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Hello everyone.

There is a message that our Miss Ladyforsaken told Rodent and me to pass on to the forum. For those unaware, she has been struggling with physical health problems for a while, and they've recently intensified, causing some forum breaks. Two days ago, she has been hospitalised, after fainting in the bathroom. Her fears were made reality, she has a bad form of leukemia. So far she's underwent oral chemo and a bone marrow transplantation. The following is the exact message she wanted us to relay:

"(That) i will try my best to make a comeback soonest i get that extra bit of energy. I still think of every single person on the forum and I hope everyone joins me to not give up and keep fighting for your own life cos you can never know what is at the end of it. I've felt like giving up countless of times but i think if we're going down in life might as well make it the best downfall you've ever had & not make it a mundane surrender to the unknown.
I'm typing this with one finger and at moments like these im not sure if im gonna make it cos i feel so sick right now its also mainly why I wanted these guys to help me say these things. Before it might be too late.

I lost a friend to a similar issue last Nov. I didn't get a chance to tell her what i wanted. I don't want to feel that way with anyone here nor do I wanna cause anyone to feel the shock.

I appreciate each and every one of you here..thank you for making my forum journey an amazing one. Now I'm gonna fight for a comeback while i try to get through this.

In the meantime, please... Please be kind to one another.. and to yourself."

We will update the thread with news when it is available. We will also try to show her all the replies made on this thread, though a response is very unlikely, due to her weakened state. She hasn't been on the forum for a while, and won't come online until her energy levels are back at a level that allows her to do so. This means that sending her a personal message will go unread.
:( NO NO NO!!!! It just cant be true!!! good people do not deserve things like this....!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please please!! someone tell me this is not true.. please someone.. just tell me this is some rude joke.. Not Ladyforsaken.. I havent even finished geting to know her.. how come she fell sick? she is tooooo good to fall sick.. she doesnt deserve to feel sick!!! please tell her that i gave her my best regards.. and she going to fight this and she is gonna come back and leave all those cooool posts everywhere...!!! :( :(
Rosebolt said:
Hello everyone.

There is a message that our Miss Ladyforsaken told Rodent and me to pass on to the forum. For those unaware, she has been struggling with physical health problems for a while, and they've recently intensified, causing some forum breaks. Two days ago, she has been hospitalised, after fainting in the bathroom. Her fears were made reality, she has a bad form of leukemia. So far she's underwent oral chemo and a bone marrow transplantation. The following is the exact message she wanted us to relay:

"(That) i will try my best to make a comeback soonest i get that extra bit of energy. I still think of every single person on the forum and I hope everyone joins me to not give up and keep fighting for your own life cos you can never know what is at the end of it. I've felt like giving up countless of times but i think if we're going down in life might as well make it the best downfall you've ever had & not make it a mundane surrender to the unknown.
I'm typing this with one finger and at moments like these im not sure if im gonna make it cos i feel so sick right now its also mainly why I wanted these guys to help me say these things. Before it might be too late.

I lost a friend to a similar issue last Nov. I didn't get a chance to tell her what i wanted. I don't want to feel that way with anyone here nor do I wanna cause anyone to feel the shock.

I appreciate each and every one of you here..thank you for making my forum journey an amazing one. Now I'm gonna fight for a comeback while i try to get through this.

In the meantime, please... Please be kind to one another.. and to yourself."

We will update the thread with news when it is available. We will also try to show her all the replies made on this thread, though a response is very unlikely, due to her weakened state. She hasn't been on the forum for a while, and won't come online until her energy levels are back at a level that allows her to do so. This means that sending her a personal message will go unread.

I'm at lost of words here, I don't know what to say.
Okay, okay.

If this message is going to her then I will say this...

Thanks for spending time us, it's true my time was shortest. I liked it, every second of it. Without you this place will feel empty, lifeless and grey. I can't talk about anybody else But I have hope and faith in you, you will make it back here. We need you.

I can't write anymore. Sorry, I want but I can't.

And thanks Rosebolt.
I joined this place reading posts of Ladyforsaken and she's the most amazing person I have ever met in my life.

Thank you lady for being such an amazing friend and giving your time to all of us. I am writing again and without a doubt it's because the motivations I got from you.

I know you are strong and you can make it through. Our prayers are with you.
I was not expecting this. I don't really know what to say.

Well, let's start with the facts. First of all, you're one of the kindest and strongest people I've met here. You're always kind to others and even if you feel bad, you go out of your way to help others. I have to admit, I look up to you in that way.

If you're still fighting, I wish you all of the best in the fight.
If this is goodbye, thank you so much for everything. You will not be easily forgotten, I won't at least. You're one of the closest friends I've had and I feel so lucky I had the chance to know you and become friends with you. You really are an awesome person.

I have told her what the first three repliers wanted her to know. I will now go ahead and type yours, Seal.

Thanks everyone for the responses.

EDIT: I have just send her your message, Seal. Also, the fight is not lost. She will win.
just another post for u..
you are one of the people with the most beautiful heart.. so loving and alwys u made someone smile or feel better... I always wanted to know u better but i never got my chances and i regret not getting to know u better.. In lots of ways i look up to u and u were one adorable cheering person.. no wonder everyone respects u.. -hats off for u-
a beautiful person like u is need on this ugly world.. now is not ur time.. dont leave.. just come back.. there are lots of people who need u.. lots of people who love u.. lots of people who look up to u.. just dont give up fighting..

I don't want it be my last message to you, I never will. I know you're strong, be more stronger, Not for me , not for us, but for yourself. You have a life to live for. You are one of the best friend I ever have and I'm proud to be one. I don't think there is a single person here in this forum whom you haven't helped. We want you back here and give us lots of hug like you always do. You have made me hug addict so I want my share of hug.

Stay strong.
I won't say goodbye either.
Rosebolt said:
I have told her what the first three repliers wanted her to know. I will now go ahead and type yours, Seal.

Thanks everyone for the responses.

EDIT: I have just send her your message, Seal. Also, the fight is not lost. She will win.

Knowing her, I know she will.
I'm absolutely stunned to hear the news about you, Ladyforsaken :([/align]. Your one of the nicest, kindest and compassionate ladies that I've ever come across in my life. You don't deserve to be fighting this horrible disease. Please stay strong Ladyf and keep fighting always.

Rosebolt even though I haven't been here for a long time please let Ladyf know that I'm thinking about her.

She was such an inspiration to us all.
LadyF told me some little time ago that she had fears for her health, but didn't want to go into it, so I respected her wishes and didn't press her on what exactly was going on.

I deeply feared at the time that it was a return of the cancer, and have thought of her often and wondered how she was doing.

I still will do so, and I believe she has a great deal of courage and can face and overcome anything. Please pass my wishes on.
We don't know each other Ladyforsaken but are fellow travellers on the planet at this time and I want you to know that you are being thought of and that this comes with love and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Namaste Sister x
I knew that LadyForsaken has had some bad health issues but I never didn't want to ask too much about it... :(

I'm deeply so sorry to hear about this, Lady. You're such a strong and amazing person and I'm really happy to know you.

You never fail to make people smile, you're one of the reasons why this forum is such a great place to always come here.

Please hang on and fight through this, such a strong person you are. I will keep praying for you. <3 *hugs*
I've send her your well wishes, Jently.

EDIT: Only just now read your reply lonelyfairy, i will send it to her at once.
:( I am speechless. Reading this instantly made me cry and feel brokenhearted.
But I`m trying to overcome the emotions, put my revolting thoughts about the why these things happen to such good, sensitive, empathetic and caring people aside and send Ladyforsaken a message of encouragement.
So please Rosebolt, tell Ladyforsaken, to keep faith and truly believe that she will win this battle with the disease. Never give up, always rise again. Fight until the very last moment. I know that it`s easier said than done, but it`s the best option. I don`t know if she believes in God or not (she`ll excuse me if not and consider I said Life), but sometimes God puts us at test through some very hard trials (diseases, obstacles, problems of all sorts) to see if we keep our faith and fight no matter what, or give up hope and surrender. The fighters win. One way or the other, the outcome is what`s best for us. She is strong, she is a good person, with the heart of an angel, she will make it. You are in my prayers, Ladyforsaken, and keep in mind that there are many many people, here on the forum and maybe elsewhere too, who totally support you and wish you to recover soon, get back on your feet and feel good and happy about life, smiling. We all send you our positive energy and best thoughts. You are in good care, think positive and fight! Everything will be alright again. (*big warm hug*)
Thank you Rosebolt for what you do.
thank you Rosebolt for this update, although very terrible // I don't know what to say, feel sick myself now upon hearing these news, from hearing her symptoms I was worrying very much and prayed every day that it wasn't anything bad, but…
Please tell her that I will pray for her, and ask a whole Buddhist convent to pray for her, and that maybe her time here isn't over, maybe there is still things to do here… She is such a perfectly beautiful spirit, whatever happens she will be OK, after this moment of struggle, and with all my heart I hope that things turn out in a way that she spends some more time on this planet Earth.
Sweetie, this is so horrible, I hope something in you finds the strength to fight some more, and you will be in my thoughts constantly. Lots of love…

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