Turned my life around...or so I thought

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Whilst it seems clear that Locke does not intend this to be about Batters, just on the off chance that it is his twin, I must say that Batters has a very singular sense of humour sometimes, which can come over as weird and creepy until one realises he thinks he is being playful. . .

Perhaps it might be good to return to the OP's message, shame to hijack this thread, eh boys?
Okay I'm taking the role of self-appointed mediator and all round 'nice guy' :

Clearly this isn't about anyone on ALL. We don't need to take things personally, self-pity and self-deprecating comments about oneself are behaviours MANY people turn to when they feel there isn't much going for them and they don't know what else to say.

I'm sure none of us have attempted to break apart another's relationship; it's obvious Locke is still angry over something that happened years ago.

Let's all just smoke a cone and relax. ;)
jaguarundi said:
Whilst it seems clear that Locke does not intend this to be about Batters, just on the off chance that it is his twin, I must say that Batters has a very singular sense of humour sometimes, which can come over as weird and creepy until one realises he thinks he is being playful. . .

Perhaps it might be good to return to the OP's message, shame to hijack this thread, eh boys?

Again, I never said it was about "Batters", but as for as the creep goes, there is no excuse. See, when pathetic little guys like that attempt to manipulate a girl, they say any nasty thing they can about her boyfriend. She didn't find any of it funny, the other women he did it to didn't find it funny, and I didn't find it funny.

Like the possibility that he doesn't accept himself, having a weird sense of humor is not an excuse for repeatedly manipulating several people. The creep was a truly terrible person , and I made a real effort to warn several women on campus about what a twisted little worm he was.

So unless someone can come up with a logical reason why manipulation and trying to break up relationships is okay, I stand by my post.

I'd be happy to get back to the original post, but I will continue to reply for as long as people reply to anything I posted.


ardour said:
Okay I'm taking the role of self-appointed mediator and all round 'nice guy' :

Clearly this isn't about anyone on ALL.

Let's all just smoke a cone and relax. ;)

Thanks for taking that role, ardour. I had no idea that sharing my past experience about a highly manipulative individual would cause such a controversy. I truly hope that people take my post as a warning to hold on to their integrity, as I intended it to be.

I hope no one actually smokes a cone though, it's a bad habit.
Glad that's all sorted out, and Batters, don't take all this personally.

As for smoking a cone, as Ardour suggests, I have no idea what that means, the only cones I have chez moi are ice cream ones, and as it is 8:30 in the morning here, ice cream is not appropriate, smoked or otherwise. 😸
It's a bunch of BS.

The words he used were lifted from PMs I sent someone else in full confidence.

You are just dancing around this without saying my name, I am not fooled by it.

If I came off as as a genuine creep to anyone here, it was not my intention. I've said this before, I do have a peculiar and strange sense of humor, I do "fool around" and say things I would not say in real life because like you're doing here, I do like to indulge my ego sometimes. I doubt you go around and call people "little pathetic creeps" in real life; I expect this is somewhat about your ego and your role as the community's protector, just as you've done many times before. Even if you believe you're 100% right about me.

I have never tried to make anyone "breakup" with anyone else. If they thought that was so, then I am truly sorry, but that was not my intention. That's something of a failing on my part, though: I do go too far.

I would think the only guy who would try to make someone leave another guy for him, is the guy who knows he's capable of it. LOL do I strike you as having that type of swagger? Not to mention the geographical distance.

If you want to think I was serious, that is your choice but I've full confidence that I never was.

Once again you are just being cunning, neither denying it is me nor confirming it; you are bringing the exact words I used in PMs, not to mention stuff mentioned in confidence, into the public forum and that is against the rules here.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to warn for this thread to not turn into a boxing match of some sort, or it shall be closed.
The thing about eating, as I myself know only too well, is that stuffing down a lot of the wrong kind of food, comfort eating, as they say, is because one needs comfort.

Or to suppress uncomfortable emotions. Nothing like being stuffed up with food to stuff down anger, sadness, loneliness...

So when you lose the weight, which by the way is a hell of a feat, truly it is, the emotions one was trying to avoid, are all still there. And still need to be dealt with.

I wonder if this is at the root of the OP's problem right now?
Yeah Locke I've seen you suddenly turn nasty and self-righteous on others here as well, mind read and accuse them of ridiculous honeysuckle. And you think calling someone lonely is an insult... sheesh... you know who should be reported here for certain PM activities...
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