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always said,the girls' world is difficult to understand

but the fact is that they also know nothing about us.
I wish that I felt something like anger at girls being automatically unpreferred simply because I'm an Asian male, and there's actual mathematic proof for anyone who would like to dispute that, but...

I don't feel anger. I don't feel very much except a kind of accepted despair.

we ALL do dumb stuff when it comes to relationships...such as play games or whatever, guys and girls alike! And you know why?!? Its because we are just afraid to be honest with each other, that we have been told that it is a "game" and you have to play it right because men and women are sssooo different. THAT IS CRAP!!!

There is no "girls world" or "guys world," we all live in the same ******* place and maybe if some of you would awknowledge that and have some empathy for your fellow human instead of treating them like some sort of detached unknowable alien specie then maybe we could all get somewhere!!! @^%$#^%!^%

And another thing....I am all for free open expression of emotion...even when it is misguided...but for crying out loud, nobody here is a freak or beyond helping...believe me, nothing any body has ever done or felt is something that no one else has done or felt before, which is a good thing!! By all means, we need to do and say dumb things...its part of how we learn about others and ourselves, but please stop isolating and alienating yourself. Its true. YOU, person reading this, are FINE, you are OK, the world ISN"T ending, and yes you have the potential to be happy again, or for the first time. I KNOW BECAUSE I WAS THE SAME WAY...and I have experienced it. Even now, when things aren't as great anymore, I don't sweat it becuase I know I will get there again...its is just going to take time, and maybe the reason why I am not be overwhelmed with happiness at the moment is because I am not ready for it...I still have some lessons to learn, and maybe you do to.

I am sorry for swearing, it wasn't at you specifically, just a general frustration with a society that tends to think that what lies between our legs determines what lies in our hearts. I usually don't get that worked up, but it has been stewing for awhile and I saw this thread and was trying to avoid it, knowing my reaction. But honestly, I feel better for having said all that, thanks for your patience.
Ok now I feel really really bad about swearing. I'm sorry.

Its just that I really don't like it when people do that...try to build walls between themselves and others, whether it is with gender, religion, self loathing, etc etc. It is so easy to do, and it causes ourselves so much pain. It just makes me sad, and I don't like being told that because I am a girl I do this and this, even if you don't mean me specifically that is essentially what you are saying when you say that. How could anyone not take that personally? So if you don't truly believe that, stop saying it. I don't like being hated, or being blamed for your sadness and I don't think anyone else does either. Because if you knew me, you would know that is far from true, and I think it is for most people. And here is something else...if you believe in people, believe that they are capable of rising above superficial things such as titles or physical things, then you can be suprised at what they will do. I think we all, in the end, want the same things, and if given the opportunity in the right environment, that is a loving and supportive one, we will rise to them.

I don't know, I can't seem to see things any other way, but maybe thats just me. I hope for your sake that you can find someone, or many people...I really really do.
iwasaloverb4thiswar said:
Ok now I feel really really bad about swearing. I'm sorry.

I wouldn't.... this thread is absolutely idiotic.

Girls are weird, but that's no reason to "hate" them. We're all human and we can't help what we are, unless it's just plain wrong. Last time I checked, weird isn't wrong....
It would be a lot easier if there was just one human gender and we all reproduced asexually. It wouldn't be as fun, but definitely a lot easier.

I don't hate women, but I do understand how guys can end up in that line of thinking. It's not exactly fun when you're standing right in front of a girl and she's bitching about her boyfriend or husband and the awful things he does. Meanwhile, you're thinking "You know, if you were with me, you wouldn't have all these stupid problems...are you completely blind?" and they usually are.

I grew tired of listening to it, so now whenever someone I'm attracted to starts griping to me about her love life, I walk away. This will probably sound harsh, but if she's that stupid she deserves to be miserable.

We may all be human, but I'm convinced that women hold a monopoly on "not seeing the forest for the trees". Disagree if you like, but I've seen the evidence many times. I'm far from perfect, but I know I would never treat my partner like some of these guys apparently do....and what do I get for being a decent person? a great big handful of nothing...not really much of an incentive to be decent.
JustLost said:
It would be a lot easier if there was just one human gender and we all reproduced asexually. It wouldn't be as fun, but definitely a lot easier.

I don't hate women, but I do understand how guys can end up in that line of thinking. It's not exactly fun when you're standing right in front of a girl and she's bitching about her boyfriend or husband and the awful things he does. Meanwhile, you're thinking "You know, if you were with me, you wouldn't have all these stupid problems...are you completely blind?" and they usually are.

I grew tired of listening to it, so now whenever someone I'm attracted to starts griping to me about her love life, I walk away. This will probably sound harsh, but if she's that stupid she deserves to be miserable.

We may all be human, but I'm convinced that women hold a monopoly on "not seeing the forest for the trees". Disagree if you like, but I've seen the evidence many times. I'm far from perfect, but I know I would never treat my partner like some of these guys apparently do....and what do I get for being a decent person? a great big handful of nothing...not really much of an incentive to be decent.
I Agree mostly

Quote button isn't working as well as I'd have liked it to. Moving on...

I agree completely. However, the other night I was reading about something I hadn't heard of before: Learned helplessness. To make the explanation a little easier, I'll just post a link so it can be long-winded for me ;) : Learned Helplessness

I've had a lot of experience with failure; I've never kissed a girl, held one's hand, or hugged one. That failure has in many ways 'inspired' me to give up, and the more failures I encounter the more educated and grounded I become in accepting my perceived helplessness. Furthermore, in the first sentence of this paragraph, using "one" as a pronoun seems too detached, and therein lies the problem as tied to learned helplessness. I don't like saying "them" or "one" when referring to girls, but what reason would I have to say otherwise? I can't say "her" because there never was a specific "her" to begin with, and so women in general remain detached from reality in terms of my own experiences. However, I hardly hate people.

I love humanity in the abstract, but I haven't been given a chance to love anyone personally. Two things: Yes, I have a family to love, and no, I'm not victimizing myself. The fact is that the world is a horribly unfair place, and from my own experience I've learned that personal initiative, even with the purest and most positive intentions, is not always requited. I've tried many, many times to establish a relationship, and it has failed without fail; but so what? Yes, it hurts. Yes, I get extremely lonely, and I occasionally break down and cry as it seems to be the only thing I can do. But I'm not a victim; life is hard for everyone and we all have our cross to bear, but it is certainly surmountable. No matter how Pyrrhic a victory must be wrought, it is surmountable. Every human being is capable of overcoming his or her problems in many ways, and choosing to give up is never necessary in the permanent sense.

So what does this have to do with women? They're human beings. There is no dividing line between men and women, and this air of bad juju surrounding the differences in gender seem to me to be ridiculous. Yes, men and women have their differences, but we're all human beings. Was Virginia Woolf's work of less or different merit than William Hazlitt's? How about the other way around? Everyone is not equal in the physical or biological sense; mental illness affects many people while leaving others unharmed, some are born blind and some go deaf at some point in their lives -- but physicalities are just that, and the mind and soul remain as one among the interconnectedness of humanity.

Again, I've failed at most every aspect of my life thus far. However, I don't harbor any resentment, as there is no need nor reason to; certain girls have rejected me, but was it really that bad? None of them intended to hurt me in any way, and even if they did little to help me, perhaps they did all they could while struggling to bear their own cross. Life is difficult for all of us -- men, women, and all races alike to the same degree. I'd go on, but I'm just further establishing myself as a rambling idiot.

I have to end on this note, however: Women are beautiful to me, and I think women have the same thoughts about men. The difference between the genders is the unification that can only exist between them; Hendrix said at Woodstock, while introducing the number "Izabella," that "a woman is the other half of a man." I believe that, and I furthermore believe that the converse is true. Some women are mean, trashy people just the same as some men are ignorant, domineering people. The list goes on and on, but it has absolutely nothing to do with gender. People are flawed, but flaws are not the constituents of character. Looking beneath that surface and learning to love humanity for all it has to offer and all that it does offer helps greatly to alleviate resentment and many tensions felt in life regarding perspectives on people.

Or something like that. How the hell did I end up here from learned helplessness? Hmm...
IgnoredOne said:
I wish that I felt something like anger at girls being automatically unpreferred simply because I'm an Asian male, and there's actual mathematic proof for anyone who would like to dispute that, but...

I don't feel anger. I don't feel very much except a kind of accepted despair.

Mathematic proof? I would like to see.
Everyone has their reasons for being mean/bitchy/assholish be it male or female. People just infect each other, I guess that is why maybe it's getting worse and more common, making people believe that ALL of something is soo bad.

I know it's hard, but we can CHOOSE to not let the "bad" and "hurtful" things affect us in a negative way. What good does it do anyway, thinking and thinking, dwelling on things we can't change. Not all people are "bad". The only thing a person can do I guess is to keep searching for the "good" if that's what they really need to fulfil their happiness. Don't give up just because you've come across a few ********/bitches, anyone who hasn't come across one in this day and age is EXTREMELY lucky.
i-am-aries said:
Everyone has their reasons for being mean/bitchy/assholish be it male or female. People just infect each other, I guess that is why maybe it's getting worse and more common, making people believe that ALL of something is soo bad.

I know it's hard, but we can CHOOSE to not let the "bad" and "hurtful" things affect us in a negative way. What good does it do anyway, thinking and thinking, dwelling on things we can't change. Not all people are "bad". The only thing a person can do I guess is to keep searching for the "good" if that's what they really need to fulfil their happiness. Don't give up just because you've come across a few ********/bitches, anyone who hasn't come across one in this day and age is EXTREMELY lucky.

Well said. With advice like that I hope to see you post again. That actually got me thinking about some stuff that's recently happened in my life.
That was good advice.

Welcome BTW :)
i agree that all this hatred towards the other gender is useless. All it produces is a division, a breakdown in human communication.

I mean I personally have grievances against men; but...I dont think it does any good to say those grievances. In the end we are all human.

I think this quote by Dostoyevsky sums my opinion up nicely:

" Is the most important thing about Julius Caesar, about Peter the Great, about you dear reader, the way in which we do not differ from other people?"

I find it amazing that people can just hate something so focused. I mean if I see something wrong I can see its cause I can see it spreading I can see how utterly disappointing it is. I can see the odds are it wont change. And if it does change does it even deserve to improve? Shouldn't whatever it is suffer or pay for the price of whatever it has done. If I could be so lucky to be so simple minded as to just only see the flaws of one person, or one gender but instead I see the flaws of humanity. And it disappoints me to no end, every day having to deal with the limitations of society, and the normal. Watching others aim to be normal, rather then great. And finally just accepting that they aren't even worst the effort and just giving up on it all.
ERRR....I spend the first 9 months of my existence trying to out.
Evidently I've been spending the all my life trying to get back in :p

God gave me two heads...evidently I'm using the wrong head to do my thinking for me....lmao

I can't hate them for too long. Honestly girls look good, smell good, sound good and taste good. :p
I'm pretty sure someone's said this before, but how about you leave the girls alone, and get with the real women? :)

Might have a better chance.
Lonesome Crow said:
God gave me two heads...evidently I'm using the wrong head to do my thinking for me....lmao

"God gave men two heads, but only enough blood to run one at a time."
I hate women with their limbs, and their breathing, and their doing stuff. They're just like men, who I also hate!
VanillaCreme said:
I'm pretty sure someone's said this before, but how about you leave the girls alone, and get with the real women? :)

Might have a better chance.

You read my mind...I take it you're woman :p
Hey, some of us girls aren't all that bad... Besides just because you've had bad experiences with one, two, or whatever girls, doesn't mean that EVERY girl is that chick that treated you badly! There more than a million girls in this world, we can't all be the same, be more open-minded. Geez.

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