Lets see the Faces!!!

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no...i never complained about my nose...ive been the opposite...i never said bad things about myself XP

nice pics everyone ;)
Arcane said:
no...i never complained about my nose...ive been the opposite...i never said bad things about myself XP

nice pics everyone ;)
Well, in that case I must've mistaken you for someone else posting here Xd My bad.. it must be due to my brains slowly rotting away, or something like that X'D

Primero said:
After a few months of which I actually didn't feel lonely at all, I recently started to frequent this site again. I might as well post an updated picture of me.

Quality is awful, but that's my webcam for you. Pale as a ghost, even though I've lived in China since the beginning of summer, - I don't tan :p

looking good dude =]


Went blues dancing again :D
Not all faces... but here are some pics from my "hike" today. I was told that it would be a wilderness hike.. so I came prepared for an entire day out. Had my 60lb pack, my camera, and a smaller tote bag, along with hiking boots. Had all the gear I'd need to leave everyone else in the dust. I was sure I'd be most prepared. As it turns out, I showed up and it was a biker-friendly PAVED trail with a few memorable lookout points. So I just ended up going off-trail a whole lot and cross-country ghosting the rest of the group I was with. Here are a couple pics of me/us.

Me looking over a cliff edge. It was like an 80 foot drop (or more). And yes, I leaned over with my pack to get the shot. :cool:

I climbed down a small cliff face and took a picture of my friends waiting for me to come back up.

And here's little 'ol me. With all my unneeded honeysuckle.

One of the views along the "trail." It was more of a bike path.
Seems like some people can't see them. I tried several ways of getting my pics to show up. I'm leaving them now. fresia it. :p

If you can see, you can see. Enjoy. :p
I feel like being a camwhore for a moment.
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^ you have a nice eye ;)

I preface this by saying that I'm not terribly photogenic.
with that being said...this is me! taken today. I apologize
for the blurriness & overall poor quality of the pic.
cell phones...blah.

Good lookin' there, Tristeza ^^ And I love the fact that you smile. I still have a debt in that department xD
last year for halloween i was a belly dancer (lol). i have no clue what to do this year...o.0

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