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Mar 26, 2017
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I'm Hayley, 31, from Leeds in the UK. 

I'm a single mum of 2 a one girl she's 9 and a boy he's 7. Iv just finished my degree in social care and will be spending next year completing a PGCE (teaching degree). I sing to people with dementia and answer emergency calls from abuse victims as a voluntary job.

Growing up for me was hard when you're a child you soak in your surroundings and consider that to be normal but mine was far from it. So with a messed up perception I set out into the world. At 17 I got my first ever long term boyfriend he turned out to be gay I have to say I knew but he was just so much fun! The following decade I spent my life in 2 abusive relationship the first with the kids dad who basically ignored my existence then became nasty when I left and beat me. The second with an animal so vile he attempted to murder me and ended up in prison for not only subjecting me to years of torture but his exes. 

Iv had allot of therapy and I'm a very strong person and I came out alive. However, I don't trust people. I tend to have acquaintances not friends. I have a problem I don't pick up the phone I meditate, relax or shut myself away from the world until I feel better. I have one friend but I still don't trust her enough or want to unload all of my emotional baggage (don't worry I'm not here for that either). 

Before my degree I managed pubs and hotels and was a chef but obviously a single mum with those qualifications won't get far as the hours don't really fit with kids.

So where am I going in life? I try to remain positive however, to remain positive I tend to spend allot of time alone as I find it useful to gather my thoughts and regain my balance. I'm looking for the perfect guy. After years of being drained by significant others I don't want to end up babysitting another man so unless I'm sure he will bring good into my life and my children's lives I'm not interested (so basically I'm settling into the fact I will actually be single for good). I'm looking to build bonds with people and understand good friends won't come along very often. I'm trying to better myself physically and mentally to become the best I can be. 

I have a cat and I adore him as well as a tortoise, 2 hamsters, 2 guinea pigs and fish (think I'm turning into one of those crazy lonely people with too many animals). I enjoy speaking to people from all walks of life and never judge anyone we are all on a different path and unless you have walked on it you will never understand another person enough to judge them. 

I'm the type of person that everyone comes to when they're in need or in a bad place then tend to be disposed of once they've healed. Although this doesn't anger me it gives me a sense of use helping others and when they fly away I feel like I'm watching a butterfly I helped transform from a caterpillar. I joke even when I'm in the darkest point of my life and my college mentor described me as totally nuts, loud but a good genuine person. I'm very blunt and I cannot help that it's just who I am, I call a spade a spade and like to get to the point. I bring groups of people together then walk away because realistically I'm not a group or people person. I'll try anything and do anything just for an experience and I guess that's kind of my hobby I don't have a specific one because I try different things.

Why am I here? Well I'd like to meet some genuine, good honest souls like myself. Although I spend allot of time hiding from the world I like interaction with people via non face to face communication and I might learn a thing or two from you guys and ladies. Im looking for a place on the internet where I can chat and get to know people without the hate and insults from people that barely know me that you get off other forums. Let's hope Iv found it from what Iv read you all seem like lovely people.

Nice to meet you all and thankyou for reading
Welcome to the forum. I can relate to a lot of what you've said.

Feel free to check out the chat room, if you're interested :)
Hello Bubbels and welcome to the forum,

Sounds like you've had allot of setbacks, well probably worse then setbacks! also sounds like you've managed toovercome just about all of that, not trusting people is a natural result of what you've been through, I don't know how long ago this has been but some things you can't pin a time on to heal, they just take however long they take!

I hope you'll find what you're looking for here on ALL, if it's more direct contact you're looking for be sure to check out the chat!
Send me a PM any time if you'd like, I'm the most boring person here I think, I'm 33 have a home a stable job no debt, enjoy reading from time to time, series and movies from time to time, outdoor activeties when the weather allows and thats about it.

And now I have to clean the windows.... yes I also clean .... from time to time :p
Greetings, Bubbles31. I'm glad that you've joined this forum. I don't trust people either, or at least not easily; I like animals; I spend a lot of time alone; I only have one friend and online forums like this keep me as sane as I can reasonably be. So we have a few things in common. I'm American and live in the mid-west farm country.
Hello and welcome, Bubbles! I hope that you find what you are looking for!
Holy ****. I mean, welcome!
Now that's a backstory X_x I'm glad you're not with those anymore. Watch out for which your kids get together with - it's slightly inherited :(
Compared to those, I had saint relationships. Okay, enough religious references, Meaw, get your shet together and give a proper welcome.
Bubbles, welcome to ALL, I wish you all the best and a happy time here!
Hello and welcome, Bubbles. Your post was really moving. Feel free to PM me any time if my profile interests you.

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