VI)
- Tender Sugar (Silent Hill 4)
- Room of Angel (Silent Hill 4)
- Zarathustra (Xenosaga episode I)
- Faraway Promise (Xenogears)
- Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI)
My favorite game track is Sagat's stage from Street Fighter 2.This game track is amazing to play.
Thanks for sharing this information.

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