What are you thinking right now?

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discolemonade said:
Looooove Anne of green gables!

I read those books over and over when I was young.

We're watching the 3rd movie now. Yay! It's nice to have daughters who will indulge their mom in total girlie movies. They're not quite old enough to have an appreciation for Jane Austen but I am working on them. heh
OOOOOh my god so full


and really!? my identity has been challenged, apparently my roomate thought I was a blonde all this time,

it's hard to explain this feeling

but aww man really,

x force is replacing x 23 with psychlocke!!!


so they want to take the comic book in a new direction



....... ya I think that has to be my nerdest rant here,

but dude come on seriously x 23 could kick psychlockes ass, no dude, what's wrong with you guys seriously, got tired of your comic book being too awesome!!??

come on

but on a positive less nerdy note,

I got a B on my essay

...now back to my reading *sighs*

I got a quiz and two exams this week waahh D;

yep reading my textbook on a saturday night,

yep I sure am living the glamorous life of college

I am sooo happy today!! My art showing went SUPER WELL!! I sold 8/8 pieces and got 5 orders for commissioned pieces.....YIppY-Skippy do-dah!! I may do a happy dance in the shower!! Need more coffee for that though! :D

I'm also staying logged in! The fates are shining well on me today! :)
Yay! I'm happy for you Nina! *hugs* :D

What am I thinking...hmm! Many things!
Nina said:
I am sooo happy today!! My art showing went SUPER WELL!! I sold 8/8 pieces and got 5 orders for commissioned pieces.....YIppY-Skippy do-dah!! I may do a happy dance in the shower!! Need more coffee for that though! :D

I'm also staying logged in! The fates are shining well on me today! :)

Yay! I'm very happy for you :D:D:D:D.

Edit: I'd really like to see your art, post pictures?! :D

I'm thinking today sucks

and i hate this feeling. go away feelings.
Sean said:
Edit: I'd really like to see your art, post pictures?! :D

I second this.

Sean said:
I'm thinking today sucks

:( I'm sorry.

Chicken stuffed with aromatics in the oven, roasting. The house will smell irresistibly of roasted chicken, lemon, thyme and rosemary in about an hour and a half.


this thing called life..
do i even deserve to be happy or should i just go out of my way to sutdy/work and help everyone around me, to suffer if necessary till i die?
will probably open a thread about it some time later.
Matej said:
this thing called life..
do i even deserve to be happy or should i just go out of my way to sutdy/work and help everyone around me, to suffer if necessary till i die?
will probably open a thread about it some time later.

Everyone deserves to be happy. If helping people doesn't make you feel good, honestly, live for yourself because no one else will. Here for ya :)
mm definatly what discolemonade said

and man I make a bitchen grilled cheese sandwhich yum

but I don't want to study anymore );

((((sean))))) itll get better :(


I am thinking, "that was really effed up. I cant believe that doesnt hurt"
Why do I torture myself? Why do I watch things that I know will make me cry? It's not as though I lack any impetus for tears in my own life... wtf?

Good God.
cheaptrickfan said:
Why do I torture myself? Why do I watch things that I know will make me cry? It's not as though I lack any impetus for tears in my own life... wtf?

Good God.

Is your period due soon?

My period has been making my hormones go woo woo this month, and thus my emotions are more erratic & my behavior a bit off. :/

I hate it. -_-
"if you feel, you're alive. if you don't you're not" - or something like that.. one of the quotes from the tv series Life On Mars.. just watched it over the last week and it was a pretty fun ride. i'm glad that there are still people out there that put effort into the art form that is television... you can always tell when a script is not insulting your intelligence, giving good actors the chance to pull off 'character' and there is evident passion and love in stylistic content..

good art sneaks into free-to-air-television.

love it when that happens.

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