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Let's see how it turns out. No honey like I wanted to add, but someone here sees fit to use an entire jar, or bottle, or container of something in two days so there's nothing left for anything else. I honestly don't even know what the hell it was all used on. I think I'll be investing in that big container for 11 bucks. But, it should be good anyway.
"Thinking of the last time
I saw you smiling
Get it off my chest
I know it’s been a while
And I could use a little facetime
The face to face kind"
'We'll have to corrupt you.'
That doesn't seem like it would be a particularly productive pastime. I'm not sure that not indulging in vices makes me particularly 'naive and angelic', particularly since the main reason for that was the extreme depression I went through during my late teens and early twenties. But at this point in my life I think I've matured to the point where it doesn't particularly pique my interest. Now I'm just happy to exist. And I can think of far more interesting activities I would rather be doing.
Why am I going down this route a 3rd time?
Is it going to the same old place ?
Thinking that I'm living in crazy houses. Both family members' homes I stay at are so utterly dysfunctional & a psychologist's dream to try to analyze.
I'm figuring out that my stepdad has Muchausen's syndrome....it had to be it. For the 5-6 yrs I've known him he fakes sick, fakes the stuff noise voice, rushes to his family doctor EVERY time my mom has a day off work & wants to hang out with me. Then feels better the next day or two depending when I leave to stay at my grandparents' home. He has always done this....AND IS doing this right now. He treats my mom like his mom, who passed away yrs ago, not like a wife. Competes over my mom's attention with me like a teenaged sibling. So goddamn strange for a 54 yr old man. He's already diagnosed w OCD last yr.
...But I'm the one who needs medication whenever I'm vocal about this to my mom? So the person who can see what the truth REALLY is about my family all these yrs should be the one medicated....hmmm
It doesn't matter how successful you are professionally or personally, no one is immune from Cancer. The nasty ******.
I would like to start again. I mean, I have been this whole duration of, I guess, taking a break. But jumping back into it, actually putting more time into it would be great. Because it's not for lack of thought. Just lack of motivation and a real desire.

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