What is wrong with me?

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
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I'm 23. For the better part of my life by now, I've been engaged in intense periods of self-hate and hopelessness. Suicidal thoughts are not uncommon - I actually survived almost a year of essentially suicidal behavior. I often wonder what is wrong with me, and simultaneous find myself bereft of answers while overfilling with possibilities. So, if you would be as kind, skim over my rant and tell me what is it?

For starters, I have been intensely sociophobic. My parents felt that it was safest for me to be kept alone from the outside world until I was 16, when I applied and entered college at an early age. While I proved to be a good student, my ability to interact with other human beings was essentially nil: like a poster child for sociophobia, if forced into human interaction - I would actually feel a sense of paralysis, coupled with unreasonable fear and an overwhelming desire to flee.

I was fortunate in being an exemplary student, as many of my professors enjoyed someone who paid that much attention to their work and in a sense, began the first inchings of overcoming my disability there. Over time and with excrutiating effort with this phobia, I managed to make two friends in my senior year of college. When I graduated from college, however, both drifted away from me.

I like to think that now, I'm shy but not sociophobic. Being near another stranger still makes me uncomfortable, but it no longer drives me to cold sweat oraan impulse to flee. I've actually forced myself to engage others in conversation, and I honestly love learning about other people. I always feel that I'm being an annoyance, however, and somehow offending the other person by my presence.

I've even managed to be in quite a few close friendships - but here comes the second part of where I seem to falter.

I've often said that I don't know how to make someone else happy. Perhaps its not right that someone like me, with my flaws, should desire a romantic relationship with a woman - but I do. I've tried to suppress it consciously, but subconsciously it remains a very powerfu drive. And here's the thing: while I have had rather little difficulty in having female friends, even close friends, in EVERY single case, I have been rejected when I tried to pursue something more romantic.

At this point, it has been the tenth time. Ten close friendships, ten attempts to try to have someone see something more in me, ten times that I have had my heart stamped on the floor. Quite often, they wish to maintain the friendship, and I do so, and pretend to understand that I've been rejected and accept that its all right. But it isn't. Rejection feels like a rejection of my validity, and every time I speak with her afterward is a reminder that, she too, also doesn't think that I'm worth it.

So thus, the self-hate. I /want/ to be good enough so that I can be loved. I am nothing if not striving, and I've tried to change myself so that I'm less emotional, more logical, more positive, or whatever is the appropriate catchword of the day. I've put in effort, constantly, to improve myself because I'm apparently not good enough.

I've been working out constantly and I know that I've always been fit, but I can't help but wonder if ultimately its just my appearance and that I'm too ugly to be loved. I've always been a noble person, and the more that I've been hurt, the more sympathetic that I've become and the more understanding I have been of others. I've always tried to be a good person.

At the moment, I feel that everything I do, think or feel is wrong. Wanting to love someone is wrong, wanting someone to find me attractive is wrong, wanting to complain about life is wrong. Letting myself feel infatuated is wrong, letting myself feel down is wrong, letting myself lose control of my emotions is wrong. I must be a stronger person, I must be a better person, and I must be a happier person.

But it all collapses.

Deep down inside, I'm just a child unhappy not only that I'm still a virgin(I've been offered pity sex twice and turned it down twice since I don't want to make someone else suffer me), but desperately hurt that nothing that I have done can make myself worthwhile. To think that my touch is an abomination while so desperately hoping to make someone happy hurts, and to realize that everytime that I reveal my soul to someone I care about, she'll immediately edge away hurts. Its like I can't trust. I'm so sorry that I exist in this world and my desire for suicide is often connected to that. Not as much self-pity as it is a desire to correct the obvious mistake in my presence, and to allow for a happier world where I don't have to be here to bother people.

I don't know what's wrong with me. Please help. I just want to improve.
IgnoredOne said:
I often wonder what is wrong with me, and simultaneous find myself bereft of answers while overfilling with possibilities. So, if you would be as kind, skim over my rant and tell me what is it?

The thing that's wrong with you is that you think there's something wrong with you! How would you rate your self-esteem? From reading this post I'd say it's rather on the low side. A lot of the thought patterns you described are similar to some of my own, which also makes me think your main "problem" is self esteem. How does one improve self esteem? God, I don't know... if I did I probably wouldn't be here. Sorry that was so unhelpful... maybe someone else here can elaborate a bit.

About the romance part... When you first befriend a girl, do you do so with the intention/hope of taking it further? If I become friends with a guy, the idea of becoming more makes me rather ill. He's too much like a brother to me, and I already have my mind made up about him. If things start out more flirty however, I'd be more likely to consider dating him.

I did read your whole post, but I'm in a terrible mood and so aren't able to be very helpful.

I will welcome you to the forum though. :)
Nothing's wrong with you.

I don't feel I can give advice as I don't exceed you either academically or socially, but I think you should stop pushing things- did you make friends with those 10 girls with a romantic relationship in mind? Because that's probably not the best way to go about it. Go with the flow, try and make as many friends as possible (JUST friends) and if something clicks, it clicks- if it doesn't, keep trying. You don't seem all that undesirable to me. :)

You're not doing anything wrong- you're being a human. There's nothing wrong with that, we can't help it.
I think it has something to do with a low self esteem. At age of 16 I was like that. But eventually outgrew it.
You probably will get rid of it also but little later.
Sounds like you have a similiar problem as me and thats just lack of experience when it comes to social things. I know thats my big thing as I spent all my life alone and I have some of the same problems as you. So think back if you spent all that time becoming a great student and are good at learning scholastically but didnt have the people when you were younger its like something was cut out of your life. So you have to learn it as an adult and when we grow up we just dont like learning and experiencing new things as much. Its like the world takes it away from us at some point and we just dont realize when.
You don't need to make anyone happy, if you want to that's fine, but especially when you are unhappy yourself.

I think you're being too nice to girls, they just end up seeing you as a friend, once you're there you can't get out of being friends. Basically it's like... you befriend the girl to make her like you...that's what you are doing wrong..

I think the best way you can learn and understand your errors with girls is to hang about with guys who have this area in there life handled, if you can hang about with the guys who have no problem here, you'll notice their behaviours and how they act.

Just remember two things, you've improved alot since 16 but now is the time to make quicker improvements and you don't have to be a gardenia to make a girl like you.
When I'm too nice to girls they think I'm weak and try to take advantage. When I ignore them or be less nice they walk away and think I'm a jerk. What a waste of time and energy. With the amount of time I spent on girls, I could have invented a cure for cancer by now.
Thanks. It means a lot to have support.

I do have very low self-esteem, and often feel that it is my fault as I can't handily say that anyone bullied me growing up. I can say that I recieved no love whatsoever from my parents, who are and remain very disappointed with me for not being as entirely successful as I could have been(my brother at my age already runs his own company). The fact that my mother routinely insults me and tells me that I'm gay because of my evident inability to find a girlfriend.

Being 23, of course, I can't fault her for her frustration and I can't say that I appreciate it myself. And yes, I can attest to being too nice and ending up in the friends list. It really irritates me to no end, since it seems so illogical - its makes more sense to date unknown guys than to date someone who is clearly capable of relating to you? Doesn't seem to compute.

And no, I didn't make friends with the express intention of starting a romantic relationship. Usually someone grows on me after becoming a friend and I start feeling for her; I would find the idea of dating someone I didn't know well to be incredibly odd and uncomfortable. I couldn't say, for example, that I would feel anything for a random soul, no matter how pretty the face. I would much prefer to know her personality within.

Presence, I think I'll try out what you said. There's a lot of truth that you become the people that you hang out with, and I'll definitely see if I can hang out a bit more with my guy friends who seem to be doing well there. I must admit that I have a hard time resisting the urge to blame my appearance(I'm Asian,and loathe the every day that I look into the mirror), but I have to try.

Thanks for the advice from everyone. Its difficult not to end up with self-hate and low esteem in the face of constant and consistent rejection, but I'll do my best.
Lol.. be what makes you comfortable.. till you find someone that likes that

lonelyloser said:
When I'm too nice to girls they think I'm weak and try to take advantage. When I ignore them or be less nice they walk away and think I'm a jerk. What a waste of time and energy. With the amount of time I spent on girls, I could have invented a cure for cancer by now.
IgnoredOne said:
I do have very low self-esteem, and often feel that it is my fault as I can't handily say that anyone bullied me growing up. I can say that I recieved no love whatsoever from my parents, who are and remain very disappointed with me for not being as entirely successful as I could have been(my brother at my age already runs his own company). The fact that my mother routinely insults me and tells me that I'm gay because of my evident inability to find a girlfriend.
don't blame yourself you're only puting yourself down. Its all their falt.

omg...how could she do that...
when I was growing up same honeysuckle happened to me. My aunt used
to say that I did everything wrong and looked wrong she always tried to fix my hair, brushed it so hard that my head hurt. I moved away from her and my I actually can breath. You need to get away for a little while.
IgnoredOne said:
Thanks. I'm working toward that now.

Its easier said than done >.<
ye, hard to break through....brick wall
but anyway, I guess it can be a solution.
good luck.

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