NOT so lonely 2 be me

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hey hey
im feeling oddly bi polar lol
well for those of you who know me
you may have noticed i havent been as active as i use to be
its because i have finally made a few decissions in my life
started saveing money to move, decided where to move to
decided to finally get that divorce , researching everything i need to know to get going on my ,packing and makeing friends where i will be moveing to online.
so i have just been real busy and i am actually doing real well emotionally at this time, i figure closer to moving date i may have a few anxiety attacks
and then we call all do the *rolleyes* emote together lol
but for now i am feeling a lil better ,doing something about my situation helps get rid of that helplessness/useless feelings of not haveing any self worth . so for all those who posted and helped thanks,for those who sent pms even when i wasent on forums to my email thanks too
and i will be on here on and off all the time
if you have any questions just ask
yea i met a guy too living same area i will be moving to next year ,8 years older very nice , met him online when i did a search for the area i was interested in meeting people from so........who knows =)
anyway im feeling better hope summer does everyone else some good
much love
hope you can see the link to pics and that it opens for ya
later gatorsssssssssss
I am new at the forums, but still glad that you are feeling happy about all of this. Keep it up!
does the link work for the slideshow?
my daughter is half japanese she is soooooooooooo white
that i look pink next to her
or maybe i am pink???
Very cute, Lonely2bee! Your daughter is so beautiful! And you have such pretty eyes! PS I heard about the earthquake in Japan--are you alright and all your loved ones?

Take care!

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mimizu long time no seeeeeeeeeee
im moveing to................

came about that decision cause 40% of the tourists are japanese and my eldest
daughter wants to work a job that uses both her languages ,they think they will
fit in better there and its half way between japan and america by plane so easier
for thier papa to visit once/twice a year
as far as earthquake and hurrican both were way down in south japan
far from me and mine so no worries
much loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
it's nic eto hear someone is doing well; you'll be a living example that somethings can change! i'm happy for you and hope you'll be happy tooo from now on! A big hug!

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