I don't have a vocation... what is your vocation?

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PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
cheaptrickfan said:
Sharks, spiders and jellies? Fun. Plus don't you have like one of the most venomous snakes in the world too? The Taipan?

well well, so we do.. now i can fully justify never setting foot outside again..

I am always pleased to induct someone else into the World Society of Agoraphobes.
troubled said:
What do you all do for a job? I need some inspiration...

I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay.
I sleep all night and I work all day.

I cut down trees. I skip and jump.
I like to press wild flowers.
I put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars.

Actually, I build call accounting systems for hotels.

Twitchy said:

the larch -

I love that one. "The Larch." *snicker*

Re: Monty Python - one of my favorite skits is the flying sheep one.

"Notice they do not so much fly, as plummet."


Sorry for derailing the thread, people. lol

Edit: Hmm. Youtube seems to be acting up again today...
unemployment is the natural human state..

work is abnormal :D

being unproductive reduces your carbon foot print and teaches you valuable lessons about how to stretch your dollar further..
I haven't started my career quite yet, but I'm an aspiring translator/interpreter. :) As many times as I've changed my mind over the years in terms of what I want to do, I believe I'm finally certain.
troubled said:
For a few years now i've gone without any direction. I would say this is the main reason for all my problems.. it just leaves me standing, and somewhat embarassed since i dont want people to know i have 'no life' I guess.

I was at uni for a year then quit since I didn't enjoy that subject.

What do you all do for a job? I need some inspiration...

same boat my friend! feel a job coming soon though, especially since im out of school now and ACTUALLY looking
I'm a translator, it's what it sounds - quite a dull job. I work at home. Though I do enjoy translating medical documents for some reason but not much anything else. Currently translating a financial document, Good GOD I hate finance stuff with a passion. I love learning languages just for fun, mainly so I could read and understand stuff in that language, it's just something I find very cool, but honestly I don't enjoy the practical application of it, as in translation, much. However, I'm pretty good at it and it pays better than anything else I could possibly do, it's also convenient in many ways. I did study interpreting for a year but had to switch to translation eventually, since although interpreting is more fun, I am unfortunately not cut out for it. I just don't do well at listening (often missing stuff or hearing it wrong), plus I get all anxious, heart hammering in the chest and mess everything up.

There's not much else in my country that I would find remotely interesting to do AND would not get mere cents for it. I certainly have no desire to be an office clerk. I suppose stuff I could seriously enjoy doing may be related to art in some way. E.g. I recently started making wire wrapped jewellery and I think I'm pretty good at stuff like this in general, before that I made some trees and flowers from wire and beads which I actually like more than the regular ones sold in shops, despite that I'm pretty **** self-critical and perfectionist.

P.S. I envy Brian, no that's an exciting occupation :D My kung fu instructor is a firefighter too, and boy does he have STORIES to tell. :p

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