Second Skin - Could You Pull It Off

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It’s futile
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2023
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After listening to an old time mystery theatre drama, it made me think of a question for you all. So, the scenario is, you have the opportunity to take over someone else's life, but as the person you are inside. For example, a guy might want Matt Damon's life, so the wish is granted and you are for all intents and purposes now Matt Damon and everyone see's you as him, but you're still the same you, which may or may nor completely change "Mat Damon's" life from this point. Are you with me? So my question is a two parter - whose life would you want to have (can be different gender) and do you think that you could carry on as successfully as that person given that you may have internal challenges that could affect your ability to do so, or perhaps just that fact that you're living the life you'd like to have that that would solve some or all of the challenges you're struggling with today?

For me, if I had to choose, I do actually like Matt Damon, but I can't say I know a great deal about his life, but he seems like a nice guy with a nice career (a career that as a kid I was keen to have) and his life appears pretty good, without too much conflict or controversy, and obviously he's wealthy enough to have a pretty nice life. So I guess I'd like to swap into his place. But, could I carry on with it? Hmm, I'm not sure. I guess I'd feel more attractive to people, more welcomed and looked up to and wouldn't be short of friends and entertainment and having fun, and I guess I'd come out of my shell more as I felt a part of some interesting social circles, and I'd enjoy the acting work for sure I think as I like to entertain people. When I consider my traits and challenges, I might fall short in confidence in dealing with people though, and having enough to keep people interested in conversation, but then I would have more to talk about I guess. I would have to deal with some pretentious people, fakes and suckups, which would annoy me, and I might not be as tactful as Mat Damon, so I might started putting people off, maybe. Hmm, the more I think about it, the more I think I actually might be able to pull it off. I don't think (there might be people who would argue otherwise) I have any issue so serious or challenging that couldn't be overcome if I was suddenly in Matt Damon's skin. I might be overlooking something about myself as I write this, but for the moment, Yes, Yes, I could be Matt Damon lol

How do you think you would go? Maybe you wouldn't even want to do such a thing. If you would, could you overcome your issues to be successful? And as who? (Cue dramatic sting)
whose life would you want to have (can be different gender) and do you think that you could carry on as successfully as that person given that you may have internal challenges that could affect your ability to do so
I'd choose Jennifer Lopez, life deffo wouldn't be as successful, I'd probably spend all day playing with my boobs innit 🤷‍♀️
For example, a guy might want Matt Damon's life,

puedes christian martinoli GIF
Leonardo DiCaprio.
I share his taste in women and his philosophy in how he handles them.
I'd like to think I could get his body into better shape, though. Might cause a stir in Hollywood...
I’m gonna go with Jimmy Kimmel. He seems like he has a good life. People like him. He has fun at work. I think I’d need to be stoned to be a talk show host, but so is Jimmy.
Not sure what that means

Leonardo DiCaprio.
I share his taste in women and his philosophy in how he handles them.
I'd like to think I could get his body into better shape, though. Might cause a stir in Hollywood...
And do you think you’d be successful going forward? The OP wonders if people had the opportunity to be in a position that didn’t involve them having the things that hold them back now (y’know, all the things people whine about themselves) and making that life work.

I’m gonna go with Jimmy Kimmel. He seems like he has a good life. People like him. He has fun at work. I think I’d need to be stoned to be a talk show host, but so is Jimmy.
So you think you’d succeed as Jimmy, as long as you kept stoned?
And do you think you’d be successful going forward? The OP wonders if people had the opportunity to be in a position that didn’t involve them having the things that hold them back now (y’know, all the things people whine about themselves) and making that life work.
Absolutely I could make that work.
Remember, he doesn't have to impress girls and convince them to want him.
They throw themselves at him.
That, I could handle.
So you think you’d succeed as Jimmy, as long as you kept stoned?
I was joking. He appears to be a decent person. He enjoys his life. He would be the first to admit he spends much of it stoned. Look at his eyes every single night he is on tv. He gets to feud with Matt Damon. Who wouldn’t want that?
I was joking. He appears to be a decent person. He enjoys his life. He would be the first to admit he spends much of it stoned. Look at his eyes every single night he is on tv. He gets to feud with Matt Damon. Who wouldn’t want that?
So, seriously though, how do you think you’d go?
Who the hell would want to be Jimmy Kimmel?
I'd go with Trump, but only for a few weeks. Just long enough to sign over most of his fortune to my name before getting back my body.
As for succeeding, no problem. I can just toss out whatever inane, insane crap I can think of at the moment. People will only be able to tell the difference if I get all logical and sensical 😉
Hmm, Some good choices here…
I would have to say my choice would be some powerful man’s wife. Like a sheik or a businessman.
Could I pull it off being a woman of distinction? Well I’d defiantly need a bib at the dining table at his yacht as I’m a right sloppy eater and end up getting food everywhere. Plus I like food fights. So some bald headed guy may end up with a jelly splash on his head even though I would try not to laugh, I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face. I pretty much act my shoe size when feasting. So no I would make disastrous arm candy at lunch.
He has the dad belly.
Pretty sure he's a drinker. How else would he be able to put up with pesky Toby Maguire hanging around all the time?
No I mean, would your own drinking foul up the ability for you to continue on in his shoes?

I’m sorry I’m not following. I guess I’ve missed the point of the thread. I wasn’t looking for a serious conversation.
Well, it's semi serious I guess. This sort of follows on from what many people on here (mainly guys) go on about not having this or that opportunity or looks or talent etc and now suddenly being in a position where you're now living in someone else's skin. You're living their life, BUT, it's still the same YOU inside, so with all the situation being favourable for you now, would your personal traits and inner self be able to continue on making that life successful? Or would everything just fall apart anyway because of the person you are inside?
No I mean, would your own drinking foul up the ability for you to continue on in his shoes?
If I can run projects, and manage computer programmers, and still code even with my "issues", I think I could memorize lines.
Errol Flynn, I am sure, drank way more than me.
Lee Marvin too.
William Holden also.
And besides, acting is something I am certain I would enjoy.
Not sure what that means

It's from Eurotrip. Old comedy film. It was just the first Matt Damon movie I thought of. He's uncredited in it and just makes a cameo.
It was between that and Dogma.🤷‍♂️😂 I did love him in The Martian though.

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