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It’s futile
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2023
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After working on my legs and arms this morning, I decided to stay in town a bit and pop down to the lake, grab a caramel latte and read a chapter of my book while the fresh cool breeze flowed through my car. I can hear local birds, rustling leaves and unfortunately the cars going by behind me. (I detest road noise) But, it feels nice. The sun is shining in a half clouded over sky and nobody is causing a calamity. I’ll take this moment thank you.


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I found pleasure in cloud gazing...until I read that staring at the sky can damage your eyes even if you're not directly staring at the sun!

I just find pleasure in zombie movies - that won't cause cataracted eyes. Well, unless I turn into one...
I found pleasure in cloud gazing...until I read that staring at the sky can damage your eyes even if you're not directly staring at the sun!

I just find pleasure in zombie movies - that won't cause cataracted eyes. Well, unless I turn into one...
You can wear sunglasses if you're concerned.

I stared at the sun directly for 5 minutes once and can still see fine (Obviously, I wouldn't recommend it, I was a bit off my rocker at the time). heh :) For a few days afterwards, everything orange looked purple, lol. It was kind of neat. The joys of being in one's twenties...

I'm sure, by way of experience, it's fine looking at clouds. :) In the twilight years, as the eyes have aged, we'll all lose a bit of clarity in our color vision. But, if you want to really protect your peepers and keep them in tip top shape, just wear good sun glasses while outside. :)

I find sunglasses a bit annoying to wear; and I've never really expected to live into the older years. So, no biggy to me.
The reason I'm not riding my mountain bike around currently. Swooping magpies. On a two hour bush trail ride I get swooped a dozen times. It's just too annoying, and even dangerous. Once I chose a stupid moment to take a drink from my bottle as I rode down a gravelly slope, and then a magpie chose to swoop me. Lucky I didn't "come a gutsa" as we say here lol.

Magpie - Web story pic.jpg
The reason I'm not riding my mountain bike around currently. Swooping magpies. On a two hour bush trail ride I get swooped a dozen times. It's just too annoying, and even dangerous. Once I chose a stupid moment to take a drink from my bottle as I rode down a gravelly slope, and then a magpie chose to swoop me. Lucky I didn't "come a gutsa" as we say here lol.

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Is that a photo from something that actually happened to you? That's incredible!
Is that a photo from something that actually happened to you? That's incredible!
Nah, not my photo, a road cyclist set up a camera and took heaps of great photos like this, BUT, I'd capture just as dramatic photos if I did the same. They can be really vicious and relentless in their swooping. You get to be very conscious of ideal swooping locations and can be wary, but they still get ya somewhere lol.
Nah, not my photo, a road cyclist set up a camera and took heaps of great photos like this, BUT, I'd capture just as dramatic photos if I did the same. They can be really vicious and relentless in their swooping. You get to be very conscious of ideal swooping locations and can be wary, but they still get ya somewhere lol.

Still a cool photo though.

Speaking of bird photos, I like to take pictures of hawks whenever I get the chance. I always found the way they look and move, to be really cool - very majestic and noble.
Lots of these Eastern Rosellas getting around the garden. Not my pic. This is a male. The females don’t have all the bright refs and yellows . And there’s usually a couple with each male. I just watch them from my porch.

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What a beautiful bird! I moved across Canada this summer and there’s a lot of different birds to see on the East Coast as opposed to West - still awaiting my first sighting of a bright red cardinal. Birdwatching is such a simple, relaxing and enjoyable pastime.
What a beautiful bird! I moved across Canada this summer and there’s a lot of different birds to see on the East Coast as opposed to West - still awaiting my first sighting of a bright red cardinal. Birdwatching is such a simple, relaxing and enjoyable pastime.
i have lots a various birds in my yard. the only ones i detest are the several crows. they are such pests.

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