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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
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Is there any way i can be more mature ? im sick and tired of people calling me a child. i want to rip their heads off...but..eventually..all that anger turns into sadness and it depresses me. Just any way i can talk or act would be helpful. i need to change. :D i hate my mother for having me so late. That *****.
Rayri said:
i hate my mother for having me so late. That *****.

Drop that attitude for starters, nothing is more immature than someone blaming others for their ills. I’d stop and think about what makes people call you immature? Is it after you’ve done something specific? Do you lack responsibility for your actions?
Have they told you this or are you assuming it? If its truly about your age then I’m sad to say there isn’t a quick and easy solution other than to give it time. Heck I’m 32 and older people still call me young man!
Immature in what way?

In the way you talk or act? There are many different ways people may call someone "immature".
stop acting like a child , that way people wont have a reason to call you childish.

talking about ripping peoples heads off and calling your mom a ***** isnt helping you look more mature.
so stop doing that.

i dont know how old you are but maybe youre just verry young, theres nothing wrong with that.
Maturity: the act of taking responsibility for everything in your life, and then some.

Had a bad test? Nod quietly and focus on studying harder. Angry at someone? Gently withdraw from exposing yourself to that person. Feeling like you're overweight? Hit the gym the next day.
How old are you? People older will still call you a child, or maybe it's the way you act, which so far I can see why. No offence but from what you've posted so far in this thread I'd wager you are under the age of 18.
why would you feel bad for acting like a child when you are, still a child ??

you get more mature when you grow up, not everybody though :p
you cant just act it, you have to get there , that takes time.
at least you realise your acting childish, thats a good first step isnt it ?
paulo said:
why would you feel bad for acting like a child when you are, still a child ??

you get more mature when you grow up, not everybody though :p

Paulo may grow older, but he'll be immature forever!
To be honest, I've always been considered as overtly mature. If you really want to know, I think its a few things:

1) Responsibility
2) Planning and organization
3) Presentation(type in full sentences, use complete grammar, etc.)
4) Cynicism
i want to. Could you please not call me that ? That breaks me more than any other word.

i'll just give up on people and act more...silent (like my cousin XD). Isolate myself. (even though i already do XP) Playing with the kids and dog and being all playful in front ofmy parents is a guarantee they will call me that. If i do that, they won't have a reason to call me a...child. Do you think that would work ? i could just stay upstairs and work on my work all day.
Well, to your parents you'll always be their child so they'll call you that. It's stupid, when you reach a certain age people expect you to "grow up" and stop "acting like a child" yet you still are. I say screw them and be the way you want to be, whatever makes you happy. If people can't see that then that is their problem.

If you want to be seen as more mature listen to what IgnoredOne has said, cause he's right. It's about showing responsibility, being able to look after yourself, and presenting yourself as more of an adult. That includes proper spelling and punctuation, etc. Like I instead i.
Show them that you are indeed older. :D

It'll change once you've proven your point repeatedly.
i hate that i brought this up actually. Please dont treat me differently because im...XP smaller than you. Not very comfortable right now =/ Just please dont treat me like a child. i hate that.

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