Why is it that....

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Apr 10, 2009
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Whenever I see a couple when I'm out of my house, or a picture of a couple on certain forums...I get that depressing feeling?...

Whenever I see couples enjoying themselves, going out, hugging each other..every time I see it, I just find myself crawling into my bed, covering myself with my bed sheets, and waiting for that new day..when I feel refreshed and completely forgetting what I just saw..

I can't explain it.....
I'm just worried that I may have problems. :p
there's nothing wrong with that,

it sucks to feel that way, but its a pretty natural cognitive response

especially after my friends ditched me i would get so mad at those annoying motherf*ckering groups of people that would just hang out and talk really loud even though they were in the library

it's a pretty lonely feeling looking in from the outside of something you wish to be included in but you can't

try no to dwell on it too much, even though i know it's hard,

if you see something like that or a couple don't pay it anymore heed than you would a telephone poll, walk on by and try to find something to take your mind off it


You need to get out more often and watch couples fight in public.

Actaully after a good argument with your partner...usually behind close doors.

I usually crawl in bed for a couple of days...with this endless thought on my mind.
"fucken *****..fucken *****..fucken *****..stfu..stfu...stfu.. stfu..." :p

If ..and if i do get out of bed...I 'll usually call a freind and tell them this...
"hello ?...you're my friend right ?"
"The next time you see me please fucken kill me and put me out of my misery..becuase I just love her so
fucken much "
I don't know that it is too unusual. It can be an unwanted reminder of other time or of something that is felt to be missing.
Minus said:
I don't know that it is too unusual. It can be an unwanted reminder of other time or of something that is felt to be missing.
It is usuall for loners actually.


to The Forgotten Boy

Thats just because you are lonely, when you'll find someone everything will change.
I have felt the same in the past, but nowdays it doesn't worry me. I made a decision a good while ago that relationships and love aren't for me, I have been in a few relationships in my life and they never worked out and I always ended up miserable and depressed and lonely when they finished. I now enjoy being single and that's how I'm going to stay.
First an foremost, the advice on not dwelling on it is very good advice.

and I know i'm only new here....but 2 cents worth

However, If you want to try to explain it, I'd say theres a good logic to why you don't like the relationships, if the whole 'there's an explination for most things' is taken into account
(warning: tangent. taking into account unexplainable things like the meaning of life; if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? and why ducks make a quacking sound when they could moo)

essentially, what i'm trying to ask is could you isolate what it is about people with relationships that make you feel this way.

It could be due to a number of reasons; say you've been hurt before in a relationship, or the possibility is there of temporarily depressed feelings and wanting to feel better and this couple appears (extrenally) to have that (a natural reaction to a bad current situation), or any number of other explainations, all of which are usual and natural response to external stimuli.

If you work out what it is thats bothering you, there is a chance you can find a solution to it - for example, and example only, if the reason is wanting happiness yourself than the advice could be patience - you will find somebody who is lucky to have you, to the whole idea of relationships being too toxic to deal with so thus not worrying about them (as indicated by Blue Sky), to it having nothing to do with relationships and thus focusing attention elsewhere.

I offer great apologies if this is not helpful, or too vague. If it is, feel free to whack me with a club --> :club:
also: Having problems is what makes people complex and mysterious. :D :p
It kills me when I see happy couples when I go out
I feel like crying :-/

I'd like to be happy for them but I can't, I just get bitter jelous and angry with the world.
You get depressed because you probably want a companion, that supposedly will give you unconditional love, whatever that means, and if it exists lol.
This is very curious for me, because I have never really cared about getting a boyfriend. I thought it would nice at times, but I don't let it dictate my emotions. I guess I never came across a boy that seems truly interesting or worth any effort.

Anyways, I do know what you mean though...
Sometimes seeing groups of kids my age hanging with their awesome friends and having a grand old, bitchin' time really irritates me, I don't feel depressed, I end up feeling nauseous.
I used to feel the same way you do, but in my life I have seen way too many couples get into fights, stab each other in the back and become very disloyal to each other. So nowadays I do not get depressed when I see a couple happy together in public. I am actually happy for them. Sure I envy them a little, but its not to the point where it makes me depressed or annoyed.

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