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Apr 14, 2009
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Hi, I guess I'm considered new since I just registered not three minutes ago.
You can call me Ghost but that's just usually a game name for me.

I've never been active on a forum unless it was involved with a faction or guild on an online game. And I decided I'd be bored and find one I could hopefully be active on. Maybe.

To be honest, I'm not technically lonely, I have a great friend I talk to everyday, and school friends to blah blah with at school. But my friend will be doing a bit of traveling lately, so I may be a little bit lonely soon. Though I do feel bad for registering here, it may hurt them if they find out I'm here. I hope not, I'm sure they'll understand.

I did go through a past where lots of friends left me, hurt me, or just ignored me, so I have been through all those great experiences.

I'm 18 and I'll just let you guess my gender. It's more fun that way. And I'm also in high school still, on my senior year so I'm almost free.

I currently live with my mom's friends. She lost her job and we lost our apartment, and instead of living with my father (which I won't get into now) I'm living with her friend and her two daughters. It's an interesting place, that's for sure.

The main reason for signing up here is for when my friend is gone, if I need to vent (though I usually vent to my friend), and if I get bored and feel like helping or cheering some people up. I do want to feel useful, that'd be very nice.

Well that wasn't as short as I thought.. Nice to meet you all.
Its always nice to see the lurkers come out and show themselves. Its great for you to introduce yourself. Thank you and welcome to A Lonely Life.

Your living situation sounds interesting and you probably have gone through a lot of stressful times with family which is always bad to experience at your age. IF anything ever comes up and you want some insight and help. Or maybe meet someone to chat with for a while. This place is probably your best bet. So for now, hello and welcome. Hopefully things go well for yourself.
DayvanCowboy said:
Its always nice to see the lurkers come out and show themselves. Its great for you to introduce yourself. Thank you and welcome to A Lonely Life.

Your living situation sounds interesting and you probably have gone through a lot of stressful times with family which is always bad to experience at your age. IF anything ever comes up and you want some insight and help. Or maybe meet someone to chat with for a while. This place is probably your best bet. So for now, hello and welcome. Hopefully things go well for yourself.

Thanks a lot. Looking through posts and threads is fun, and I can tell this is a very nice community. And thanks again!
packyourbags said:
hey Ghostly!


sorry about your mom's situation, and about your friend moving...
i hope you'll be able to keep in touch...

Thanks :3

Oh they're not moving permanently, they just got a job and it requires travel. But I can keep in touch, it will just be a little bit lonely.
Ghostly said:
packyourbags said:
hey Ghostly!


sorry about your mom's situation, and about your friend moving...
i hope you'll be able to keep in touch...

Thanks :3

Oh they're not moving permanently, they just got a job and it requires travel. But I can keep in touch, it will just be a little bit lonely.

well - that IS some good news at least.
my best friend moved to Germany to study, and well... we kind of drifted apart afterwards. i know that when he's back we'll totally be friends again, but yeah, it's not easy.


well - have a nice day, and i hope you'll find folks to make you feel liked and that will make your time a little less lonely in the meantime.

you can totally talk to me whenever if you feel like it.

Welcome Ghost
Hi Ghost...

Tbh its a little weird seeing another Ghost on a forum as my GT is very similar...

Anyway welcome, I'm pretty new too & its nice here...

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