just me!

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Hi there!
.... now I think I'm supposed to introduce myself.... not much to say about it....who am I? came from the other side of the ocean, probably much older than everybody here, just started a PhD in Ecology and the only friends I have are three fishes in a tank....as they are not very interactive I decided to join the forum! I read some of the posts and they made me laugh (and laugh is something I need desesperatly!). So, please, talk to me! (that sounded a little pathetic!)
Anyway, just wanted to say Hello to everybody!

ps - and as you may already noticed, english is not my first language!
Actually I did not notice that English is not your first language. I am English and struggle quit a bit with the written side of it.

You have fishes :eek: lol How many fishes do you have. I use to keep fish. I also use to win them at far grounds. The little gold ones ;) I called my fist one jerry and the second one tom haha. After that I did not name them.

seriously tho I use to keep tropical fish but the cleaning them out got to be a pain in the ass.

I bet your not the oldest here. A PHD is got to be hard work to be doing something like that in later life. Good on ye :) Shows you have brains anyway.

And you don't come across as pathetic at all. Just in the same vote as most of us on here.

and btw welcome :)
Hello Sifaka, welcome to the forum :)
Lol your fishes are not very interactive? Why don't you get another pet? Get more interactive ones :D
Welcome to the forum Sifaka.
Oh fish. I love fish. whether you cook it or pet it. Joke. :D

But seriously though I love them. I used to have catfish, carp, angelfish and that fish with a big eye and a big belly, I don't know what you call it though so I just describe it. :)
Btw, all of my fish has its story of where I got them and how they were killed. :(

The catfish and carp, I only found them at the river and figure to keep them :) also with the janitor fish though. :) but I lost them when a big flood, flooded our neightborhood. coz I put them in a pond, they are too big in the tank.

And the angel fish and the big eye, big belly fish, well I bought them. Those, I put them in the tank, and my pet monkey ate them one by one. We didn't even know that moymoy(monkey) knows to open the top cover of the tank and sneak the fish out the tank and ate it. :(

Since that time. I never had any fish.. :( we'll, that my fish story.. :)

Any way hope you have fun staying in the forum:)
Welcome to A Lonely Life :)
It's ok if you're older that some people here, I'm one of the youngest and I get along alright. Age doesn't really matter.
toxic-tears said:
Btw, all of my fish has its story of where I got them and how they were killed. :(

You got any moor stories like that cos am in stitches here with this one.

toxic-tears said:
The catfish and carp, I only found them at the river and figure to keep them :) also with the janitor fish though. :) but I lost them when a big flood, flooded our neightborhood. coz I put them in a pond, they are too big in the tank.

Sorry but there is something weirdly wrong but funny by a fish that dead cos of a flood lol

toxic-tears said:
And the angel fish and the big eye, big belly fish, well I bought them. Those, I put them in the tank, and my pet monkey ate them one by one. We didn't even know that moymoy(monkey) knows to open the top cover of the tank and sneak the fish out the tank and ate it. :(

killed by a monkey lmao. What kinder pets do you keep? I would love to see your home :)

"moymoy" LMFAO seresly your killing me here :p

That is the best laugh Ive had all day reading your post :D

A monkey called moymoy killed the fish hahahahahah Is it just me that finds this that funny. T-T I love you :)
bluey said:
toxic-tears said:
Btw, all of my fish has its story of where I got them and how they were killed. :(

You got any moor stories like that cos am in stitches here with this one.

toxic-tears said:
The catfish and carp, I only found them at the river and figure to keep them :) also with the janitor fish though. :) but I lost them when a big flood, flooded our neightborhood. coz I put them in a pond, they are too big in the tank.

Sorry but there is something weirdly wrong but funny by a fish that dead cos of a flood lol

toxic-tears said:
And the angel fish and the big eye, big belly fish, well I bought them. Those, I put them in the tank, and my pet monkey ate them one by one. We didn't even know that moymoy(monkey) knows to open the top cover of the tank and sneak the fish out the tank and ate it. :(

killed by a monkey lmao. What kinder pets do you keep? I would love to see your home :)

"moymoy" LMFAO seresly your killing me here :p

That is the best laugh Ive had all day reading your post :D

A monkey called moymoy killed the fish hahahahahah Is it just me that finds this that funny. T-T I love you :)

oh.. yeah.. moymoy killed my cute fishes.. :) and moymoy has a story too.. he loves fat woman.. everytime he sees big woman he gets crazy.. that's why he loves my grandmother. he gets angry when my grandfather is close to my grandma. when my grandpa hold my grandma's hands he will come in between them.. seriously he have this jealous attitude.. it is really crazy monkey.. hehehehe.. :D
toxic-tears said:
bluey said:
toxic-tears said:
Btw, all of my fish has its story of where I got them and how they were killed. :(

You got any moor stories like that cos am in stitches here with this one.

toxic-tears said:
The catfish and carp, I only found them at the river and figure to keep them :) also with the janitor fish though. :) but I lost them when a big flood, flooded our neightborhood. coz I put them in a pond, they are too big in the tank.

Sorry but there is something weirdly wrong but funny by a fish that dead cos of a flood lol

toxic-tears said:
And the angel fish and the big eye, big belly fish, well I bought them. Those, I put them in the tank, and my pet monkey ate them one by one. We didn't even know that moymoy(monkey) knows to open the top cover of the tank and sneak the fish out the tank and ate it. :(

killed by a monkey lmao. What kinder pets do you keep? I would love to see your home :)

"moymoy" LMFAO seresly your killing me here :p

That is the best laugh Ive had all day reading your post :D

A monkey called moymoy killed the fish hahahahahah Is it just me that finds this that funny. T-T I love you :)

oh.. yeah.. moymoy killed my cute fishes.. :) and moymoy has a story too.. he loves fat woman.. everytime he sees big woman he gets crazy.. that's why he loves my grandmother. he gets angry when my grandfather is close to my grandma. when my grandpa hold my grandma's hands he will come in between them.. seriously he have this jealous attitude.. it is really crazy monkey.. hehehehe.. :D


Can we see a photo of moymoy?
Hi there!
Thanks every body for the warm welcomes and for the laughs about the fish stories and monkeys!

and don't worry about grammar and stuff this isn't a language arts class.


i know but recently I received a reply on a post that I did on an online support group for people who are lonely from a woman who told me that I should spend more time checking my spelling instead of crying and feeling sorry for myself! And she is probably right! But then I found out this forum and it is so more funny! Thanks for your welcome!
Safika said:
and it never ends...does it?

It can... Loneliness is just one of life's many possibilities. Hope is another one!
You'll run into all types on this forum. Some will help pick you up and give you some encouragement, and others will show you their own levels of loneliness you didn't know existed yet!

If you're looking for some hope or encouragement....just ask! :)
and with a lot of us, it depends on the day. Sometimes, for example, I'll write long, encouraging responses; other days I'm so down that I just agree or simply read and decline to respond.
Safika said:
i know but recently I received a reply on a post that I did on an online support group for people who are lonely from a woman who told me that I should spend more time checking my spelling instead of crying and feeling sorry for myself!


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