It seems like there's no way out...

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Nov 23, 2010
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Hello, I'm new and I already wrote a post for new members.

I have so much to tell... but I don't know how to write it. I can't describe how I feel. Sorry for the possible mess.
I'll simply start by saying that life has never been fair with me. In elementary school I was bullied and everyone loved to pick on me. No one ever wanted to have me in a group (sport or any other activity). I always heard groans from the people I was choosen to be with... and I also heard some say ''Why her?'', while they were rolling their eyes. A girl I thought was my best friend betrayed me. She simply tossed me away and found someone else. And she was not the first one... an another so-called best friend betrayed me in the same way. I bet you can understand how I felt... I was always left alone. Like I was sick and others were afraid to get the illness too.
At the end of the elementary, I found out that all my girl school-mates went to the cinema together... I was the only one non-invited. I found out that I was childish to them, that I was too hyperactive. I was 14... How the hell they expect me to act like an adult? I am ME. MYSELF. I won't change just because of others. I can be serious when needed. But why act false? Why be someone that you're not?

I believed that things in middle school would change. It didn't. It became worse. The girls started picking on me. The hid my things, called me names sometimes, laughed at me, also, spilled drink on my head in public.

In all this time, I met people. But you know what? They all left me. For no reason. Simply, they started not coming back to me. I said, that If something is wrong, they can tell me. But everyone of those people just '' No, you're a wonderful person and I won't leave! ''
Yes. Sure. They all did. I am no one special, but I need a friend. I need someone to share my days.
More happend in my life but I won't write all here, otherwise you're good for all night. I simply want to say... that there is that little that's keeping me alive.

Watching other people that are together, that laugh and joke while I sit alone, watching them from afar and ask myself why am I cursed like this?
I already feel so empty inside. I can't feel like a human anymore. I don't trust a singe person and I always wait when they'll turn their backs on me and hurt me. I even hate being too much around people and going to school is becoming something difficult to me. I know it's for me - the school. I should study. But... when nothing is going right... and you don't have anyone to talk with (someone that won't just shrug you off by saying: '' Everything will be alright, don't worry. '' and change the subject).
Where will you find some ''inspiration'' ti live and go on???

When someone asks me '' Where do you see yourself in the future? '' ,
I answer: '' I don't see myself anywhere. '', because all I 'see' it's blackness.
I am not suicidal... never been. I just terribly hate how life is going here.
I am always myself, always kind (to the people that are worth it)... and what I get? Sh!t in the face, by other, who are ********... to them, everything is going right. They have friends and are lucky as heck. I don't want to be like them... I just want my life to be better. I have some of those hyperactive moments (and I love them) when I feel very little of that pain... but then, BOOM, I'm back depressed again.

The funny thing is, no one ever takes me seriously. They all think about it like some little thing that wil pass. They will not understand untill they will feel what I feel. They say: '' I know I've been there... ''
No, you haven't... because then you'd understand. And wouldn't think of it as someting that will pass quickly like a cold.
Someone in school literally almost killed my by all that ''be optimistic''...
The person actually said it that way that it pratically sounded like it's MY fault for having a life like this. I swear, fist almost met it's face.
I tried to change my life, nothing helped. Believe me.

Here. I wrote it. Sorry for bothering you people too. I don't want to be a burden to anyone.
I just hope you won't shrug this off like everyone. This place is almost my last hope.

Thank you to whoever read this. Stay fine*

You're not a bother. Welcome to the forum. I hope you find some hope here.
I feel the same way you do, I lay in bed in the morning and think "what's there to get out of bed for?" Some days I don't. Keep posting WanderingArtist, talking is only going to help more then hurt wouldn't you say?
I'll say the truth, I am so used that I'm a bother to everyone that I just wrote it^^''

Thanks for the welcome, Tex is Lost, SofiasMami and AncientBard.
AB - I have to agree with you. You just can see how your next day will be. Pratically the same as yesterday. It's like someone is pushing on a repeat button :(
Yep, talking/writing does help and so I want to thank everyone who took the time to read my post^_^
Here I am again...

Nothing new. Really. I just... need to write this. I feel like my chest will explode right now. I feel such pain, I'm screaming inside...
I've been thinking about my future these past days, too. I really don't know where the hell am I going... I should be more concerned about school than I am... I know I should, but there is no motivation... I am not being careless because I want to... I just... don't know... simply no motivation.
I was angry like a bull today, but I tried not to let out my anger onto others. I wanted to destroy everything around me.
But now, in the evening, I feel such sadness and sorrow, too tired to be angry anymore. Too tired to do anything at all.

I love when I have my hyperactive moments. At least, I feel my pain a little less, even if it's still there...

Thank you for reading*
It's not easy going through life feeling left out. You are right. Ths is a time in your life that you need friends. I think everyone needs to feel they are connected to other people. Sounds like the girls in school really hurt your feelings by not accepting you for who you are.

Have you tried talking to a councellor or therapist?
Naleena said:
It's not easy going through life feeling left out. You are right. Ths is a time in your life that you need friends. I think everyone needs to feel they are connected to other people. Sounds like the girls in school really hurt your feelings by not accepting you for who you are.

Have you tried talking to a councellor or therapist?

I agree with you :(
About the girls, it was like this from the first year of school. In elementary and here in middle school, it's the same. The pratically find every little thing to laugh at me. Sometimes they would chat and look towards me and giggle and laugh. I really don't get it what is so funny about me. Okay, I ignore it as long as I can, but everything has a limit. But how can I do something if all of them go against me and I am alone?
The question is why me??? It's so difficult to leave someone alone if you don't like him/her... nooo, you have to make the person's life more shitty than it already is.
To be honest, I could write an entire list of what they did to me.

I didn't talk to a councellor or therapist. I think there's nothing they can do. I know what causes me to be depressed and umotivated. :(:(:(

Thanks for the reply*


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