What is a good thing to cure boredom?

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2011
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I'm just wondering what some things I can do to be less bored, i'm getting more and more bored, more and more easily, more often, noone wants to hang out with me anymore and there is nothing to do, everything is beginning to feel so pointless lately :(
I was never bored throughout my life, I always knew how to occupy myself. But this year boredness (combined with some loneliness) is getting me.

The best advise is: to get a more active life. But if you for whatever reason can't do that right now. Then to get some hobbies, occupy your mind.
I just started watching one tv series (from the 80s) today and it really helps.

So my advise would be: find something you're passionate about & and occupy yourself with that thing. Or better yet: get a more active life.
Join a class. Its the best way to improve your life, as you're meeting new people and learning new skills as well. Something like a language class, or a dance class, basically something that involves you interacting with other people. Naturally anything you join will have people with similar interests, which is what leads you all to the same class, and it measn you dont need to struggle for conversation... the shared interest IS the conversation.
I don't really have that many interests, and there isn't anything like that near where i live, I have trouble getting passionate about things, whenever i have in the past i have only been ridiculed about it, I don't really have that many skills of note, The only thing I can think of is I can do some slightly advanced origami, and Sometimes I am amazing at pool, but thats all i really know of, neither are things i can do for a long time.
There are no sports clubs/teams? No health centres? Nothing like that near you? Get passionate about something, and dont worry when people ridicule you, its just their jealousy and them trying to hold you down so they can feel better about themselves. Its your life, everyone else is just tagging along on your journey
I'm no good at any sports though, the only ones near me are football(soccer) and rugby, both of which are sports i have no interest in, about centres and stuff i don't think there are any near but i think i'll check that out, so thanks, for the suggestion.
Well, find a reason to live. Boredom is something that goes away as soon as you decide what you want to do in life. In my case, I read up on journalism to prep myself for becoming a music journalist. You're not alive until you've found something to chase when not urged anything by anyone.
i agree with Pheenix.

you should find out what your real interests are, and then pursue them. i found out four years ago that i really enjoy working out, so now, there isn't a day that goes by when i'm not pumpin iron in the gym.

you should give it a try!
Yeah, I'm serious.
Messages like those always get taken with a grain of salt, but it's true, think about it. What else to use your time on than the one thing that brings you the most happiness?
Some of my interests are architecture and studying buddhism and reiki healing, I've only looked up stuff on the internet about these though.
If you wanna chase them, which requires some prior meditation, you should find the systematically best way to learn them and do so, which is usually through books instead of websites.
My cousin taught me some basic things for buddhism, hes been a buddhist for years now, and I haven't been able to look too much into architecture though i haven't really tried yet.
Video games get boring after a while, unless played other people, don't have anyone to play with though.

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