How Would You React To Catching Your Significant Other In Bed With Someone Else?

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I think it would bother me less. If a girl cheated with another guy, I'd be pissed because I would feel that I'm not satisfying her in bed where another man can. That's a strong blow to the sexual ego of a man. At least if it's another woman, chances are it's their sexual equipment. Something that I can't compete with. I don't have to worry about measuring up with respect to size and all. No pressure to outdo the other guy.
I see that some women around here believe that cheating should not be punished.

And they can go around and claim that they "do not" condone infidelity.

I find your lack of logic disturbing.
perfanoff said:
I see that some women around here believe that cheating should not be punished.

And they can go around and claim that they "do not" condone infidelity.

I find your lack of logic disturbing.

If you act on malicious intent to exact revenge on a person you once claimed to "care" about; you remove all credibility that you ever genuinely loved or cared for the person as an independent individual, even if they may have done you wrong.

As someone who has been betrayed, there is no doubt it leaves its mark. You cut your losses, mourn the end of the relationship, and move on.

The moment that boundary of independence between two individuals is breached; you have an unhealthy and co-dependent relationship.

But, hey, what do I know. Here's a potato:
perfanoff said:
I see that some women around here believe that cheating should not be punished.

And they can go around and claim that they "do not" condone infidelity.

I find your lack of logic disturbing.

You need not exact revenge or "punishment" as you like to water it down as (by the way, it's called revenge) to disapprove of infidelity.

If someone is unfaithful, you break off the relationship and move on. That is it. Taking extra steps to "punish" (take out your burnt feelings on) the unfaithful ex-partner is just a waste of time and makes you look like a crazy *****/******* in the eyes of prospective partners.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with just being civil.

And you act like it's the most natural thing in the world to punish infidelity...hate to break it to you, but humans happen to be one of only a handful of creatures on the face of the planet that are supposedly (in an ideal situation) "monogamous". It is actually very natural to jump between partners when a relationship isn't being fulfilled or has run its course in one partner's eyes.

Yeah, that's right, maybe your partner is just tired of you. Maybe you don't fill his or her needs. Scorned partners never seem to consider that option.

This is why I as a woman have never been attracted to the idea of being married. Relationships outside of being married are NOT contracts. Either party has every right to back out as soon as they wish with whomever they wish for whatever reason they wish (or for no reason at all if it so suits them). That's the beauty of free will. And because I'm not a sore person, I've let people walk in and out of my life without batting an eyelash. I cut my losses and move on to the next prospect. One day, I'll probably be with someone who's faithful for a very long time. At least I'll know he or she wants to be at my side and that I am loved, not that I chained him there with my crazy psychobitch "contracts."

You sound like a woman (or man) scorned and I find the basket of sour grapes you carry around disturbing. Logic has nothing to do with you, bro.
IgnoredOne said:
Revenge solves everything.

How can you ruin the life of someone that you've shared 8 years with and who you've brought children up with, ultimately they come first and we both have new lives now, I hold no grudge I have my little one. I eventually walked away, but only after many months of dragging my self esteem through a gutter of false promises and more lies.

The other party though, yes I exacted my revenge and he lost his girlfriend, last I heard video footage of him playing with himself in his office at work was doing the rounds in his HR department, sure that took some explaining.

Do I regret that or do I view what I did as morally wrong?..... :p
Of course it isn't. Such is merely the consequence of foolish action; the reaction to an action that was willfully wrong. You simply acted in accordance with fate, and brought about justice and judgment.
potato said:
If you act on malicious intent to exact revenge on a person you once claimed to "care" about; you remove all credibility that you ever genuinely loved or cared for the person as an independent individual, even if they may have done you wrong.

YES EXACTLY. Love and care does not end even though you were betrayed. I would not harm someone I loved, period, no matter the wrong they did. True love never dies. You do not hurt those you love. I'd just leave them.
SophiaGrace said:
potato said:
If you act on malicious intent to exact revenge on a person you once claimed to "care" about; you remove all credibility that you ever genuinely loved or cared for the person as an independent individual, even if they may have done you wrong.

YES EXACTLY. Love and care does not end even though you were betrayed. I would not harm someone I loved, period, no matter the wrong they did. True love never dies. You do not hurt those you love. I'd just leave them.
I agree with this as well.
If this applied, I would totally be in shock so I'd be standing there for awhile not saying a word..or maybe what the fk. If they ran away fast enough and left I probably wouldn't say much more. Otherwise I'd probably just kick him out and say a few more words. Throwing a shoe at his head would sound appealing but that might not even happen lol.
Doubt The Rabbit said:
perfanoff said:
I see that some women around here believe that cheating should not be punished.

And they can go around and claim that they "do not" condone infidelity.

I find your lack of logic disturbing.

You need not exact revenge or "punishment" as you like to water it down as (by the way, it's called revenge) to disapprove of infidelity.

If someone is unfaithful, you break off the relationship and move on. That is it. Taking extra steps to "punish" (take out your burnt feelings on) the unfaithful ex-partner is just a waste of time and makes you look like a crazy *****/******* in the eyes of prospective partners.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with just being civil.

And you act like it's the most natural thing in the world to punish infidelity...hate to break it to you, but humans happen to be one of only a handful of creatures on the face of the planet that are supposedly (in an ideal situation) "monogamous". It is actually very natural to jump between partners when a relationship isn't being fulfilled or has run its course in one partner's eyes.

Yeah, that's right, maybe your partner is just tired of you. Maybe you don't fill his or her needs. Scorned partners never seem to consider that option.

This is why I as a woman have never been attracted to the idea of being married. Relationships outside of being married are NOT contracts. Either party has every right to back out as soon as they wish with whomever they wish for whatever reason they wish (or for no reason at all if it so suits them). That's the beauty of free will. And because I'm not a sore person, I've let people walk in and out of my life without batting an eyelash. I cut my losses and move on to the next prospect. One day, I'll probably be with someone who's faithful for a very long time. At least I'll know he or she wants to be at my side and that I am loved, not that I chained him there with my crazy psychobitch "contracts."

You sound like a woman (or man) scorned and I find the basket of sour grapes you carry around disturbing. Logic has nothing to do with you, bro.

You know what, I am just not going to stoop as low as you and hit back at your name calling. I can only hope that, the faithful person that you refer to, would not be me or anyone _I_ care about.

potato said:
perfanoff said:
I see that some women around here believe that cheating should not be punished.

And they can go around and claim that they "do not" condone infidelity.

I find your lack of logic disturbing.

If you act on malicious intent to exact revenge on a person you once claimed to "care" about; you remove all credibility that you ever genuinely loved or cared for the person as an independent individual, even if they may have done you wrong.

As someone who has been betrayed, there is no doubt it leaves its mark. You cut your losses, mourn the end of the relationship, and move on.

The moment that boundary of independence between two individuals is breached; you have an unhealthy and co-dependent relationship.

But, hey, what do I know. Here's a potato:

Oh look, here comes the 30-year-old cult of "independent relationships." Suddenly co-dependent relationships become "evil" and "unhealthy". Like marriage. Or, just having kids together.

I have been betrayed too and I was very, very lucky to not lose anything real, except maybe my emotions and some money.

I like how nowhere in all yours posts did I find the word "RESPONSIBILITY". It's only about feelings. Fleeting emotions that change with the wind and with the day of the month.
perfanoff said:
You know what, I am just not going to stoop as low as you and hit back at your name calling. I can only hope that, the faithful person that you refer to, would not be me or anyone _I_ care about.

But you would stoop as low as to hurt someone you claimed to love. Got it.
perfanoff said:
I see that some women around here believe that cheating should not be punished.

And they can go around and claim that they "do not" condone infidelity.

I find your lack of logic disturbing.

Cheating isn't logic... So where's your logic in that? And what "punishment" would someone get? You can do all that you want to them, it still won't reverse or erase the fact that they were unfaithful to you. Like, I said in another post, you may feel better about it - temporarily - but it won't solve it at all... So what's the point?

I've been cheated on. Sure it hurts, and you sit around wondering what the hell you did wrong... What you didn't have... What could have been done differently... But my best "punishment" was to just walk away. I'm sorry, but if someone betrays you, there's a high chance they don't even care that they do betray you...
potato said:
perfanoff said:
I see that some women around here believe that cheating should not be punished.

And they can go around and claim that they "do not" condone infidelity.

I find your lack of logic disturbing.

If you act on malicious intent to exact revenge on a person you once claimed to "care" about; you remove all credibility that you ever genuinely loved or cared for the person as an independent individual, even if they may have done you wrong.

As someone who has been betrayed, there is no doubt it leaves its mark. You cut your losses, mourn the end of the relationship, and move on.

The moment that boundary of independence between two individuals is breached; you have an unhealthy and co-dependent relationship.

But, hey, what do I know. Here's a potato:
What about the rest of us? Are we not potato worthy?
VanillaCreme said:
perfanoff said:
I see that some women around here believe that cheating should not be punished.

And they can go around and claim that they "do not" condone infidelity.

I find your lack of logic disturbing.

Cheating isn't logic... So where's your logic in that? And what "punishment" would someone get? You can do all that you want to them, it still won't reverse or erase the fact that they were unfaithful to you. Like, I said in another post, you may feel better about it - temporarily - but it won't solve it at all... So what's the point?

I've been cheated on. Sure it hurts, and you sit around wondering what the hell you did wrong... What you didn't have... What could have been done differently... But my best "punishment" was to just walk away. I'm sorry, but if someone betrays you, there's a high chance they don't even care that they do betray you...

It won't solve anything FOR YOU. If EVERYONE starts doing it, people will LEARN that it doesn't pay off to cheat because of the example being all around them.

Today I was walking back from lunch with a friend. I saw a 50 year old gypsy dad sitting on the sidewalk on the street. He lit a cigarette to his own cigarette, then handed it to his preteen kid. I slowed down and told him "come on man..... how can you give him cigarettes he's so young"

My friend got mad at me for slowing down for the exact same reasons you say.. it won't help me.. or solve MY issues.. but "they may remember me" and something bad can come out of this.

What I say to this: if enough people like me go tomorrow and give this dad a reason to stop giving cigarettes to his son, he might as well stop doing it. Or his best friend may hear about it, and stop doing it instead.

Cheating is not a big thing like killing or robbing. But it IS something wrong, and since the law does not scorn infidelity, people should do it instead.

With that said, I answered the question of the thread several posts back, and if anyone wants to discuss it more, write me a PM or something. :rolleyes:
All I can think about now is how much I want some potatoes. :(
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