Good and Bad (Game)

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Good: Good for nature and animals and plants and stuff
Bad: When it grows right through your house and when it falls on your car

Good: Interesting, cute, furry, majestic, and/or delicious.
Bad: Smelly.

Next: Shrimp tacos
Good: Can nourish you.
Bad: Can make you wish you were dead if the shrimp are a wee bit "off."

Next: Blind dates.
Good: You could meet a very special, caring, and unique individual.
Bad: You could meet the exact opposite of a very special, caring, and unique individual.

Next: Bottled water
Good: At least you know that someone probably hasn't peed in it.
Bad: Plastic. Blech.

Next: Baths.
Good: Relaxing.
Bad: You're basically stewing in your own filth.

Next: motorcycles
Good: A sure way to an intense adrenaline high.
Bad: A sure way to a traumatic brain injury if you're not so careful.

Next: Kids.
Good: You always know where they are because of the ungodly noise they make.
Bad: They make an ungodly noise.

(omg I hate birds.)

Next: cheese
Good: A proud, majestic animal.
Bad: Nothing! (are YOU gonna tell a gorilla there's something bad about it?)

Next: Badminton

Badjedidude said:
Good: They're fuzzy!
Bad: They have bugs in their fuzz.

Next: Mother-in-laws


Aaack! Simultaneous replies!


Good: She gave birth to a wonderful spouse.
Bad: She might move in someday.

Next: Badminton
Lol :p

Good: It's fun. (badminton)
Bad: Hitting the "net" part of the ball, instead of the ball itself.

Next: Mother-in-laws!

Uhm, mothers in law...

Good: They can influence your spouse.
Bad: They can influence your spouse

Next: Glitter
Good: Sparkly!
Bad: It gets EVERYWHERE. You'll find it in your hair years later.

Next: Fuel filters
Good: email (saving time) and programs (multitasking)
Bad: net, games (addiction), health (stiff neck, sight problems)

Bad: Absurdly pricey for a phone, they ruining attention spans and giving our kids autism/food allergies (according to Republicans and Sarah Palin-fangirl soccermoms, it diminishes interpersonal interaction. It can function as a highly addictive and life destroying time vacuum, but then again so can eating toilet paper and dryer lint, if TLC is truly the divine gospel it claims to be

Good: The convenience factor, you can basically never be bored while waiting for the bus, you never have to interact with strangers in public anymore, you can play games, you can check your email, if you use apps like Tinder you can actually theoretically find "sexy singles in your area" who aren't government reprogrammed AI robots (I don't personally partake, but it's there), you can also use virtual gps which is the greatest thing in the world, if every child had a gps-equipped smartphone, the kidnapping rate would drastically decrease because nobody would get lost anymore. Then again, the rate of child muggings would quickly rise to compensate this, so idk.

Justin Beiber (because no intelligent online conversation is complete without bringing him into the mix)

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