the independant woman

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Sep 11, 2008
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i read an article today and it talked about this twofaced view of society
first, the media presents the idea that a woman who single is proud, strong, and doesn't need a man. it's often portrayed as the ideal woman; free, no man to tie her down, completley conten without anyone to depend on.
on the other hand the message that EVERY movie, article, magazine, book, etc sends out is that no matter how successful or happy the woman is, she isn't comlete without a man. tough they never say the message right out, it's true.
ex. hitch, everyone feelign sorry for the beautiful and successful jennifer aniston, 10 things i hate about you, etc.
Where is the first view of the woman portrayed?

I don't really pay attention to the media but I never noticed it back when I did.

What would you say is the proper truer view of reality one out of the two? Is it also the most desirable?
Burn the magazines and blow up your

Why are you letting the so call experts run your mind or the way you think or live ?
Are you less humans than those people or something?

What is your idea of a perfect woman or person ?
Are you not the person that knows more about yourself than anyone else?
In other're the expert in your life and the person that will make
the most impac in your life. Is your life worth less than a movie star, bussiness man/woman or the pope ?
whatthecow said:
i read an article today and it talked about this twofaced view of society
first, the media presents the idea that a woman who single is proud, strong, and doesn't need a man. it's often portrayed as the ideal woman; free, no man to tie her down, completley conten without anyone to depend on.
on the other hand the message that EVERY movie, article, magazine, book, etc sends out is that no matter how successful or happy the woman is, she isn't comlete without a man. tough they never say the message right out, it's true.
ex. hitch, everyone feelign sorry for the beautiful and successful jennifer aniston, 10 things i hate about you, etc.

I don't know about the proud Perhaps we could change that to confident and self assured? A woman can be self assured, confident, free, happy, strong and still want to have someone who loves her in her life. It's not that she isn't "complete." It's the completness that she seeks to share about herself and yes,... some parts of her that isn't quite finished yet. Everyone, for the most part, wants companionship and romance in thier life. Including the woman you talk about. She just isn't willing to change who she is to please anyone. She isn't desperate for love, just hoping for it and the acceptance of who she is. Everyone has vulnerabilities and human desire. Both theories are right when you meet them in the middle. They both have truths about them.
We cannot forget that no matter how our society changes, women still need to be able to thrive as wives and as mothers. We are collectively becoming wiser to what it takes for any person to thrive during their life, and specifically for women too. Every individual needs to be seen and heard according to their true essence; they also all need to experience fruition of their labor, and confirmation of their faith. It seems obvious today that women cannot thrive as wives and as mothers if they are prevented from satisfying all their needs. But we are still a long way from collectively understanding what all the needs are and how women can be truly empowered individuals in society without 'taking any of the power away' from men (so to speak).

As a child of the post-feminist eighties, I grew up with the superficial image of the empowered woman as you described in the first case. The strong, free woman materialized as an image with perfect makeup and hair that remained fixed all day, with big shoulder pads, bold lines and silhouettes; she was strong and self assured because she looked like she could scare all the men with her sharp nails and stilettos. She is a successful working woman AND her home is under perfect control. She can do it all. Watch out.

Then after that fad, it's as though there was a backlash, as if people were not wise enough yet to popularize the true ideal of the free, powerful woman. What became fashionable seemed to rebel against the woman who did it all without her partner, and seemed to reflect that women should not give up their femininity and intimacy to be empowered. Thus dawned the age of popularization of extreme female sexuality, now that it's no longer a secret that women are as sex-crazed as men. Instead of men being afraid of her, now the new fantasy is of Woman surrounded by men who want to make love to her, for her looks as well as her brain.

In spite of this apparent backlash, post feminism, I can see how our society is clearly evolving. Look at immensely popular Sex and the City, that try to portray real women that are trying to have it all nowadays - satisfaction in their career, achieving social status without the help of a man, but free to feel as feminine and sexy as they desire. Though it isn't perfect, I think this portrayal of the image of woman is bringing the popular ideal much closer to what is truly empowering, and it has been embraced by women and men alike. One of the four actresses, Kim Cattrall, has a book and is currently on a little tour, going to various institutes in North America, to discuss empowering women and sex.
I also have to mention Oprah, our unfailing sign of hope, whose talk show could not have started if not for the all-powerful-woman trend of the 80s. Now she holds an international reign in the names of compassion and spirituality. Even though she is not the best example of intimacy and raising a family, thanks to Oprah's indestructible reign that stands regardless of what goes into and out of fashion, we have proof that our civilization cannot go backward from here. Heck, even if the world is destroyed one day, a future civilization could uncover our artifacts and would piece together the story of Oprah one way or another, and realize that a black woman was able to overcome all adversity to be the richest and most famous celebrity in the world - thus proving for all eternity that there is no such thing as a weaker sex.
Empowered women are here to stay, and we are only becoming wiser to all the ways that fact manifests itself in the lives of all people. There is only going to be more and more men and women who will be able to discover and exist in true freedom, no longer needing traditional gender roles to find for them self the very security and fulfillment that everyone desires. And in spite of its bad rep, even pop girls are realizing it pays to portray a more complete image of a woman: I think Christina, the Pussy Cat Dolls & Girlicious are trying to show that women can be sexy and liberated, and that doesn't mean giving up the quest to have a secure, fulfilling life, which includes a successful career and overcoming all the challenges of maintaining a relationship and raising a family w the right man.
It's not an issue of whether a woman needs a man or feels complete without one. It's about liberation from locked-boxes roles that say this is what one gender needs versus the other. Everyone (men and women) eventually need some sort of partner; that relationship is tailored to their specific individual needs, not generalized supposed gender behaviorial patterns.

Life is not complete for anyone until they have someone to share it with, regardless of what sex they are.
I love the fact it shows how... easy and happy a relationship is, and how beautiful each woman is and should be... Have you even noticed the commercials for plus size ladies? They show people who don't actually have all that much extra on them... still a way to control how we think and see people. It becomes confusing when they add "respect for the individual" but yet show we should be the same...?
whatthecow said:
i read an article today and it talked about this twofaced view of society
first, the media presents the idea that a woman who single is proud, strong, and doesn't need a man. it's often portrayed as the ideal woman; free, no man to tie her down, completley conten without anyone to depend on.
on the other hand the message that EVERY movie, article, magazine, book, etc sends out is that no matter how successful or happy the woman is, she isn't comlete without a man. tough they never say the message right out, it's true.
ex. hitch, everyone feelign sorry for the beautiful and successful jennifer aniston, 10 things i hate about you, etc.
Maybe they want the woman to strive for independence, achieve it... but then feel miserable about it lol.
In my opinion this pretty much stems from the fact that there are two forms of feminism, just as there are two forms of the "pro-masculine brigade."

1. Actual feminism - IE the enlightened belief that women should be treated as firm equals to men. This encourages women to be strong and independant, but at the same time doesn't try to condemn either gender.

2. An unpleasant form of man-hating that seems to attract the most radical and bitter self-professed "feminists". It focuses on women being superior to men and thus not needing their lower presence in their lives. Men are regarded as cheating, raping selfish bastards who are scum on Earth.

Liz Jones, a UK journalist, is a perfect example of a "2. woman". She is extremely shallow, obsessed with looks, has a string of failed relationships because she is a horrible person.

She frequently writes bile-spewn articles in papers with titles like "Modern men: why even bother?" that go on about how fat, stupid and useless men are without exception. It's disgusting.

She even started complaining once that men she dates don't look physically like they used to do in Roman times: what the fresia? Would she prefer men were death-obsessed warriors who raped those they conquered and crucified towns, then?

Unfortunately the latter attitude has crept more into society as of late. Most easily spotted in those "funny" adverts where the guy is portrayed as a completely brainless, insensitive moron over and over while the woman is super intelligent and easily solves any and all problems.

I don't think many decent, normal people subscribe to 2., but the minority that do are vocal and like shouting from the rooftops about how honeysuckle men are. The opposite camp on the male side is just as bad (we saw a bit of that with FireBird).

The simple thing to do is discard all the bullshit society feeds the masses and just treat people decently.
I heard a song about independent women once, it was by that group of black chicks I wanted to have sex with. I dunno if they are still around or not, but I'll post a link to it.

Errr.....yeah man.
Its like going to an alan on meeting...
which is full of women.
Some women will take this being independent to the extreem...

Never the less. Alan on. Teaches independentcy...yet at the sametime
your dependent on the group for support...

Actually all support groups teaches independentcy.

Heck even religion teaches independentcy..

Yet all of these entities wants you to be dependent on them..LMAO

Itll either make a crazy person crazier
or a person that thinks too god **** much ask this quetion eventaully. Hahahaaaa
WTF is really going on?

of course each entities are going to try to explain thier version of why you cant live wihtout them.LMAO
Has anyone noticed how there's some serious necro-posting going on here? All of a sudden it jumps from XX-XX-2009 to "yesterday".
Yeap....its an old thread....

Makes you wonder WTF is going on dosnt it? Hahahaaaaa

Holy fresia... man
Thats like me doing the fucken 4th step. Digging up honeysuckle the happened in my childhood.

Just think of the pages you gatta scan through just to pull up a thread from two years ago....
fresia that honeysuckle...Im way too lazy to that.

See....I think too **** much.lmao
bookbinder said:
Life is not complete for anyone until they have someone to share it with, regardless of what sex they are.

Gee, thanks for telling me my life is not and never will never be complete. Shows how stupid I am, I thought I was quite content with my life.

Really, thanks A LOT.
Limlim said:
I heard a song about independent women once, it was by that group of black chicks I wanted to have sex with. I dunno if they are still around or not, but I'll post a link to it.

OMG, limlim, you're a ******* bonehead! :)
You haven't heard of Beyonce? Where ya been lately?

She has a good song that came out recently that goes "Girls, we run this motha".

As for women who put down men - well it's distasteful and boorish but how long have women had to listen to men's (and some women's) boorish comments about women - oh, decades, centuries, maybe?
Also, feminism has been around for like 150 years or so. It wasn't just invented in the 70s.


PS - just kidding, limlim, about the bonehead thing (kinda :D :D )

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