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Nyktimos said:
The only problem with letting someone like this in, if you're not sure you're into them, is if he has an emotional need for this long term relationship, telling him 'one step at a time,' in his mind, is saying 'we're definitely on, we just have to play a bit of a game first.'
Before long it'll be 'I've waited like you wanted, so what's going on?' 'I never said is was definite.' 'But you led me to believe.' You know what I mean.

Yeah, you've pretty much nailed it.
All I know is...I know when a woman is in love.
There's a sparkle in her eyes.
There's a glow or aura that surrounds her.
The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she smiles and the way she carries herself.
She jumps out of bed every morning with a zest for life.
She sings, she dances, she express herself without worries or a care in the world.
Everything about her radiates with love, joy and light.
Her presence lights up a room. The bird and flowers seems to sing along with her.
She gets dizzy walking a straight line becuase her kundalini is awaken and came to life:p
Lonesome Crow said:
All I know is...I know when a woman is in love.
There's a sparkle in her eyes.
There's a glow or aura that surrounds her.
The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she smiles and the way she carries herself.
She jumps out of bed every morning with a zest for life.
She sings, she dances, she express herself without worries or a care in the world.
Everything about her radiates with love, joy and light.
Her presence lights up a room. The bird and flowers seems to sing along with her.
She gets dizzy walking a straight line becuase her kundalini is awaken and came to life:p

I was so into that, until the last line cracked me up.:D

I think cheaptrickfan's always got that sparkle in her eyes. The rest she'll have to comment on herself.
Lonesome Crow said:
She gets dizzy walking a straight line becuase her kundalini is awaken and came to life:p

You just had to go there, didn't you? lol

Who doesn't love it when the kundalini has been awakened?

"When kundalini is struck, she awakens, uncoils and begin to rise upwards like a fiery serpent, breaking upon each chakra as she ascends, until the Shakti merges with Shiva in sahasrara chakra.

As kundalini reaches each chakra, that lotus opens and lift its flower; and as soon as she leaves for a higher chakra, the lotus closes its petals and hangs down, symbolizing the activation of the energies of the chakra and their assimilation to kundalini."

That's just hot.

Nyktimos said:
Lonesome Crow said:
All I know is...I know when a woman is in love.
There's a sparkle in her eyes.
There's a glow or aura that surrounds her.
The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she smiles and the way she carries herself.
She jumps out of bed every morning with a zest for life.
She sings, she dances, she express herself without worries or a care in the world.
Everything about her radiates with love, joy and light.
Her presence lights up a room. The bird and flowers seems to sing along with her.
She gets dizzy walking a straight line becuase her kundalini is awaken and came to life:p

I was so into that, until the last line cracked me up.:D

I think cheaptrickfan's always got that sparkle in her eyes. The rest she'll have to comment on herself.

I never kiss and tell about my chakras. ;-)
Nyktimos said:
Caranna said:
Hi Cheaptrickfan:
Although the guy is coming on strong, it seems he really likes you and is into you. You've known him a couple of years, so you know him pretty well. You describe it as on-again-off-again. What were the reasons for the "off-agains"? Maybe you're just a little scared. It's hard to trust when you've been lied to and heartbroken in the past (I personally know all about that!). Maybe you could give him a chance and see him exclusively. Invite him over (when the children aren't home). Give him a glimpse of your home life. Just tell him it's one day at a time and you're not applying for the marriage license just yet. If it goes well, then in time you can introduce your daughters to him. I say give it a chance to see if love blossoms out of it. It sounds like he is crazy about you. Give it a shot and see how it goes.

I have to laugh - you said "no more guitarists" I say no more police!

The only problem with letting someone like this in, if you're not sure you're into them, is if he has an emotional need for this long term relationship, telling him 'one step at a time,' in his mind, is saying 'we're definitely on, we just have to play a bit of a game first.'
Before long it'll be 'I've waited like you wanted, so what's going on?' 'I never said is was definite.' 'But you led me to believe.' You know what I mean.
The only woman I ever really loved used to tell me I was always reading too much into what she said. She was right; I needed her to be something she wasn't because I was in love with her. All that mattered was what I needed her to be, and what I wanted from her. I couldn't just focus on what made me in love with her, which was a lot and should have been enough. I feel dreadful about it.

Yeah, I didn't think that he could have an emotional need to be in a relationship, just to be in one - definitely unhealthy. I know there are people like that. Or...it could be that he believes he found "the one" in her. But she did say that she likes him alot and that there's chemistry...

Sorry that you're feeling terrible about your (former?) relationship. Breakups can be awfully painful.
Caranna said:
But she did say that she likes him alot and that there's chemistry...

Yes and yes, which is why I'm leery of saying no.

If he can respect my wishes on going slower, then I think we're onto something.
cheaptrickfan said:
If he can respect my wishes on going slower, then I think we're onto something.

yeah...yeah, in the mean time he can do some reserch and developments
on lotus, flowers, firery serpant, chakra, kamasutra and stuff like that:D
Lonesome Crow said:
cheaptrickfan said:
If he can respect my wishes on going slower, then I think we're onto something.

yeah...yeah, in the mean time he can do some reserch and developments
on lotus, flowers, firery serpant, chakra, kamasutra and stuff like that:D

There's a lot to love about tantric love. lol
Chakras, Solipsist, Tantra... I think I'm turned on. I know there's a few people who know what tantra is these days, but I'm thinking less so about Chakras and Solipsism (sp?). I think you've got a quite developed personality don't you? How I wish there were more women like this and less of the gossip magazine/ reality tv show types.
Jesse said:
Chakras, Solipsist, Tantra... I think I'm turned on. I know there's a few people who know what tantra is these days, but I'm thinking less so about Chakras and Solipsism (sp?). I think you've got a quite developed personality don't you? How I wish there were more women like this and less of the gossip magazine/ reality tv show types.

Second that!
Jesse said:
I think you've got a quite developed personality don't you?

Well, I've traveled a great deal and read a lot. I try to wring as much experience out of life as I can... or I used to anyway. I've always got a stack of books nearby no matter what.

Jesse said:
How I wish there were more women like this and less of the gossip magazine/ reality tv show types.

Thank you; that's quite a compliment. I wish there were more who men felt the same way. I've seen a lot of men in my time make a beeline straight for the overly made-up airheads in short skirts and skip past the overlooked girl in glasses in the corner.

Nyktimos said:
Jesse said:
Chakras, Solipsist, Tantra... I think I'm turned on. I know there's a few people who know what tantra is these days, but I'm thinking less so about Chakras and Solipsism (sp?). I think you've got a quite developed personality don't you? How I wish there were more women like this and less of the gossip magazine/ reality tv show types.

Second that!


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