Too Much Baggage

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It isn't wrong of you at all in my opinion. Can you keep up what you've been doing? It sounds like you have been doing a good job thus far. If it doesn't hurt you to reassure her, then don't stop. You could do her a massive favor in the long run. Might make yourself feel good too =D Good luck with whatever you do~
Im sueicide servivalist.

I had my own personal experince with it. I also used to suffer deep depression myself.
Ive also enguage in unhealthy or self sabtage behaviors myself.
Im not a slasher,...but I self mutilate in different ways...such as beating up on myself or think negatively.

I know what it's like to be in the pit of depair and feel like honeysuckle....even if there wanst anything wrong
in my life. Even if Im trying my hardest or try to do the right things. When depression kicks simply kicks in.
"This too shall pass" simple as it might be. it saved my ass.
Sometimes it passes slowly. Other times it passes quickly...But it dose pass...then it kicks in again.
Instead of reacting...I respond differnently. It didnt happened overnite.

At the sametime everyone is one is going to react the same to a situation.

I started attending recovery and theropy at a very very young age.
I was given healthier living tools and coping skills.
At the sametime i had to want it and keep an open mind.
The 12 steps helped me....but its didnt solve all my challenges,

Even to this day I still continue to learn and grow. Try new ideas. Try to see things differently.
Such as using the tapping methode to release , unblock or letgo of negative emotions.
The sedona methode helps me....
Learning how to alter my negative inner vioce helped me.
Positive self talk helped me.
Brain Sync helped me.
Dr Robert Anthony literature helped me.
The law of attractions helps me ( it has instructions of reshifting to positive thoughts and feelings.)
The course in miracal helped me.
Meditations helps....

Eating a proper diet helps. Regular exercize helps.
Vitimins B5 and B12 helps.
Manizium helps lower anxieties....

A healthy sex life helps.

There's lots of things a person can do to minimize depression.

Renae is practicing responding instead of reacting. She has lots of triggers.
She's making progress,...not perfection.

We communicate more as best we can as a couple.

It hasnt been easy...sometimes it feels like an uphill battle. Other times in vain.

We love each other.That helps.

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