I did, did You?

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No. There are no important messages coming my way at the moment.

I dragged an old and junky iron bed frame out of the basement and into the backyard today, did you?
No but I did drag an uber heavy bedside table round to the other side of the bed. It took an hour just to demonstrate how heavy it is.

I made a lentil and mushroom lasagne today, did you?
No, I made grilled cheese sandwiches....not a haute cuisine day at my house I'm afraid.

I replaced 5 florescent light tubes in my workshop today, did you?

(..and I carted the junky iron bed frame to the wild plum thicket where it will probably rust away..)
^ I would have been temped to frame it in and make a flower bed :D. :p

No, I didn't.

I woke up early on a day off in order to have time to do something that I enjoy before chores today, did you?
^ I can re-purpose it for something, but I'm not sure what that is. ^   :cool:

I got up early too but there's not much around here for my own pleasure, today anyway.

I made cheese omelettes and served them with toast made from my own bread, did you?
Close :D. Broccoli ham and cheese omelette ...no bread today.

I went for a long walk today, did you?
Wconstant stranger said:
^ I can re-purpose it for something, but I'm not sure what that is. ^   :cool:

I got up early too but there's not much around here for my own pleasure, today anyway.

I made cheese omelettes and served them with toast made from my own bread, did you?

Flower "bed" isn't a bad idea... nudge nudge poke poke wink wink ....okay - it's a groaner hahaha
No long walk for me today.

I wrote an old fashioned letter by hand today, did you?

^And I got the flower bed joke BTW. Actually one of the farms on the way into town has a flower bed......but it has a much nicer bed than my junker. It has a metal frame headboard and footboard....they plant it with annuals every spring.^
No I didn't but thanks for the reminder, I owe a friend one

I spent an hour sorting out a wrong invoice on line today (pulling my hair out) did you?
SO glad the joke was gotten hahaha - too corny to be too good to be too bad to be too lost :D

no to the invoice but a couple of hours looking for mysteriously misplaced papers ( not by me)

I walked along a lake shore with slabs of ice washing in and making wonderful sounds today - did you?
Gosh that sounds dramatic and so north woods-like....no, I didn't.

I excavated a heap of debris from a corner of the workshop today, so now I can walk past it to a storage shelf without having to risk tripping (..afraid I breathed in a bit of old sawdust and prairie dust..), did you?
No but glad you did, nothing better than a bit of accident prevention :)

I ignored a telephone call today, did you? (I know I lead such an exciting life)
Yeah me too, both on ignoring a 'phone call (..I let the machine take it....it was someone trying to sell energy efficient windows..) and on the excitement thing.

I bought a new houseplant today, a croton, did you?
I kill plants. I don't mean to but indoor plants ALWAYS die! So... no. :D

I did deadlifts today, did you?
No, but squats and upper body on my bowflex....and lifted rounds of dead green Fir into the back of a pickup :p

I walked along a creek today, did you?
No but it would have been nice.

I harvested a pickup load of deadwood from one of the family farmsteads, now unoccupied and just a bit creepy, like a ghost town. Did you?

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