So about 2 months I planned a camping trip away with my mate. The day before we were due to depart (and me having packed the camping trailer for two and readying firewood) he says he can't go because he had too many appointments for the week, which I found annoying since he would've known that by the Friday (a few days prior), so he asked if we could arrange to go the following week (being this coming week) so I agree and prepare again, and then he tells me yesterday that he can't now go this week either. WTF right? Especially when I was so itching to get away. In any case, I've decided to go on my own, which is what I would've done in the first place if I knew what was going to happen. The reason he can't go this week is because a friend of his (a guy I know that I used to work with) offered him a couple days moving office furniture for cash. (note that I didn't get such and offer, not even a referral from my mate. Again, WTF right? My mate is much more financially better off than I am (I could use a cash job!) and I would've prioritised going away with him than grabbing some cash work. And also, a few days ago we went for a drive to check out a nearby campsite and we chatted. He says he's really looking forward to getting away with me, that he NEEDS to get away. He also said (because he picked up I was a little depressed a week ago, triggered by several things and his actions as well) that I can talk to him about anything if I need to. Well, I said I can't talk him about what was troubling me. Of course I can't. He's one of the issues. But he's my only mate. I don't want to lose the one friend I have some fun with. Anyway, I'm all ready to go camping Monday, on my own. Hopefully where I end up will be pleasant.
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