How my world view affects my relationships

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Nov 4, 2012
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By worldview, I think "political view" most likely means the same.
Now I will use vocab. here that might trigger , annoy or polarise. I think it's better I not beat around the bush. And get to the point. Of course I am biased. Subject to change though.
I used to be a "bleeding heart". I felt compassion for anyone who remotely looked like a victim. I supported Freudian psychology that we dwell on childhood traumas. I liked victim narratives. I must be a victim too. I must feel sadness for my own victimhood. In my mind, I was bullied and teased by older siblings. My parents were not competent to mentor me when I needed it. In short I was hypercritical of the people I grew up with. Poor me. No wonder I'm a failure as an adult. Look at the lack of support I had!
But over the last 10 years or so my political views have changed. I started to admire people who overcame childhood adversity. Who became empowered. Resilient. Gained confidence and self esteem. And examples of people who experienced terrible childhood traumas. Worse. Much worse than me. They ditched self pity it seemed to me. They tossed living in the past. Dwelling on grievances. Ruminating. They somehow acquired a pragmatic view of life. " how can I live the best version of my life now?"
Now I realise my adult life has been free of divorce trauma. And I was married for 32 years. Until she died last year. I've been blessed. So fortunate. Still my challenge now is to work through my grief and make something positive of what is left of my life. I can't sit at home every day playing "I wish she was still alive" scenarios in my life.
I think you can see that my approach to life now is closer aligned to the right side of politics. It's made me realise that politics pervades our whole lives. Whether we know it or not. When the right side of politics gets too mean, too unsympathetic to real victims, I back off. I don't support hugely rich companies dictating decisions made by government. Capitalism is the best system but sometimes the greedy need to be pulled in to line.
I just support the motivation and self discipline that is encouraged by a conservative view. We can become like spoilt brats, moaning too much about not getting a fair deal.
Having said all that, there seems to be a few anomalies in America. Such as lack of free medical service. The poor get a raw deal there. Australia and the UK sound better.
So relationships.
I had more friends when I was younger. Is that because I had a victims narrative view of life?
I don't know. I think I was more flexible and opinions less defined. If I had a conservative of life then, like I do now, I suspect I would have had different friends anyway . But probably less friends.
I need friends less now. One or two would be a bonus. I feel more clarity now. My thinking has improved. But still learning every day.
My older brother clings to a liberal point of view. He's an absolute Trump hater. But he seems to like dwelling on it. I think it's perverse. I do think Trump is evil and gives conservatives s bad name, but I don't make Trump hatred my all consuming hobby.
My older brother is mid 70s. Yet he still talks about the terrible time he had being hit by teachers at school and Mum at home.
It's true but to be talking about it at his age? That sounds unhealthy and unhelpful to me. Get another hobby besides hating Trump. And dwelling on your "awful" childhood .
None of that makes any sense. To condense down what you said and repeat it back:

People on the left side of politics feel sorry for themselves and play the victim. So, you prefer the right side of politics now, where people accept responsibility for themselves and seek to better their situation.

I'm not sure why you feel so compelled to make posts like this?

It seems rather elementary, that whether one prefers to take responsibility and try to improve their situation in life, or not, they can do either, despite whatever their political leanings are.

Your post, is a prime example, of why people can not communicate rationally anymore. It's devoid of any rationality. There is no logic in it.

It's generally easier to make friends, when you are younger, but not always. Some people don't blossom socially until they are past their 40's.

At least here in America, there is no, 'left,' anymore; and there is no, 'right,' because both sides have been replaced by warped propagandist views of what those things actually mean.

Saying anything more is an exercise in futility anyway; this is absolutely elementary.
None of that makes any sense. To condense down what you said and repeat it back:

People on the left side of politics feel sorry for themselves and play the victim. So, you prefer the right side of politics now, where people accept responsibility for themselves and seek to better their situation.

I'm not sure why you feel so compelled to make posts like this?

It seems rather elementary, that whether one prefers to take responsibility and try to improve their situation in life, or not, they can do either, despite whatever their political leanings are.

Your post, is a prime example, of why people can not communicate rationally anymore. It's devoid of any rationality. There is no logic in it.

It's generally easier to make friends, when you are younger, but not always. Some people don't blossom socially until they are past their 40's.

At least here in America, there is no, 'left,' anymore; and there is no, 'right,' because both sides have been replaced by warped propagandist views of what those things actually mean.

Saying anything more is an exercise in futility anyway; this is absolutely elementary.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion.
It's not an opinion. Objectively you are generalizing. Objectively you conflate political orientation with whether or not some one accepts responsibility for their position in life.

One can lean left, center, right, or neither, politically, and still have a variety of behavioral patterns and mental dispositions.

That's not an opinion. It is just so.
Your post, is a prime example, of why people can not communicate rationally anymore. It's devoid of any rationality. There is no logic in it
I'm prepared to admit I fall short of scholarly expectations but I think your statement is extreme.
It's not an opinion. Objectively you are generalizing. Objectively you conflate political orientation with whether or not some one accepts responsibility for their position in life.
I've been open about my political leanings. May I ask yours?
It's not an opinion. Objectively you are generalizing. Objectively you conflate political orientation with whether or not some one accepts responsibility for their position in life.

One can lean left, center, right, or neither, politically, and still have a variety of behavioral patterns and mental dispositions.

That's not an opinion. It is just so.
I think my understanding of politics is based mainly on an Australian context.
Your comments make me think your views are probably left leaning. Because left leaners tend to think their "nuanced" view is superior .
Please enlighten me if you think otherwise.
None of that makes any sense. To condense down what you said and repeat it back:

People on the left side of politics feel sorry for themselves and play the victim. So, you prefer the right side of politics now, where people accept responsibility for themselves and seek to better their situation.
We just had a referendum in Australia. Think you will find my generalisation is valid to many Australians. Left leaners love victim narratives. It's unfortunately true .
All the Nordic (Scandinavian) countries are in the top of this list ... my hope is their model and mindset (which is leftist overall) would be adopted on large scale and especially in the Western World ... they are the living proof people can be industrious and egalitarian at the same time
Check the rape statistics in those countries. That's what liberalism gets you.
Check the rape statistics in those countries. That's what liberalism gets you.
It's only about Sweden
Why Sweden's high number of reported rapes might be a positive sign

Statistics serve a vital purpose, but when taken at face value, they sometimes fail to tell the whole story. For example, countries that step up their efforts to prevent rape may see a rise in reported rapes rather than a decrease—but this is not necessarily bad. The key is to examine the cause of the increase.

It may be that a new, broader definition of rape is enabling more sex-related crimes to be categorized as rape. It may be that types of rape that previously went untracked (such as male-on-male or rape between a groom and his betrothed) are now being counted. It may also be that the legal system is getting better at catching and punishing rapists and/or society is doing a better job of supporting rape victims, so those victims are more likely to come forward and report the rape in the first place.

In each of these examples, the overall number of rapes will appear to rise statistically. However, the key to interpreting that statistical rise is to examine its real-world cause—which in some cases is an improvement in real-world policy regarding the definition of and systemic response to rape.

Sweden's seemingly oversized rape rate is perhaps the best-known example of this scenario. During the years 2013-2017, Sweden averaged 64 reported rapes per 100,000 inhabitants—a rate that tied for the highest in Europe. However, when the data was examined, it became clear that Sweden's high numbers were fueled in large part by Sweden's broader definition of rape and more inclusive reporting rules compared to other European countries. When the data was recalculated using Germany's narrower guidelines, for example, Sweden's average reported rapes per 100,000 people fell from 64 to 15, a decrease of 76.56%.

Finland is ranking as the happiest country in the world but they also count as having the most cases of depression but this is because they seek professional help unlike in other countries

It's like with COVID ... the most advanced countries reported the highest number of cases because they did extensive testing
It's only about Sweden
Why Sweden's high number of reported rapes might be a positive sign

Statistics serve a vital purpose, but when taken at face value, they sometimes fail to tell the whole story. For example, countries that step up their efforts to prevent rape may see a rise in reported rapes rather than a decrease—but this is not necessarily bad. The key is to examine the cause of the increase.

It may be that a new, broader definition of rape is enabling more sex-related crimes to be categorized as rape. It may be that types of rape that previously went untracked (such as male-on-male or rape between a groom and his betrothed) are now being counted. It may also be that the legal system is getting better at catching and punishing rapists and/or society is doing a better job of supporting rape victims, so those victims are more likely to come forward and report the rape in the first place.

In each of these examples, the overall number of rapes will appear to rise statistically. However, the key to interpreting that statistical rise is to examine its real-world cause—which in some cases is an improvement in real-world policy regarding the definition of and systemic response to rape.

Sweden's seemingly oversized rape rate is perhaps the best-known example of this scenario. During the years 2013-2017, Sweden averaged 64 reported rapes per 100,000 inhabitants—a rate that tied for the highest in Europe. However, when the data was examined, it became clear that Sweden's high numbers were fueled in large part by Sweden's broader definition of rape and more inclusive reporting rules compared to other European countries. When the data was recalculated using Germany's narrower guidelines, for example, Sweden's average reported rapes per 100,000 people fell from 64 to 15, a decrease of 76.56%.

Finland is ranking as the happiest country in the world but they also count as having the most cases of depression but this is because they seek professional help unlike in other countries

It's like with COVID ... the most advanced countries reported the highest number of cases because they did extensive testing
Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Gabor Mate ..liberal
Jordan Peterson ...conservative

See how politics pervades every part of our life.
Peterson 12 rules for life
Mate. Childhood trauma

Different approaches to psychotherapy . Both are valid. Just I prefer Peterson's self discipline approach. It leads to more progress, in my opinion.
(Footnote )...Peterson did go off the rails and I didn't agree with everything he said. But his motivational approach was something to behold.
Dog Training
1. Conservative old school. Let your dog know who is boss.
2. Liberal . train your dog with rewards for good behaviour. Never get angry. Let him sniff on walks. Give him lots of freedom. Just ignore bad behaviour

Now I'm not a person to be feared by human or animal. So actually being "dominant" with my dog doesn't work. So the liberal approach actually works better for me.
Having said that, I think we are fawning our dogs too much now. There is too much empathy for them. And money. I'm going broke trying to lengthen my dog's life. At some point I think we need to reassess our "kindness" towards dogs.
Sports Coach
Depends on the sport, but sometimes old school coach is more effective. Sometimes more modern, sensitive, mediator style role works better.
I used to play rugby. Preferred old school coaches who rented st half time. Good wake call.
Some of the modern athletes don't like the angry coach style. Have they become too mollycoddled?
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