Thread for Oldies but Goldies Music

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
I think we all heard them at some point and they just brightened up our day. Since I love particularly the 60s and 70s music, I thought I`d make this thread for everyone to post their loved tracks of oldies but goldies, that might bring a smile to our face and make the day, if only a tiny little bit, better. :)

I`ll start with the song stuck in my head today. : D


Thanks Rodent.

Good God, this song + a quiet Friday night all by myself turns me into Bill Dauterive. I used to love this song, until it became too real. Now it just means a wrecked evening.
Minus said:

You stole my song! :club:

I used to endlessly torture the people of chat with this one.  lol

That's okay, I still have this one and maybe others.  :p


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