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New member
Jun 13, 2011
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My name is Frank. I live in Oklahoma out in the boonies. I came here through a series of life-altering, rather traumatic events that forced me to leave home. Also, since the economy sucks, the only job I got was the one nobody else wanted. I live in a small town (some would call it a small city, population of about 11000, when the oil field is doing well). I have been here for going on six months. I'm a civil engineer, and I love my job and make good money, but everything else is horrible. I haven't met anyone I can call a friend and the people here are less interested in friendship and more interested in raising their children, hermiting up at night, etc etc. I'm a young, single college grad, so it's crushing my soul.

I'm not disfunctional in any way, or depressed or suffering from any mental illnesses. I'm not bipolar or anything. I have my own set of issues just like anybody does, but nothing is permanent. If anything is wrong with me, it's possibly that I'm TOO social. I am going stir crazy out here with nothing to do and no one to talk to or hang out with. I've reached out on internet groups, dating websites and even craigslist, but all to no avail. Even when I do meet someone I like, it doesn't last long because usually they're three hours away or more. Of course, it makes me feel even more hopeless when I see something with great potential end due to that. And as far as I can see, I'm going to be out here for a good long time with the labor market locked up the way it is.

Anyways, that's me. I'm hoping to find some sense of community here, even though I know it will never replace the magic of being around other people. I'm just hoping to preserve what little sanity I have left and hopefully make a friend or two to talk to on those boring Friday and Saturday nights cooped up in my apartment with all the (brown recluse) spiders. I have Skype and I'm a really open person. If for some reason you want to know more about me, there's about a million ways to contact me so go for it :) Otherwise, I look forward to meeting the rest of you.

PS I'm the guy on the left in the picture. That's from college a ways back.


  • The Original.jpg
    The Original.jpg
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Welcome. I'm sure you can find someone to talk to here. I, also, enjoy your witty username!

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