Well, honeysuckle.

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
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North Idaho
So I'm about to be unemployed.

Come to find out last night from my shift officer and today from someone else, the hospital has basically been conspiring with County EMS to give them our hospital transport service and stop staffing their Critical Care Transport nurses because they're too expensive.

That means they won't need us to take their patients down south.
That means no medical billing.
Which means no money to pay our firemen.
..Which means I'm royally messed.

Our only option is a real long shot. First we would have to somehow start a grassroots movement among the people to try and somehow resist the county taking over the services; they're a tax entity, and tax dollars are not well spent if they're paying a (sub-par) ambulance crew AND Paramedic to leave the county for hours at a time. In other words, people should be pissed off about this.

Trouble is, people today are so ******* stupid it's unbelievable. They might grumble a bit, but ultimately they will look away and get messed in the mouth like they always do. I'll still be laid off, and tax dollars will still be wasted, and I'm sure someone will eventually die because these sons of bitches are 50 miles out of their response zone with a non-emergency patient transport that WE should be doing.

Then after that, we'd have to find some way to get this hospital some money to continue their Critical Care Transport program, otherwise we're still shorted on transports.

In other words, we're still messed because step one of that plan won't even work.

Why is this working out to be such a shitty month? It's like I'm stranded in an ocean of piss. And every now and then it rains, except it's not water. It's BLOOD. AIDS-infused blood, raining in to the piss ocean.

aw that sucks Brian
i'm really sorry about that

people have been getting screwed over like that since the recession has started

i hope you can find another job or find a way to stay on this one

god this SUCKS!


i would still try. sometimes people are less stupid than that, and well... if that's the only option around...

:( but oh WOW. that IS shitty.


so sorry :(
Start a fire and don't put is out as a demostration ???;)

Yeah..man stopped doing that volunteer fire fighting stuff..people don't give a fresia,
Make them learn.

Sorry about that Brian.
With the trainning and experince you have..There's fire departments every where.

Maybe you can look for work as a safty officers at power plant or an off shore rig.
Maybe you can be one those dudes that fights forrest fire all over the country. (get paid the bookoo bucks on federal money)
Maybe go put in an application at the other ambulance service company :p
Maybe go go all out and apply for a flight crew ambilance service :)
Maybe be a fire fighter stripper.:p
Lonesome Crow said:
Start a fire and don't put is out as a demostration ???;)

Yeah..man stopped doing that volunteer fire fighting stuff..people don't give a fresia,
Make them learn.

Sorry about that Brian.

Well, this has nothing to do with volunteering. I just like doing that.

This is our ambulance service.

I'm contacting state legislators right now. If we can find a source of funding for the Transport Nurses out of the hospital we might be able to keep the contract.

If that doesn't work, I'm going to raise hell and see how many people I can get pissed off at BCEMS. It's simply not right for them to suggest spending tax dollars on this and removing EMERGENCY resources from the county...though it would only be one more item on their long list of scams that they've pulled and patients that they've killed in the past 3 years.

I mean, these guys couldn't even get a patient free from her seatbelt. Instead of two slices of a seatbelt cutter, they whip out their pocket knives and fumble with it for five minutes, inflicting multiple additional injuries on the poor girl, then left her there in the freezing water with NO warming efforts and waited ten minutes for fire to arrive and use a proper seatbelt cutter.

The patient survived, barely. So what do they do? They threw themselves a god-damned award banquet and gave eachother ******* plaques. For almost killing someone.

Then a few months later, they get a CPR call. The medic had his son riding with him; 16 year old kid. He gets on scene and pulls a trained EMT off the patient so his son can try it. To quote him, "I did it because he's never done a real person before." Guy died.

And another Paramedic, who they at least had the grace to fire, almost killed another lady because he couldn't figure out how to hook up his heart monitor right and was writing off her heart attack as indigestion. Guys, EVEN I CAN HOOK UP A ******* HEART MONITOR. I could show anyone on this forum how to do it in five minutes with their eyes closed.

So I keep telling people, if I get hurt and you see these guys coming for me, shoot me and run. Whatever you do, don't let 'em touch me. I'd rather die quickly.

Dont start me on their money management. They buy $400 Gerber coats for each of their employees (to contrast, our private service bought three and they're traded each shift). Along with embroidered duffel bags and all sorts of honeysuckle. They can now account for less than 30% of those coats.

Argh. I ******* hate this county.
Lonesome Crow said:
Maybe you can be one those dudes that fights forrest fire all over the country. (get paid the bookoo bucks on federal money)
Maybe go put in an application at the other ambilance service company :p
Maybe go go all out and apply for a flight crew ambilance service :)

Yeah, Crow, it's too late for this season but if I do get laid off I'm putting in my app for the wildland fire crews next year. That'll have to do 'til I get hired at a department.

Flight ambulance would be badass....sadly you have to be at least a Paramedic to work on one of those, if not a nurse, and I'm just an EMT-Basic (It goes Basic, Advanced, Paramedic). A band-aid sticker, more or less. I can stick cool tubes up peoples noses, though. Maybe I can get a job at a circus with that or something.

Not sure about working for Bonner County. I might apply for part-time, but they more or less have my entire department black-balled due to things in the past. Politicians suck.

Oh well. Our dollar will be worthless soon anyway, then I won't need the money period. :p
I think there's still plenty of demans for the type of work you do.
Most people don't have the stomuch for that type of work.

I know safty officer gets paid the bookoo bucks when i was working at the power plant.

Maybe look in other industries such as constructions...there has to be a safty officer on site
to makesure everyone is doing they job saftly and constantly give trainning or safty talks all the time.

I think you'll make an excellent safty officer...You need to be a hard ass to be one becuase after
a while worker cut conners..don't wear proper gears or follow safty proceedures...that's when people
get killed or hurted. This way you get to tell people they're stupid dumbshit and get paid for it:p
I'm serious..though.

Maybe you can go be a fireman at airports...
Maybe you can be a safty officer on a cruise ship...travel the world and get paid the bucks.

I got laid off 3 months ago Brian...it's suckie man . I worked there for a long time, too

I also got laid off from doing constructions a year before .We were suppost to be bussy, bussy for the next 10 years.
For a while we were going gang busters...but the housing market to a total nose dive.
We laid enough pipes to last for 2-3 years . The new neighborhood we were building looks like
ghost town...empty houses everywhere.
My friend kept me on the pay roll as long as he could. He only kept people he knew well on the
pay roll...but things got worst.

It really messed with me..becuase my ex-gf left me becuase of it...So much for fucken true love.
I went back to my previous job..I kept my finger cross hoping the econony wouldn't get any worst..
Well...fresia it did. Poeple were getting laid off before X-mas...200-300 people.
No more orders came in and existing order got pushed out.
It became stressful becuase you didn't know when the fresia or who the fresia was going to be next.
Then the day came when i got laid off again....It didn't phase me too much this last time.

All that honeysuckle about Obmama during th elections. that things are suppost to get better...ERRR???
Well fresia...JOBS ...JOBS...JOBS...JOBS kind of got swept under the table.
The IRS even collect less taxes this year...ERRR..fucken imagine that ???
How in the fresia are people going to pay taxes without jobs ?
We have genius in Government...Giving fucken money to corporations that takes
the momeny off shore...which creates more laid offs in the US.
How in the fresia are they going the get money that they're giving away...
They can't collect taxes from fucken India or China.lmao

Stores, resturants...even new bussiness and newly constructed bussiness buildings are empty where
I live...
Well fresia so is my checking account..lol
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Brian. Believe me, I can sympathize. I've had two companies go out of business on me this year; one was a portion being sold off from the other. A nasty combination of recession, embezzlement, and filthy liars managed to kill them both. Don't even get me STARTED on unemployment insurance!

It's a sucky situation, but I'm choosing to look at it as a good thing. I have some free time, so I'm going to try and make a serious go at writing. If I can somehow manage to make a living that way, I'm gonna track down those liars and shake their hands for providing me with the opportunity I've always longed for.

It's all about turning a negative into a positive, and it sounds like you're working towards just that. And if it doesn't work out with the county, Lonesome had some good suggestions. This could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. For you, anyway. It may not be so great for the rest of Bonner County.

Good luck!
Sorry to hear that Brian.

It's always about the money isn't it? Until something happens, someone dies, then they start thinking. Sad how it takes a tragedy to get people to actually use their heads.

Wish you all the best, hopefully things turn around for ya.
Sorry to hear about all this Brian. All the devious, blood-sucking little demons of this world get applauded by screwing over the people doing the real work. I don't know how this sort of thing happens. Sometimes, I can only assume it's all secret handshakes and backhanders, though I'm not yet paranoid enough to really believe that. I'm still inclined to think it's sheer incompetence.
Brian-this happened around my area and the people went to the news and didnt stop until something was done about it. First it was outsourced to a private company, and not through the county. They were looking at hours of wait time for an ambulance and then sometimes they didnt even show. Now since all the hub bub it has been going through the hospital but not all of them just one. However you have a choice which hospital you want to go to. I know the news stations played a huge part in getting the service back on track and where it needs to be.
I live in an area where the county takes care of it and it is run a bit differently, it is solely county supported so the tax payers are the one who do the lynching!

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