Getting laid is really overrated

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jaguarundi said:
PS It's the car isn't it? Chicks love the car?? (or was it dig not love?)

If you are talking about the line from, Batman Forever, where Batman is talking to Chase on the Gotham PD roof, the line is;

"It's the car, right? Chicks love the car."

Dig is from Batman & Robin, where Robin says to Batman in the Batcave;

"I want a car, chicks dig the car."
Sci-Fi said:
jaguarundi said:
PS It's the car isn't it? Chicks love the car?? (or was it dig not love?)

If you are talking about the line from, Batman Forever, where Batman is talking to Chase on the Gotham PD roof, the line is;

"It's the car, right? Chicks love the car."

Dig is from Batman & Robin, where Robin says to Batman in the Batcave;

"I want a car, chicks dig the car."

Got the 2 well mixed up there, :( thanks for the correction Sci-Fi!
Sex is meaningless without love. In order to love someone else, you must first love yourself. Do you love yourself?
the-alchemist said:
Well, 2013 has truly been a crazy year for me. After a lifetime of never having a girlfriend, not to mention never getting truly laid(previously my sole source of sex was by paying for it, if u know what i mean), I have in the course of 6 months plowed through 3 girlfriends who I had normal consensual sex with.

And I can tell you, having a gf and all that is truly overrated. It's really more trouble than it's worth. First one was a *removed* one, second was a psycho, and this third and current one is beautiful but too bothersome. Sometimes she comes to my home and we're having a great time having sex, and then when she returns home to her husband(she's a married *removed*), she texts me that we should break up, that it isn't right yada yada yada. Rinse and repeat.

In the past, I thought once I would *LINK REMOVED*get properly laid, it would be a life-changer for me. I thought I would be confident, that I would no longer be depressed. Once upon a time I set a goal for myself that I would be loved by an east asian woman(I know, Yellow Fever. But I myself am of Central Asian origin. I currently live in China)

But here I am, still the depressed insecure guy that I always used to be. I've now finally gotten a taste of what it's like to have a gf, to go out and hold hands, to kiss a girl. And aside from the first time I did it, it all feels so mudane. In fact, it's worse now. I have to put up with my gf's constant back and forth of loving me and rejecting. Some days she wants to break up, sometimes she never want me to leave her. I'm just feeling tired of all this. Really, I feel no difference in my state of mind. I still have no confidence, I still have this lingering depression

I really just wanna go home and have a break, and see my mother. I consider her the only family I have because I am estranged with my brother and father

Your post is nice and honest. Point is that some men will enjoy having a lot of *LINK REMOVED* one night stands, and other will learn & do that and will not feel very good... You are not first guy that I hear such story from...
There is old song that say "I we need is love..." maybe "key" is there...
Anycase, point is to do what makes your happy, so if endless one night stands and getting laid don't makes you happy, then don't do it, find nice girl, have sex just with her and that is maybe better for you than going from one to another, from "psycho" to "married" :)
I don't see the big deal with having casual sex, but perhaps that's because I'm so starved for sex that I desire it deeply. I do find it wrong to be involved with married women, though.
I guess you could say that we feel the same. After all, I am not willing to waste the effort to speak to females unless I am having sex with them. Then again, since I could not turn on a female with a switch I am planning on killing myself.
@ smarty24 you post links like that again you will be banned. In fact I'm giving you 3 days off just to drive the message home.
Well, relationships are overrated in my experience, I agree. But then, I'm the consummate loner. Solitary man.

I'm a virgin but Knowing myself, I highly doubt sex isn't the best thing ever.
LeaningIntotheMuse wrote
I don't see the big deal with having casual sex, but perhaps that's because I'm so starved for sex that I desire it deeply. I do find it wrong to be involved with married women, though.

Just to clarify my position on this - I certainly never said that I thought casual was sex was wrong - just wrong for theAlchemist, who was finding it meaningless for him. What is wrong about casual sex is when you have nothing but contempt for the other person, and all their gender - not even a bit of gratitude for what has happened, (or are leading them into thinking you care for the sake of sexual gratification).

After all (girls) sometimes we might be tempted to think - 'why buy the whole pig when all you want is a bit of sausage?'
jaguarundi said:
After all (girls) sometimes we might be tempted to think - 'why buy the whole pig when all you want is a bit of sausage?'
AFrozenSoul said:
I guess you could say that we feel the same. After all, I am not willing to waste the effort to speak to females unless I am having sex with them. Then again, since I could not turn on a female with a switch I am planning on killing myself.

another gem.
The negative responses from males in this thread, especially from the OP, are why I don't relate to a lot of males past being an acquaintance. I don't talk like that about women(or anyone for that matter), and even if I am actively checking one out in public I don't make comments about it to others I may happen to be with. At most I may agree with a comment someone else has said as long as it wasn't too ridiculous and/or derogatory.
Hmmm... kind of looking forward to another post by the-alchemist. He's started a sensational thread here. :p

I agree that getting laid is overrated, but in the same way that the grass is always greener on the other side.

From start to finish I couldn't stop laughing.... FYI to the OP- 'Getting Laid' is a whole lot different than genuine passion. Please be using protection, the world isn't ready for your potential progeny.
Batman55 said:
Issues of misogyny or "lack of respect" aside for now--can I just ask the guy a question without bringing that up again?--may I ask how you changed from someone presumably lonely, shy, anxious into someone who was able to get 3 women in 6 months and become intimate with them? It is quite a transformation.

Hey yeah. What about this? We are all on a loneliness forum afterall. Do share your secrets. :p
FreedomFromLiberty said:
Hmmm... kind of looking forward to another post by the-alchemist. He's started a sensational thread here. :p

LOL...honeysuckle stirrers have to lick the spoon! :p
^That is the grossest thing I've ever seen you write Eve.
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