What are you thinking right now?

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No I'm not going to kill myself or cut myself or throw myself in front of a car so fresia off. fresia right the fresia off. I'm too much of a goddamn motherfucking badass to do that. So fresia off. fresia right off. You'll never make me do it because I'm too strong for that. I WILL NOT. So there.
HOw many times must you prove that you only see me as a friend before i begin to believe it? </3 :(

I could cry.

Rage is not the answer, Rage is not the answer, Rage is not the answer, Rage is not the answer, Rage is not the answer, Rage is not the answer, Rage is not the answer, Rage is not the answer,.........
^ I'm here now lol.

Oh and fresia you (my brain). I'm not sleepy, and I don't have any intention on going to sleep. I got three months left before school, I'm going to stay the fresia up all night again. :)
Should i wash this off now ? Or keep it on a bit longer ? It's irritating...and i really don't want to bathe Echo. Ugh.
WoW, thats a lot of pages. What are you thinking? What are you feeling? "It doesn't have to be like this, as long as we keep talking."

scared shitless, scarred for life, utterly amazed, completely flabberghasted, and intensely passionate

...I just realized Phaedron is very similar to Phaedra

and now I kepp imagining that I'm on an acid trip

there is a huge energy, if you close your eyes and quiet your mind it just might hit you like a ton of bricks. If that happens, it is very important that you write down the impression you get.

And I am haunted by a song: (and lately my dog has been growling at nothing)


Ak5 said:
Oh and fresia you (my brain). I'm not sleepy, and I don't have any intention on going to sleep. I got three months left before school, I'm going to stay the fresia up all night again. :)

Still awake! :rolleyes:

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