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Oct 7, 2009
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I was trying to figure out the perfect wording to describe how I felt, and I put something about loneliness on Google... and here I am.

I recently learned I have Emotional Deprivation Disorder and Alexithymia. I didn't know what they were until they gave me a lot of material to read, and then I was like, "Yes! Yes, that's me! That's exactly what I feel like."

If you don't know, Emotional Deprivation Disorder happens if you're abused and/or neglected as a kid, never shown unconditional love. It makes it so you cannot really process love, and you always question the sincerity of those who show you affection. Alexithymia means "without words for emotions". I can't really identify or express my emotions. What a hoot.

Anyway, it's hard to have a relationship when you can hardly manage to be in Like, let alone Love. I've been told that eventually, if I found somebody who could give me unconditional love and be okay with it being unrequited... sooner or later, it should "fix" me, and I'd love him back, and we'd live happily ever after. Unfortunately, this is real life, and that doesn't happen here.
lol, you seem optimistic. It's said, "Smile at life, it will smile back" :). welcome, nerdy is good :). looking for your posts
Hey. Your avatar is awesome x)

I hope you find the right person someday. I mean, who knows - beautiful things happen in real life along with the not so good things.
Nothing is Impossible. Nothing. Hell, tomorrow we could all be struck by this insane viral strain from deep within the brazilian rainforest.

I think different people have different definitions of what love is. Sometimes "love" is a buisness relationship, other times its open ended ( meaning the partners let themselves be with others while still in the marriage), still others wait to have sex till marriage claiming their love for God is greater than their desire for others.

Some live as roomates.

Some are in the relationship for convienience. Some support each other through thick and thin. Some marry for fear of being alone...


It is defined as a deep affection for another human being.

It's amazing though how many ways people define this emotion though. The examples above are just the physical, tangible evidences of the various ways people translate what "love" is.

So, dont worry too much about it. It'll come into it's own when the time is right. If you only feel "like" at first...thats ok. IT's a start.

and...about not being able to express your could try writing in a journal about your day to day habits and your feelings about those occurances. n_n

That always seemed to help me express my emotions. Try it. It cant hurt.

oh and Welcome to ALL :)

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