Sex or Immortality?

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Sex or Immortality?

  • Sex, I just can't help myself... I'd never be able to do without

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Immortality - I want to live forever... as what I'm not sure

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Who wants to live forever anyway?

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2008
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Which do you prefer? If there were an option to become immortal, never age, never die, never live as a child again with new parents in new situations, possibly even a rich family, but the catch is you can't have sex and you can't marry or reproduce. It kind of makes sense that if we could all become immortal, then things would get really out of hand if we also kept reproducing.

The third option is the choice if you happen to be a Highlander... :cool:

If this seems like a silly thread, well there are certain promises having to do with our evolution. Luke 20, Mark 12, Jesus speaks of a distant age where:
"Those counted worthy to inherit that age, and the resurrection from the dead, do not marry nor are they given in marriage, neither can they die anymore, for they are like the Angels."

Dr Scott Mc Quate has a theory based on Exegesis suggesting that Human DNA is the result of Eve stealing the Genetic codes and mixing it to make Serpentine DNA, and that when Nibiru returns we will no longer be able to reproduce. His research gets heavily into the ancient Sumerian tablets and language Etymology.

"He that is born from above does not sin, for his seed remains in him."

"Ye shall not sleep, but shall be changed, at the sound of the last trump." Into what, we know not... Granted that quote is from Paul...

Oh why the fresia would someone want to live forever??? Even after a while it'd become so boring after a while...the thing is, humans appreciate the good if it is fleeting...too much good, humans take it for granted. That's why we appreciate the good moments because we know it is hard to come by.
I imagine what I would do is travel around the world, accomplish my dreams, find a purpose but even after 100 years I'd be tired...there needs to be an end!!

And people are on the forum likely because they are lonely and often one is here because of sadness of not being will be likely that most people I expect, will choose sex and love.
For me, it hurts to live without love...can't imagine doing that forever...
I'm not that sure about immortality, a part of me doesn't want to die, but then another part doesn't want to die either...

Anyways I couldn't live w/o the sex, I always say "I'd rather get killed than having my penis chopped off". So it is an obvious choice for me :p
are we talking Bill Clintons definition of sex?
like... could we still "smoke cigars" or have our cigars smoked?
could we still roll our own?
Loser#1 said:
Barbaloot said:
I'd choose cinnamon rolls. Freshly baked ones with cream cheese frosting.

Can we still jerkoff 10 times a day?

Uh. . . to each their own, I guess... but please keep it away from the cinnamon buns.
I'm not sure I'd remember how to have sex, so I'd probably take the immortality. :p
I have very little interest in sex, and absolutely no interest in marriage and reproducing whatsoever. Marriage is stupid and there are enough people on this planet. No need to contribute to the problem. Immortality sounds awful though, unless I had the option to end it, then I may consider.
The question is, what will you do after our galaxy, the Milky Way, crashes with Andromeda, if you choose immortality... at some point, you're gonna be alone floating in space forever.

And if any of the religions is true, you'll miss the afterlife/reincarnation :O
well it is human nature as well as any other species to reproduce and have with that being said why would u want to live forever and never experience it.......
If we choose immortality, does that basically make us superhuman?
What happens if you get a knife and cut your skin? Do you bleed? Or do you have impenetrable skin? If you fall from a dangerously high place and land on your feet, will you break any bones?

If being immortal grants us superhuman abilities, then count me in! I want to be immortal. Think of all the things I can do!

Sooner or later, though, someone will notice and they'll probably want to catch me and do weird experiments on me. I may have to fight back and possibly take their lives.

EDIT: On a curious note, once I become immortal what's to stop me from having sex o_O? You didnt leave the vampair option.

I have sex lots. Sometimes 10 + times p/day. Its totally intense having sex Renae.
We love each other lots. It's even more intense. I love her so much my heart explode.
Tears comes to my eyes. She feels the sameway. Sometimes she'll cry after we make love...
not because she's in pain but becuase she loves me very much.
Not everyone or couples experince this....

Anyway, i read in the course in mirracle or teachings of it...
That god created us humans so god can experince the vast human experince.
Everyone have thier own reality, perception, and awearness of the human life.
Not everyone is the same , process life that same. We are all unique....ect
There's 7 billions humans on this planet at the moment,
There's been trillions of human that walked or lived on this plane or planet with all different experinces.
We are all part of god...kind of like a drop of water in the ocean.

At the sametime..sometimes we must feel hate, pains or saddness.
In this way God/we can distinguish ourselve from what we are not. Contrass.
Kind of like a rememberance...We're pure love. God is pure love. Truth.
God being immortal..If god experince love all the time or if love is all there is...
without pains or gets dull sort ta speak.

I dont know if it's true or not...but its some teachings ive came across..
There's so many different ways to look at life or understand life.
At first I thought that was a tough one, but then I thought "Nah, definitely sex!", sex over immortality with out sex ever again any day. But wait, only sex is banned or are other *ehem* "things" allowed?
Felix said:
The question is, what will you do after our galaxy, the Milky Way, crashes with Andromeda, if you choose immortality... at some point, you're gonna be alone floating in space forever.

And if any of the religions is true, you'll miss the afterlife/reincarnation :O

I'd wait for things to start all over again or explore the universe looking for another planet. I've got time to wait around =P.
Eventually, we will leave Earth. The heating up is not global warming. I think the meaning of the new heaven and new earth vs the lake of fire, is us leaving for Mars in about 1000 years, and whoever is left behind... well Earth becomes another Venus.

It might be something like a body of pure light... Angels are able to take human form, but seem to either be technically advanced, superhuman, able to bend the laws of time and space, or all of the above...

If we are able to not die, and not have to eat, we could even eventually leave the galaxy... although that is a very far future event.

Look at all that science has given us in this modern world of technology... whatever awaits in the future, I see no reason to believe it won't be wilder then anything we can imagine...

Aliens? What if we become the aliens... and what if it happened in the past too?
most scientific reports on global warming that i've seen say we have a few billion years left before Earth becomes like Venus

due to the expansion of our sun

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