I dont know how to be honest with her

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Guest, so you think God is uptight about everything? It is because of people like you that the Catholic church is losing followers. Jesus brought to us just one simple commandment: "Love God above all things. Love your neighbor as you love yourself." It is because of people like you that I feel shame for the Catholic community.

If you are just trying to taunt someone here, please refrain from doing that. You might have your own problems, like a serious conduct issue, but that does not mean you have a justification to mistreat people.

Sweetviki, just ignore the foolish posts that were sent up there.
I'm not a whore and you have no right to judge me when you dont even know me. I'm not sleeping around with a bunch of guys and I would never post nude pictures of me. I asked for avice about my relationship with my mom and I do think that lying to her was wrong and I'm trying to make it work between us. I'm not sleeping around I just want to date like any normal human being an yes I had a sexual relationship and I dont think that makes me a whore. If you have different moral values than me thats fine and you shouldt slander and put down people that dont believe the things you do. You say you believe in God well you just went completely against Gods word ,you judged me and called me names and you have no right to decide weather I'm a sinner or not.

And I did work things out we are ok from now on I'm gonna be honest with her and hopefuly things will work out between you and your bf
I know I've made mistakes and I come here for advice to try to fix my flaws and my relationship and I get called a whore and compared to a prostitute. I have enough to eal with and I think the guest is who has some major problems an I feel really bad for the daughter if she is going to grow up in that environment. I'm seriously considering leaving this forum.
Don't worry about the guests posts sweetviki, I think it's best just to ignore them and not to comment back. They want you to comment, so they can keep going with there abusive posts.
I agree with Blue Sky. Don't even bother replying to the flamers. That's just what they want..

Please pay no attention to the guests...

The only thing they are is desperate, desperate for attention, even if it is negative. The fact is, dear Guest, that because of people like you, the world is in this miserable state: everyone judges everyone, but truly, no one is right. Do you know sweetviki? Figures...

I'm also sorry for you guest, you can have the liberty to stop pretending to worship God. The Inquisition ended a long time ago, and you can stop charging God's for your Immoral acts. Live your life, and let others live theirs, as they wish.

Guest, I'm done with you. If I shall ever see your IP here again saying this kind of useless trash, you'll face a Trojan or two. Keep your perverted thoughts for yourself.
They're just morons who try to pull people down to their own miserable level. If you ignore them, they will fail to do so.

Hope you don't decide to leave the forums just because of them =(
Guest you're a religious extremist that gives religion a bad name. I live my life and you live yours I dont care what you have to say your making a fool of yourself
I hate to even give our trolls the dignity of a reply, BUT:

God CREATED sex. God allows us to have sexual pleasure. If God did NOT want people to enjoy sex, in my opinion he would have made people unable to receive pleasure and orgasm.

Of course, in the Bible it states that sexuality outside of marriage is not acceptable, YET:

ALL of Vicki's sins, past, present, and even FUTURE, are forgiven if she accepts Christ.

HOW DARE you commit one of God's most detested sins, hypocrisy and judgmentalism? You Pharisee!

I'm not particularly religious, but yet I accept Christ. I knowingly commit sins from time to time, YET if I repent and ask God's forgiveness with an honest heart, I know that my sins are forgiven.

Do you know that all of God's children are washed clean with the blood of Christ? Do you understand the concept that in his eyes, once we have accepted Christ, we are fresh and clean again, pure white, virginal snow?

The old law of the Old Testament, full of hellfire and brimstone and necessitating sacrifices, have been overturned. When Jesus died the veil on the tabernacle was torn from top to bottom, signifying that OUR puny little human sacrifices were no longer necessary in God's eyes.

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