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Dec 4, 2010
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Just a lonely guy posting here. Between school and work I rarely find time to spend out with others. I've developed quite a few online friendships over the past few months, all of which have recently started to disintegrate. I was starting to get one word responses and sometimes none at all. I understand everyone has a life and by no means does the universe revolve around me. I think my problem is that after not sending anyone any messages or contact in anyway after 8 days not a single person has contacted me of their own free will. It hurts to know that if I were to disappear that no one would really know the difference. I hate to give in a start posting to them again, but on the other hand it feels a waste to let the friendship go to waste because I was seeking appreciation/recognition/or even someone missing hearing from me.
I dunno just feeling crappy about never getting to be someones #1 I'm always the nice guy or the "friend zone guy" (yes we have transitioned to women only at this point) I don't feel like being a dick or a bad ass like everyone says I need to. I'm happy to be myself, unfortunately it rarely gives me what I want in life. I have a choice to make very soon, do i get what I want by not being me or do I stay myself and continue to look in at the life I want. Anyways I think thats enough for now, I don't think there is anything anyone can really do. I just needed to vent somewhere.
I know how you feel.

I just joined alonelylife today, and I've felt much like what you've described over the past few months. All of my real life friendships have disintegrated and I'm left with this loneliness and frustration, and feeling like I don't matter to anyone.

I don't think there's much we can do, but I'm glad that to know that at least Im not the only one who feels this way. Thanks for venting.
halfemptyheart26 said:
I know how you feel.

I just joined alonelylife today, and I've felt much like what you've described over the past few months. All of my real life friendships have disintegrated and I'm left with this loneliness and frustration, and feeling like I don't matter to anyone.

I don't think there's much we can do, but I'm glad that to know that at least Im not the only one who feels this way. Thanks for venting.

yay! another person who gets it! I don't want to sound like I'm 80 years old (actually 25) but I think people have a severe problem with being decent human beings nowa days. with all of our connectivity and technology people seem to respond less and less. It's not like you can really confront these people and say "hey! you haven't sent me anything in awhile!" I'm tired of being the only one to notice that I'm not being noticed. It sounds petty but It happens too often in my life to ignore it anymore. I really just want a witty banter buddy, I had one online. She was amazing every day I was excited to wake up and see what new thing was posted to banter about. Ill just say it now, she was a model I suppose I was considered a "fan" but it didn't change the fact that her wall on FB was me an her back and forth for hours laughing and joking. I know I'm not supposed to get attached to models/strippers etc but it was hard because she was so real. Ill be honest again for a moment there I thought I really had a shot ;) Once she got a bf she dropped off the map her modeling became a "job" instead of her life and I didn't get any responses to stuff anymore, either that or it was the generic "haha" I really miss it, and after months of posting I have quit cold turkey 8 days now and I haven't heard a peep. just frustrating because as we both know there is nothing we can do about it, keep calm and carry on is all I can think of.

Honestly I kinda feel like Scar (minus the awesome ability to assemble an army of hyenas), the poor ******* didn't have an existence, his brother belittled and laughed at him. They never acknowledged him as anything other than Mufasa's brother.

lovin the song atm lol Disney rocks
That sounds rough. In a certain respect you're facing a rejection, and its a hard reality to accept.

I think its hard, no matter what, for people to take responsibility for things.. and esp when they know their neglect or rejection is going to possibly hurt someone. I'm sorry that you were hurt.

You sounded like you were almost apologizing for yourself when you kept saying 'i admit'. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed.. what you felt was real, and its okay to go through the gambit of emotions to get it out of your system.
I've gone through something like that. Really, there's not much you can do to make it any easier. People just separate in online friendships sometimes. But it's a really crappy feeling to feel like you care more about someone than they do for you. I can't really give very good advice because I don't know how to deal with those feelings myself. I hope you feel better dude. And Be Prepared is an awesome song.

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