I hate working. How do I change that?

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whatever said:
Hum, EXCUSE ME, but I was just mentioning my life experience. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but your so-called "opinions" show just how close-minded and judgmental you are. No need to try to preach, or act like some kind of "know-it-all, holier-than-thou attitude", it's very rude and and useless. Thank you.

Haha, darling, your little persecution complex isn't gonna work on me. Let's break it down.

"Hum, EXCUSE ME, but I was just mentioning my life experience. "

That's fantastic. And I wasn't taking anything out on you personally. Merely giving my opinion. The fact that you take offense to it or think it's a shot at you is not my problem. Maybe what I said simply rings true to you. In that case, perhaps you should take a look into that.

"Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but your so-called "opinions" show just how close-minded and judgmental you are."

So-called? How does one have a so-called opinion? It's my opinion, end of story. Second, the closed-minded and judgmental people are the ones telling you that you have no other choice than to endure a hard work life. I provided alternatives, and more optimistic ones to boot. But, hey, good job at making yourself seem closed-minded and judgmental by shooting down my entire post in one poorly-thought-out reply. Please choose your words a little better.

No need to try to preach, or act like some kind of "know-it-all, holier-than-thou attitude", it's very rude and and useless.

"Some kind of" "know-it-all, holier-than-thou attitude." Right. You've known me for the two seconds it took you to skim over my post and take offense to it? I provided an alternative to take optimism and place it in an unfavorable situation. Don't know exactly how holier-than-thou that is. Furthermore, if it's so useless, then tell me, how's letting the negative world affect you so much going for ya?

You know what's useless? Encouraging people that it's okay to feel victimized and defeated by their surroundings. I have provided an alternative. That is exactly what OP asked for - how to CHANGE their feelings about working. In fact, the only point I was addressing YOU was in the first few lines to disagree with your viewpoint that basic necessities are "materialistic". Thereafter, I am addressing the entire idea of unpleasant work. Now, last time I checked, I could disagree with anyone I wanted. If seeing the use in money and certain possessions is closed-minded, then please, call me your average every day closet.

SO, please, if you're going to attack me, you're going to come up with something with a little more meaty than that. Lashing out with some ambiguous insults without any real direction to particular "offense" in my post isn't going to cut it.
Doubt The Rabbit said:
whatever said:
Hum, EXCUSE ME, but I was just mentioning my life experience. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but your so-called "opinions" show just how close-minded and judgmental you are. No need to try to preach, or act like some kind of "know-it-all, holier-than-thou attitude", it's very rude and and useless. Thank you.

Haha, darling, your little persecution complex isn't gonna work on me. Let's break it down.

"Hum, EXCUSE ME, but I was just mentioning my life experience. "

That's fantastic. And I wasn't taking anything out on you personally. Merely giving my opinion. The fact that you take offense to it or think it's a shot at you is not my problem. Maybe what I said simply rings true to you. In that case, perhaps you should take a look into that.

"Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but your so-called "opinions" show just how close-minded and judgmental you are."

So-called? How does one have a so-called opinion? It's my opinion, end of story. Second, the closed-minded and judgmental people are the ones telling you that you have no other choice than to endure a hard work life. I provided alternatives, and more optimistic ones to boot. But, hey, good job at making yourself seem closed-minded and judgmental by shooting down my entire post in one poorly-thought-out reply. Please choose your words a little better.

No need to try to preach, or act like some kind of "know-it-all, holier-than-thou attitude", it's very rude and and useless.

"Some kind of" "know-it-all, holier-than-thou attitude." Right. You've known me for the two seconds it took you to skim over my post and take offense to it? I provided an alternative to take optimism and place it in an unfavorable situation. Don't know exactly how holier-than-thou that is. Furthermore, if it's so useless, then tell me, how's letting the negative world affect you so much going for ya?

You know what's useless? Encouraging people that it's okay to feel victimized and defeated by their surroundings. I have provided an alternative. That is exactly what OP asked for - how to CHANGE their feelings about working. In fact, the only point I was addressing YOU was in the first few lines to disagree with your viewpoint that basic necessities are "materialistic". Thereafter, I am addressing the entire idea of unpleasant work. Now, last time I checked, I could disagree with anyone I wanted. If seeing the use in money and certain possessions is closed-minded, then please, call me your average every day closet.

SO, please, if you're going to attack me, you're going to come up with something with a little more meaty than that. Lashing out with some ambiguous insults without any real direction to particular "offense" in my post isn't going to cut it.

Sounds like someone here thinks she's a shrink.
There goes that delightfully ambiguous insult and insight into a person you don't know, again. Go on, Madame Cleo, read my mind s'more. :eek:
whatever said:
I had the same problem, so I quit my job! Why keep doing something that makes you miserable? Money isn't everything in life. And I don't embrace that whole "materialism world", where you have to get the house, the car, the wife, the kids and the dog to be happy. Screw that!

*chokes laughing*
Lonely in BC said:
Steal a shopping cart and and join the legion of others who want to avoid punching a time clock. It could be an incredible adventure- sleeping in a different place each night, dumpster diving, learning the best time to be at soup kitchens and bottle depots. Sounds like heaven, no bills, no responsibilities, no set schedule....

Enjoy :D

no set schedules.... except when to be at the soup kitchen =p
I use to go into NYC and hang out with homeless people; a few that I had become familiar with at certain parks in the city. The strange thing is that for some it is actually a conscious choice to have that life style. Some even had family to stay with in the worst of the winter months and then went right back to the streets. I can see they that sort of lifestyle is freeing, but it is also restricting in so many ways.
You don't.... Work isn't meant to be liked, or else it's no longer work, it's play.

No one should ever work.

Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost all the evil you'd care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.

That doesn't mean we have to stop doing things. It does mean creating a new way of life based on play; in other words, a ludic revolution. The ludic life is totally incompatible with existing reality. So much the worse for "reality," the gravity hole that sucks the vitality from the little in life that still distinguishes it from mere survival. Curiously—maybe not—all the old ideologies are conservative because they believe in work. Some of them, like Marxism and most brands of anarchism, believe in work all the more fiercely because they believe in so little else.

Liberals say we should end employment discrimination. I say we should end employment. Conservatives support right-to-work laws. Following Karl Marx's wayward son-in-law Paul Lafargue I support the right to be lazy. Leftists favor full employment. Like the surrealists—except that I'm not kidding—I favor full unemployment. Trotskyists agitate for permanent revolution. I agitate for permanent revelry. But if all the ideologues (as they do) advocate work—and not only because they plan to make other people do theirs—they are strangely reluctant to say so. They will carry on endlessly about wages, hours, working conditions, exploitation, productivity, profitability. They'll gladly talk about anything but work itself. These experts who offer to do our thinking for us rarely share their conclusions about work, for all its saliency in the lives of all of us. Among themselves they quibble over the details. Unions and management agree that we ought to sell the time of our lives in exchange for survival, although they haggle over the price. Marxists think we should be bossed by bureaucrats. Libertarians think we should be bossed by businessmen. Feminists don't care which form bossing takes so long as the bosses are women. Clearly these ideology-mongers have serious differences over how to divvy up the spoils of power. Just as clearly, none of them have any objection to power as such and all of them want to keep us working.

and more... http://deoxy.org/endwork.htm
the best thing about working is your days off !
That feeling when you have 2 days off !

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