Lets see the Faces!!!

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Presence said:
TalosNB said:
Im pretty late to this thread but i just joined a little while ago, so here you's go plain old me


and an old one


Awesome smile, you look like tony Robbins

NO WAY... hes like bluey all the way!!!
well maybe not exactly like bluey but i think he looks like bluey
at least the bone structure... like look at them!!! when i first saw TalosNB i thought 'huh bluey' xD
idk why i thought of him... maybe im just gay for bluey O.O

bluey... just so this is out in the open im not really gay for you =D

and TalosNB great smile =D
diamond-dancer said:
Nah, I was merely observing that the combination of teeth and bared lips with the rest of your face as a background is aesthetically pleasing. I rarely ever compliment people on their looks, so that was kind of a big deal for me... and I was SHUNNED!

Sorry i didnt mean to shun you, im just hard on myself, so iam sorry if anyone was offended, and i am starting to post more so i can get to know everyone more as you all seem like fantastic people and if anyone wants to PM go for it, and im not sure i would agree to the similarity that bluey and i have, he does look quite good though i mean he has already turned brown gay for him :p

just kidding brown
Colette said:
broken_girl said:
Qui said:
But that's only one of my minor deformities... My toes are double jointed too :)
It's pretty sweet, but fairly worthless.

I have extra ankles. Also pretty worthless, but in the summer people notice it and get all weird.

Ooh! Is that a battle of who would make the best Carnie?

I am a conjoined twin. I keep my sister gagged and bound at all times.

OMFG. I have an internal twin! It's in my stomach. No one believes me but I swear it's true, that side of my stomach sticks out a tiny bit and it has it's own pulse that you can actually see if I lay on my back. lol. Although it could just be a cancerous tumor... ah well. that doesn't explain the pulse. I think it's an internal twin.
lol Glad to hear it, its a nuff when the girls start fighting over me lol Don't wont the boys doing the same thing :p:p:p

brown said:
NO WAY... hes like bluey all the way!!!
well maybe not exactly like bluey but i think he looks like bluey
at least the bone structure... like look at them!!! when i first saw TalosNB i thought 'huh bluey' xD
idk why i thought of him... maybe im just gay for bluey O.O

Gutted! :( lol Come on give us a kiss ;)

brown said:
bluey... just so this is out in the open im not really gay for you =D

TalosNB love the new avi :)
TalosNB said:
Sorry i didnt mean to shun you, im just hard on myself, so iam sorry if anyone was offended, and i am starting to post more so i can get to know everyone more as you all seem like fantastic people and if anyone wants to PM go for it, and im not sure i would agree to the similarity that bluey and i have, he does look quite good though i mean he has already turned brown gay for him :p

just kidding brown

No worries, I wasn't being serious anyway. A nice smile makes the face in my opinion, and not a lot of people have one.... so stick that in your pipe and smoke it. :p
wow.... lol with good looking people like DD and the rest lol, Mr jackrabbit is ashamed to show his face.lol
Chris 2 said:
I would post my picture but I'm ugly as fresia.

It suck when I never get comment like being cute or handsome by girls, but rather your so ******* ugly.

It a good sign to kill myself.:(

If you look back a few pages you'll find the hideous image of a man who's not smiling and could very well play the part of a serial killer in any horror film. This is me...and me is butt ugly.

My point is, even if you are ugly (which I doubt) you're not alone. What women don't realize is that ugly men make better lovers anyway. We try a lot harder because well....we have to! :)
lol...humm everyone is beautiful in his or her own way. haha but i guess i can never be pretty
Qui said:
Colette said:
broken_girl said:
Qui said:
But that's only one of my minor deformities... My toes are double jointed too :)
It's pretty sweet, but fairly worthless.

I have extra ankles. Also pretty worthless, but in the summer people notice it and get all weird.

Ooh! Is that a battle of who would make the best Carnie?

I am a conjoined twin. I keep my sister gagged and bound at all times.

OMFG. I have an internal twin! It's in my stomach. No one believes me but I swear it's true, that side of my stomach sticks out a tiny bit and it has it's own pulse that you can actually see if I lay on my back. lol. Although it could just be a cancerous tumor... ah well. that doesn't explain the pulse. I think it's an internal twin.

Yessssssss! Just like Total Recall... Kuato freaked me out!

Ok the movie didn't originally have this song part in it... someone was playing a joke, but it's hilarious, so I'm using it for my Kuato example.
Lost in the Oilfield said:
Yessssssss! Just like Total Recall... Kuato freaked me out!

"Quaaaaaid...start the reactor!"

"-What have you been feeding this thing?

"Recall...recall...recall. Yeah a friend of mine went down there and got himself lobotomized. don't mess with your brain man, it ain't worth it."

"I got five kids to feed!"

Sorry, I've watched that movie about a million times. :)

If you look back a few pages you'll find the hideous image of a man who's not smiling and could very well play the part of a serial killer in any horror film. This is me...and me is butt ugly.

My point is, even if you are ugly (which I doubt) you're not alone. What women don't realize is that ugly men make better lovers anyway. We try a lot harder because well....we have to! :)

Hi JL, for some strange reason (I wonder why?), that brought a big smile to my face :p
I dont think theres anything wrong with the way you look, in fact you're an attractive guy (argue if you like, lol).
Theres a saying where I live - "You dont look at the mantle piece while stoking the fire", I had some guy in the pub say it to me a few months ago, didnt make me feel particularly great as you can imagine!!
SadRabbit said:
lol...humm everyone is beautiful in his or her own way. haha but i guess i can never be pretty

Hiya SadRabbit,

I happen to think the ability to laugh at yourself and the things around you is a very attractive quality. You seem like you have a good sense of humour :)
I've given up trying to be pretty, I've decided to opt for 'pale and interesting' :p
JustLost said:
Lost in the Oilfield said:
Yessssssss! Just like Total Recall... Kuato freaked me out!

"Quaaaaaid...start the reactor!"

"-What have you been feeding this thing?

"Recall...recall...recall. Yeah a friend of mine went down there and got himself lobotomized. don't mess with your brain man, it ain't worth it."

"I got five kids to feed!"

Sorry, I've watched that movie about a million times. :)

Hahaha thanks for the quotes... no prob I've seen it plenty of times too... even played the game they made for the NES... wasn't that good.
I made this in photoshop. I'm computer retarded, so I thought it was pretty cool.

Red26 said:
Theres a saying where I live - "You dont look at the mantle piece while stoking the fire", I had some guy in the pub say it to me a few months ago, didnt make me feel particularly great as you can imagine!!

Who said that to you??! I'll kill them!
Just some idiot who thought it would be fun to get drunk and go up to random people and abuse them! This is why I rarely go to places like that anymore.

And BG - cool pic :)

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