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Nuzzy Nuz

Well-known member
Dec 23, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere in Asia
What gives you inspiration? what helps you stand strong? What lets you know you are not alone? Share your opinions on what gives you inspiration..


*The worlds biggest and warmest hugs ever to everyone who feels miserable right now*
Remember there is always someone out there thinking of something good that you have done to them and smiles at the memories that you have given them.. :)
Keep smiling... Stay strong!! LOVE YOU PEOPLE!! :) ♥_♥
Nuzzy Nuz said:
What gives you inspiration?
I`ll just say what comes first to my mind...
-inspirational stories, movies of people fighting and overcoming obstacles, winners, survivors etc.+ what I see with my own eyes around in real life
-children`s smiles and funny animal videos, when I`m down
-some anime (also games) stories, characters, OSTs, epic music
- faith
- ....
OK, so the things that inspire me:

In general, anything by The Doubleclicks. Look them up on Youtube.
If I need motivated, then listening to "One Winged Angel" from FFVII or "Without a Fight" by Hoobastank.
If I'm angry then listening to "Bring Your Own Crew" by DMX.

Nicole Dryburgh (Look her up - she was an amazing person)
My reflection (I realise that sounds hugely egotistical, but my changing bodyshape drives me to continue when I would otherwise give up)

Alma (It's true. I'd have given up exercising at times without her posts in the 'Let's Be Pro-active' thread)
My nieces (They give me the motivation to better myself and to keep moving forwards because I want them to have a better life).
Scrubs (My all-time favourite TV programme).

I'm sure there's loads more, but I am currently three sheets to the wind...
There is a movie that i would love you to check out.. well.. actually a drama (OST)... by any chance if you had watched this, i guess you will have felt that supreme Inspiration behind the story.. The name is Dream High.. A korean movie but all the same.. the best inspirational drama I have ever come across.. ♥ :D ♥ Check it out for yourself..

And for the book people, anyone out here who read Chicken soup?? OMG!! It was either makes me weep with realization or tear with joy.. Awesome real life inspirational stories.. :)
user 130057 said:
Alma (It's true. I'd have given up exercising at times without her posts in the 'Let's Be Pro-active' thread)

That's really nice of you to say that user 130057, thanks....I'm looking forward to getting back in the gym with a vengance in the New Year.

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