Need computer help quick!!!

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OK, hi!

Hi, ok, well my computer just got upgraded lately. I gave it about 2 more gigs of Ram and replaced the motherboard and CPU with a much faster dual core model. Anyway my computer is running MUCH faster now as you may have guessed. Please help me catch it, it's getting away!!!

Dual core... 6 core was released just recently. I'm happy with my quad-core though. I would, however, like to put in another RAM stick for 8 GB of RAM. I might if I have the extra money to one day.
Wow 6 core. Bet the average pc gamer doesn't need one of those. :p

Dual core is still decent i think. Quad is getting into more hardc
Don't bother chasing after it. It is too fast now. You must analyze it weak spot and strike when it least expects it. I would guess it is most vulnerable at its video card. You must present a feast of tastey graphics. The computer will devour the meal and become lethargic. You can catch it now, so run up and bash its monitor in with a keyboard.
No, here's how to catch/kill your computer (by Apocalite -- "How To Kill a Terminator",


Anyone who has seen any of the series of Terminator movies knows that these resilient robots are terribly difficult to eliminate. Even in my dreams, it takes sheer luck and a nonexistent gun to survive a terminator programmed to kill me. This writeup is intended to aid those whose lives have been or will be plagued by these tenacious cybernetic-organisms.

Terminator anatomy, while complex and more technologically advanced than anything this world has encountered thus far, is organised in ridiculously predictable and vulnerable ways. The team responsible for the creation of the terminators suffered obviously from functional fixedness, which most likely ruined many of their camping trips. A terminator's sensory organs are uncreatively located in its head, thus making it a logical candidate for the location of your attack. The power cells are located mid-torso, and ideally should be victimized only after the destruction of the head.

A large quantity of homemade napalm, a sticky incendiary which burns at over 5000F, is a possible solution to your problem, perhaps even on those tricky liquid metal models. Napalm can be made in many different ways with many varying degrees of complexity and respective efficiency. For the hardcore chemists who are frantically reading this while their families are being murdered by metallic assassins, it is not necessary to locate any aluminum naphthenate or aluminum palmitate. The 15-year old pyro's version will suffice. This method involves feeding styrofoam into gasoline until the mixture is thick and unable to hold anymore dissolved styrofoam. A moment of silence for the innocent Vietnamese who were burned to death by your crude, yet lethal concoction, and you are just about ready to take on a terminator. Your gelatinous weapon is not too easy to ignite, and it is up to you to figure out how you plan to accomplish this without getting "terminated" by the future's most advanced AI. Now don't get too cocky just because you have some napalm, we're still dealing with terminators. Divine intervention may be necessary for successful placement and ignition of the malicious death goo. Provided the unlikely situation that the terminator is thoroughly saturated by the napalm AND you ignite it before a frustrating robotic death, the surreal flame should confuse and torture the poor digital creature while it is reduced to a useless puddle which you've earned the right to keep on display in a jar.

An electromagnetic pulse is a fail-proof method of terminator disengagement, and less stressful if one can be obtained, as face-to-face encounters with a terminator rarely work out in favor of the human. I admit to knowing next-to-nothing about the creation of an EMP and really don't feel like doing the research, but due to its ease of use and successrate, i would recommend reading up on it in case you ever need to. You remember what the giant magnet did to the T-X, don't you? I would still run, I don't know if any of you saw Arnold's power cell explode in T3, but it looked something like the detonation of a small nuclear weapon.

Many people suggest the use of nuclear weaponry. Ignoring the obvious fact that you will never obtain a nuke in your life (yes, there are ways, but let's be practical, not that killing terminators is practical), you must remember that there is no point in killing the terminator if you don't live through the ordeal to have a wife and kids. I'm assuming few of you are Pentagon officials or highly ranked military officers, so i would stick to the napalm or the EMP.

Early-model terminators can be crushed, but only with an unreliable amount of luck. Again, please stick to the napalm or EMP.

Thermite could work, but napalm has the advantage of its gluelike consistency, and I don't think you're going to be able to throw volatile powders with any hope of survival.

Godspeed my friends.
which cpu does everybody choose to use most???
it seems that AMD250 is the most popular
I have used intel E6550 for more than 4 years....


a cheap amd x4 9xx will do for everyday gaming/working

me myslef have a intel core i5 2400 3.1Ghz SB,it runs perfectly

if your in to intel i and have a the folloing mobo
lga 775 a Q9400 quad core
lga 1156(no use in buying one) but the i5 750/760 is your bets chose (price wize)
lga 1155 (the new "I" series) the i3 sb dual core can hande games for avarage usage but i will say its better to go for a i5 2300 and up,the 2500k cost more but i can oc it to 4.5Ghz easaly

AM3,well like i said the x4 955 is a good quad for its price (if your on a tight buget)
if ur buying a x6 well just go for sandybrage its faster and it cost the same if not cheaper(depends where you shop)
but if u want a 6core i guess u can buy it,(its your choce)

buldozer are coming out soon so u can grab your self a 3.6ghz 8core for the same price as a i7 2600k
but idk how it preforms yet we have to w8 till its releced


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