Whats the point of being nice? U like getting used and drained?

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I hear you OP. But I do believe that being nice reaps far greater rewards then being otherwise.

Being nice works. People will take advantage of you from time to time. But you will learn from these experiences and become stronger. In enough time, you will be strong minded, happy and no one will be able to bring you down.
bulmabriefs144 said:
Goodmorningamerica said:
I'm always appearing friendly on the outside but on the inside I'm monitoring any possible people who might see that as a weakness. Just because someone is being nice to you doesn't meant that they are nice. It can be easy to think so two-dimensionally about things when you're lonely and more vunerable because you desperately want to believe that people are really being nice to you.

Yes. Which is why rather than being bitter, you should be happy being used. The best revenge against such people is letting them brag about how "he's so stupid, he lets me walk all over him" walking in, and being like, do you want some tea with that embarrassment? And continuing to do so even though they know you know you're being used. Their smugness turns to being creeped out, and they either drop the abuse or find a convenient exit strategy.

I know. For three years of my life I let people horribly use me just so that I could be seen with a 'cool group' by my other peers.

Now I've really grown up and learned how to take control of conversations and be assertive in general. People at least respect me now because even though I'm indifferent, I am still confident in my posture, voice and appearence. Hence my strategy works. :D
Im nice and sincere and empathetic but I also have no problem turning to blunt, brutally honest, and rather critical, but for the most part Id be known only as nice

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