Relationship ramblings of a socially inept guy.

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Aug 16, 2012
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Do not take this post altogether seriously. Its mostly for fun and poking fun at myself, but most of these things actually happened to me, im not gonna go into detail about the bullying n stuff like that when i was younger though, maybe in another post as a seperate subject as that is more serious.

This post is about the kind of thoughts ive had, what ive wanted to say to people, or the feelings ive had (about relationships, them, and my own issues) throughout my life while in the company of women or while asking one out on a date, involving experiences from nearly every woman that ive spoken to, most of it is thoughts based on those experiences. the way that i type will probs change from venting, lighthearted observational thoughts/reaction-thoughts, and some serious concerns that i have. i know that no one will be interested in what i type but im not doing it for that purpose, im gonna type it as a bit of a muddled up ramble so that i can have some fun with it and in the process hopefully relieve some sadness while sharing my thoughts and experiences. :)
When i say "you/u" im refering to some of the women ive observed, been friends with/been close to, people that ive known, women that ive approached, asked out etc. or anyone that i date in the future.

Lets get ready to ramble! :D (yeah, i know, i was talking to myself when i said that)

Why are u wearing loads of facepaint on ur face? are u harley quinn? is this a joke?, are u wearing camouflage? are u preparing to go to war with me?
Why do u wear revealing clothing showing off ur boobs and lower area? do u expect me to have a conversation with ur vagina?
why is ur ass hanging out? i like it when a lady is cheeky but geeez... not ike that.
Are u trying to attract a man or his penis?, ur appearance tells me that ur looking for casual sex, not a relationship, but ur words say otherwise, its confusing!.
u turn down a dance with a sincere guy that stutters when he asks u, then u accept a dance with a confident guy that has rehearsed some lines that he found in a guide book.
Do i need to be a pickup artist for u to say the last guy u went out with?

I gave hints that im into u and u responded by kissing and dancing with one of my mates, infront of me. Why did u do that? for an ego boost?

Why did u tell ur friends to ask me for my number instead of walking up to me urself? i know that its scary to ask someone out, im a social-phobe and for me asking a women out is a more scary situation than the thought of being held at gunpoint (no exaggeration), but i would still ask because i believe that a person that i care about is worth taking the risk for.

When we were both at a party u pretended not to know me, then when we were both in the corridor u directly smiled at me. my initial response was to look at ur pockets to check for any knifes or stabbing weapons to see if ur a mugger or assassin out to complete a hit list :D (well, almost) as something like that was more likely to happen:rolleyes:, i got scared, that situation was new to me. after that i realised u werent trying to snare me to hurt me and that u might have been interested in me
but then i started having doubts because..if u were insterested in me and wanted to go out with me.. u would of asked me out, right? was it a friendly smile or more?. im sorry for being such a dork, i diddnt know what to do!. at least i'll know now for next time (if there ever is a next time)

Why do u expect a guy to worship u? u look like a goddess as does every woman but ur a human being just like me.
I'd like to go to church on u (sorry, bad pun:p), nah, i wouldnt go to church to worship a god, a goddess is no different - ur most likely heavenly in bed but no thankyou. (buy a dildo, it'l last longer;))
Its difficult to think of someone as an equal when they ask to be worshipped, i know that i wouldnt be worthy of any special treatment of that kind and and i dont think anyone else is either.

If i go out with u will we be 50/50 in the relationship?, later in the relationship will u think of urself so highly that u end up taking ur anger out on me in a physical or emotional way to vent any fustration u have inside u. im not afraid of commitment but im afraid of people and i dont wonna be committed to someone that is going to hurt me.

u hit me on the side of my face, blamed me for things that i thought were out of my control and told me that im no good for anything and that im useless and i rememember u saying some time that all guys are insensitive and u hate them, if that was my fault then im sorry.
ive been hurt before by different people close to me at some time, having many bruises on me as a reminder, i had to cover up who i was to be somebody else for the people that needed me to, i dont wonna be another persons punchbag if i let my guard down again, although it happened a long time ago.

I might seem like an alien at times compared to most people but that doesnt mean i wonna be with a woman that has her head up in space, i need someone that i can cuddle up to or have a laugh with while having a few beers and playing videogames or listening to music, someone that is down to earth.
im not gonna take u to a fancy/posh resturaunt on our first date as im not trying to wow u to get into ur pants
so please dont turn ur nose up if i take u out for a snack while we watch the sunset at the pier on the beach, i might be looking for someone i can share my life with, if u turn me down then im sorry that my life isnt good enough to share with u :( although i can understand u not wanting to be a part of my life as i dont have as much to offer u as other guys do.

But im happy that i could be there for u as a shoulder to cry on and that u gave me the opportunity to cheer u up while u were sad and to see ur smile.
When ur hands were sore from a long day of "work/studdy" i'd help carry ur shopping when we hang out or apply ur makeup on ur face so that i could have a few seconds to look into ur beautiful eyes, even though i think u look amazing with or without the mask u wear.
U dont have to wear it when around me.

I feel like hiding sometimes too. (ehh i feel like hiding all the time)

People say love is like a battlefield, or a set of rules. if thats true then i think i need training for it. :p
Sounds like you have put up with a lot of things that you never should have had to, Imaginary.

It's obvious that you are a caring, soulful guy that any girl should consider herself lucky to snare. I am confident that you will find that person one of these days. Be patient and don't you dare settle - you deserve someone who wants to make you her world, too. :)
If you're not good enough for her, then you deserve better. Her loss not yours.

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