Which Forum Types Would You Say Have The Most Trouble With "Trolling"?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
Hi Everyone.:)

There are so many different types of forums out there. Each have troubles with "Trolling". In my opinion, gaming forums seem to have to most "Trolls"
What type of forum would you say has the most, and why?
I was say fanfiction ones. Because they all have a different opinion about how the story should go, who should/shouldn't be in it, plus I see it all the time on them.
In a lot of gaming forums, if another member thinks that your taste in games sucks, it gives them the open door to make it very clear just how bad your taste is, and troll you for it.
Fanfiction readers get irate if the "pairing" of the 2 people isn't to their liking. It's insanity!
I can't recall the particular forum name, but it was a sports
forum. I've never seen so much arguing and trolling outside of some gaming ones. Sports fans argue so much it's unreal. lol
Basically any site where tastes and personal matters are involved. It makes for an environment where the swines can easily target others with their insults.
Websites that are for dating/meeting people with a forum. The two I know of... are soooo bad. lol. I stay far away from the forum.
I agree with gaming communities. I was going to say it but you beat me to it. And you thought the misogyny here was bad...
Atheist forums.

If you are a Christian, and go on one of them....

Heaven help you.
Trolling doesen't mean insulting someone , it may seem like that nowadays because kids adopted the concept of trolling as insulting others.
Trolling in short means exploiting someones weeknes like intentionally spelling something wrong to a grammar nazi or say a fact wrong and see how people consume theirselvs trying to explain otherwise or say something that will make people argue with eachother.
An example "Jesus died for your sins, so if you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing." put this in a christian forum or any kind of forum and enjoy the shitstorm.
"Pokerface? more like "Poke his face" get it? cuz Lady Gaga's a dude" again put this anywere and youll have lady gaga fans all over you going nuts over what you said.
Its all about hitting that nerve , trolls survive on our frustration and tears kids , dont feed them.
Trolling is at its finnest in gaming forums and forums that invented trolling like 4chan.
Game forums are horrible for trolls, I stay away from them. Hoffy's right about fanfiction, I've seen people get their panties in a twist over someone else story, which is dumb cause it's that persons story, it's essentially their universe. I've had a few comments about some characters seeming out of character a few times. Whatever. LOL There is a comic book site that I rarely post on now because of the trolls. There are so many and half of them are staff. Those are really bad too, so many idiot fanboys.
Most football club forums.. to quote a wise jedi "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

Its not a discussion board as such, you express an opinion and if someone disagrees they will reply with "F**k of you thick c**t" and probably accuse you of being a troll from an opposing team's fan site. Just a lot of magnificent internet warriors basically.
SophiaGrace said:
I used to belong to a green lantern forum but I never posted very much.
I'm running the risk of sounding like a complete jackass, but it wouldn't be the first time. There is an entire forum out there devoted to a comic book character?

LoneKiller said:
SophiaGrace said:
I used to belong to a green lantern forum but I never posted very much.
I'm running the risk of sounding like a complete jackass, but it wouldn't be the first time. There is an entire forum out there devoted to a comic book character?

Green Lantern is more of like...a universe. There is the main character Hal Jordan but then there are 3 other Earth Green Lanterns. Everyone has their favorite Green Lanterns from earth. Then there's the Green Lantern Corps which is comprised of hundreds of green lanterns that patrol different sectors of space. Each sector usually has 2 green lanterns working in a partnership. Then there are different units within the Green Lantern corps, such as the Green Lantern Honor Guard. The green lanterns have a home-planet called Oa. Also there are different colored Lantern corps spread out over space such as pink, purple, blue, orange, red, white and black.

Each color represents a feeling. Green represents willpower, Blue represents hope, Pink represents Love, Red represents Rage, Orange - Avarice, Black - Death, White - Life (and white is from which all the other colors except death come from), Purple represents compassion. Each corps has beings from across the universe that embody these qualities and are able to wield the rings.

It's a lot more complicated than one character, heh.
There are several fan sites out there devoted to a character or characters. I belong to...I think 9 G.I.Joe fansites, there are many, many more. I only post on 3 with any regularity.

No wait make that 10.
Sci-Fi said:
Game forums are horrible for trolls, I stay away from them. Hoffy's right about fanfiction, I've seen people get their panties in a twist over someone else story, which is dumb cause it's that persons story, it's essentially their universe. I've had a few comments about some characters seeming out of character a few times. Whatever. LOL There is a comic book site that I rarely post on now because of the trolls. There are so many and half of them are staff. Those are really bad too, so many idiot fanboys.
Yeah, members on those forums like to play games with each other's minds.

Poguesy said:
This is the only forum i've wandered on in years.

As for this trolling......
Where did you find that gif of Sci-Fi Poguesy?

SophiaGrace said:
Atheist forums.

If you are a Christian, and go on one of them....

Heaven help you.
I'm going to go to one right this instant, register, and
act like I'm Jesus Christ Himself just to see the response I get. I will then return here and show you all the results just for kicks. I'm going to create a username called "Hezekiah".

I trolled someone in the book thread the other day.

We were trying to decide on which book to read and i suggested Twilight just to get the angry reaction from people. :p
Wait a minute. There are some Atheists on this forum, isn't there? It just occurred to me that my little stunt would be disrespectful to those on this forum who have the right to believe what they wish without me making fun of it. Sorry guys. Please ignore my last post.

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