Is there a fictional character you relate to?

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Sep 21, 2022
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I'm not sure if a thread already exists for this. I tried searching and couldn't find anything so I figured I'd start one, I reckon there are some people who probably find themselves relating to a fictional character, or maybe several.

I've watched a lot of movies and cartoons over the years, and of everything I've watched, I probably relate most to Jonathan Byers, from Stranger Things. I relate to him most in regards to his personality, quietness, generally introverted nature, his social status as an outcast among his peers and someone who is regularly picked on. I'd say while I may be very reserved and not show much emotion, I do have a soft side and care for others, and have a love for animals (birds especially), much like Jonathan.

I can think of some other characters I relate to, but the resemblance I share to Jonathan Byers is unmatched. I guess I also relate a bit to characters like Tina Belcher (Bob's Burgers), Adam Raki (from a movie called Adam), Raven (Teen Titans), and Edd (Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy).

How about you? Feel free to list as many characters as you like. I'm interested to see what others think.
Edward in IQ. Except he's tall. I would have loved talking with Einstein. I would have really loved dating Meg Ryan. ;)
When you're creative, and you have an idea and lose that idea, and it actually drives you noticeably nuts:

Also, the classic "making chocolate pudding" scene from Rugrats:

Interesting question. I had to mull on this for a bit, but decided I'm a bit of a weird mish-mash of personalities. I'd say a cross between Anne of Green Gables, Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter and something along the lines of Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice or Allison from the Breakfast Club. Basically, a quirky, weird, quiet, magic-loving homebody who likes to take care of her family, romantic, sensitive, loves the quiet countryside, Victorian sensibilities, yet with a decidedly insecure and anxious, dark, mopey 'Goth' side.
Brian Griffin - Good with my tongue. Prefer to go to the bathroom outside. Into dating other species. Will take your stuff and bury it in the yard.

I'm not sure if a thread already exists for this. I tried searching and couldn't find anything so I figured I'd start one, I reckon there are some people who probably find themselves relating to a fictional character, or maybe several.

I've watched a lot of movies and cartoons over the years, and of everything I've watched, I probably relate most to Jonathan Byers, from Stranger Things. I relate to him most in regards to his personality, quietness, generally introverted nature, his social status as an outcast among his peers and someone who is regularly picked on. I'd say while I may be very reserved and not show much emotion, I do have a soft side and care for others, and have a love for animals (birds especially), much like Jonathan.

I can think of some other characters I relate to, but the resemblance I share to Jonathan Byers is unmatched. I guess I also relate a bit to characters like Tina Belcher (Bob's Burgers), Adam Raki (from a movie called Adam), Raven (Teen Titans), and Edd (Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy).

How about you? Feel free to list as many characters as you like. I'm interested to see what others think.
Leverage— Eliot Spencer, played by Christian Kane. We were fairly close in build and spunk. We might have been mistaken for brothers except I was better looking ;)... and nearly twice his age. I'm not tall (taller than Micheal J Fox :p ) but I never lost a fight either. Quickest reflexes in town. I had a reputation that kept most trouble makers away. My hair was wavier than his when it was long. Down to my shoulder blades before I got married... and had to get a real job. Bummer. Yeah, Elliot is a lot like me in my bygone daze. days. You certainly wouldn't know it now. :confused: *Sigh*

Pretty much any very minor background character. Like the bar keep that gives prices, the stable boy who takes the horses, the people who run away from falling building parts in any superhero movie.
Malcolm Tucker, machiavellian director of communications from the tv series, The Thick of It. Seems we speak the same language


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