Planetside 2

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
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Besides the rebel scum being glorified in this video, Planetside 2 looks extremely promising. The chaos and organization of being in a battlefield with hundreds of other players, many of them organized into squads and outfits, seems very promising as is the idea of having an entire planet to duke it out with conquerable territory. I've been talking to a few friends, and I think that we'll be joining it when it comes out, and show those scum the Terran Republic way. STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY.
Yer I like the look of the jet packs, hopefully it will have a good story line as well otherwise it will just be onther hectic FPS.
Parabolani said:
Yer I like the look of the jet packs, hopefully it will have a good story line as well otherwise it will just be onther hectic FPS.

Well, its entirely multiplayer, so the story is dynamic as created by players. There is no single-player at all.
My experience with these kinds of games is that they never live up to the hype. They make big claims but once you get in game, it turns out that it's all a gimmick or done in cheesy ways. Sometimes it's all a straight up lie.

If this game is what they say it will be, it will be the most fun game I've ever played. But it wont be.
kamya said:
My experience with these kinds of games is that they never live up to the hype. They make big claims but once you get in game, it turns out that it's all a gimmick or done in cheesy ways. Sometimes it's all a straight up lie.

If this game is what they say it will be, it will be the most fun game I've ever played. But it wont be.

Have you played the first Planetside? Its not far different, and its going to be essentially the same formula that was also used for Battlefield 2142, so in a way, they're not really going to be that innovative. If you've seen the gameplay trailers, it does look like its going to be extremely filled with potential.
The original planetside wasn't really super fun. I ended up stopping the game because of all the cheaters. That and I don't like paying subscriptions.
I play planetside now and again right now. They gave me like 45 days or so of free gametime (hopefully also a beta pass for ps2) It did used to have some cheaters but nowadays it seems it is sorted out very fast if it does happen.

PS2 got ALOT of awards at E3 so there must be something good about it.

That has some quite cool info about the game.
Well, Planetside 2 will be F2P, as the developers expressed a great deal of admiration for the League of Legends model. It looks like that cosmetic skins will cost money, but everything else will be free - of course, cosmetic skins are a huge deal, and I suspect that it'll most likely make me spend more money than had it been standard free to play.

(to consider: to get Battle Bunny Riven in LoL, I immediately plopped down $20 for the character and the skin. Add that up to the other 'first day purchases' I've made, and I must have put in well over a hundred and then some for League of Legends, far more than for a normal paid game.)
IgnoredOne said:
Parabolani said:
Yer I like the look of the jet packs, hopefully it will have a good story line as well otherwise it will just be onther hectic FPS.

Well, its entirely multiplayer, so the story is dynamic as created by players. There is no single-player at all.

Not interested then, I don't do multiplay.
Parabolani said:
IgnoredOne said:
Your gaming is antisocial ;) Why not?

When Im gaming it's 'me time'.

But its totally your time, the others exist just to become the marks on your kill-death counter. Gaming is better when you know it makes someone else feel bad, no?

I'm not a griefer, I swear!
Hehe I personally like playing against others because AI is usually just way too predictable. Either that or they do things like kill you through a bush when you would normally be concealed to a human player.
One time I was playing Dead Rising 2 and someone asked me if they could join, then I could hear them it was a male and female talking chinese, didn't see the point of them being in my game so I beat them to death.
Parabolani said:
One time I was playing Dead Rising 2 and someone asked me if they could join, then I could hear them it was a male and female talking chinese, didn't see the point of them being in my game so I beat them to death.

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