White middle-aged men

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Well known loser
Jul 26, 2011
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New Zealand
In my opinion this is the most detested group in society in the last 20-30 years. Single, white, middle-aged men.

What are the first thought associations that occur with this group;

Inadequate. Loser. Frustrated. Angry.

Potentially dangerous. Potential rapist, stalker, pedo; Having been unable to satisfy his desires through healthy avenues, they manifest themselves in ugly perverted ways.

No culture, no identity.

No soul.

Those are the perceptions, are they not?

Since I'm going to be one in the not-to-distant future, I'd just like a heads up from some of you out there; how do you deal with the negativity? Or am I dreaming it up, exaggerating?
The solution to this is to start smoking or to buy a smartphone!

As white males we are obviously the most privileged in society. The only way we could possibly be single with all of this privilege is if there is something terribly wrong with us. :rolleyes:
Sorry...I don't buy into the "men who are white/single/middle-aged must all be pervs.
Neither do I subcribe to the theory that being a perv can be blamed on being white, single and middle-aged.
:cool: Pervs come on all genders, races and ages. lol
Oooh? XD Was there something you wanted to share with us Eve? :D
kamya said:
The only way we could possibly be single with all of this privilege is if there is something terribly wrong with us. :rolleyes:

ha yes, because we have everything handed to us we've got to be that much more of a loser
Wow....I'm not sure this dignifies a response but I will give my two cents anyway - try walking in the shoes of someone of another race in mostly "white" countries and then tell me how "detested" you are.
EveWasFramed said:
Neither do I subcribe to the theory that being a perv can be blamed on being white, single and middle-aged.

Common... society views lonely men as more inclined to certain types of perverse predatory behaviours, beginning with stalking.
I'm not condoning it as some excuse, there is no excuse, but there's still a wariness around the male reject we have to deal with.
EveWasFramed said:
Sorry...I don't buy into the "men who are white/single/middle-aged must all be pervs.
Neither do I subcribe to the theory that being a perv can be blamed on being white, single and middle-aged.
:cool: Pervs come on all genders, races and ages. lol

Agree with Eve here.
This sounds like another one of those generalisations...
Where's the evidence to support these claims??? Without it, I can't believe this

Besides...white men are cute :D
This is one of the stupidest threads I've ever seen posted here.

FYI- mid-forties white guy with no race, age, or gender prejudices and wondering where the f**k you came up your asinine "observations".....
The same thing happened on an Air New Zealand flight.

WildernessWildChild said:
This is one of the stupidest threads I've ever seen posted here.

FYI- mid-forties white guy with no race, age, or gender prejudices and wondering where the f**k you came up your asinine "observations".....

Over the top generalizing... sure. It's obvious you take it personally. Otherwise why comment if it's that idiotic.
ghbarnaby2 said:
try walking in the shoes of someone of another race in america and then tell me how "detested" you are.

I would offer you the same advice. You're making as many assumptions as OP. Is it too much to think that people may have some negative generalizations about another group despite that group's supposed privelege.
rdor said:
The same thing happened on an Air New Zealand flight.

WildernessWildChild said:
This is one of the stupidest threads I've ever seen posted here.

FYI- mid-forties white guy with no race, age, or gender prejudices and wondering where the f**k you came up your asinine "observations".....

Over the top generalizing... sure. It's obvious you take it personally. Otherwise why comment if it's that idiotic.

That's a comeback? It's just as lame as the topic...

Limlim said:

The article didn't indicate a Caucasian middle aged guy- it indicated a 33 year old male fireman. I don't really have an issue with the airlines rule as its a safety concern that was based on customer feedback.
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