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Active member
Jul 14, 2011
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i have so many problems speaking to girls around that age(im 21) the reason i ask for that is because i feel more comftable talking to girls online because i feel i can talk about more with them but im so scared to talk to them so i need to talk to online ones first

im a nice person and always want to help others, i am happy to talk to anyone though just said girls around 20 because i really need to get over my fear of girls around my age but i would love to meet and talk to anyone

also if someone adds me and i dont speak to you dont feel bad i just dont speak to people first because i have zero self esteem and think i am not worthy to speak to people

anyways it would be nice to meet anyone, thank you for reading :)
Hey I saw your other thread about talking to girls and the problems associated with that lol. Really resonated with me because I have the same problem. I'll be your friend! :D I'm also looking for someone just to chat about this kind of stuff with since it really gets to me when it's all bouncing around in my head... So how does this work? You want me to PM you or something? Or like do you want to talk on some instant messaging thing? I'm a 20 year old guy btw.
thank you for your pm agian, i am happy to talk via pm :) either that or email whichever is easier for you(my computer is not advanced enough to use any kind of instant messaging) thank you for your reply :)

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